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Be sure and vote on this poll []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Since most Christians pay little heed to what the Bible asks of them, it is not a surprise.
NIK KERSHAW "Wouldn't It Be Good" (Live)...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
BOOKER T "Born Under A Bad Sign" (Live)
Over $$$6 Billion $$$ will be spent on political commercials in 2020 according to the WAPO!!! ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
It is a ridiculous system. No country excels in ridiculous systems like the United States. We are are an incredibly wasteful country.
We live in an America where cheating pays off — from the ballpark to the White House - The ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
When you live in a society where winning is everything and the only thing, this is the result. Very sad and we will continue a down ward slide into failure. It is inevitable. All great countries and empires of the past thought they were invincible.
Saw an odd ad for a tee-shirt yesterday, something my brother (Trumper) shared.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Further proof of just how stupid these people really are.
Bat Kitty 🦇🐱🖤
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
What a way too cute kitty. It's a batty cat.
Dark matter and dark energy question.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
I like donuts!
So Angry right now! Seeing all the SNAP cuts on the news.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
I REALLY do hate him.
The Amazing Rhythm Aces never made it to super stardom in the U.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
I saw them once. What a great band. After they broke up l saw Russell Smith, Levon Helm, and the Muscle Shoals All Stars at this old theater in Boulder, Co. Helm did songs fom The Band and Smith did songs from the Aces and they did some stuff together. That was a great show. We used to do the Aces "King Of The Cowboys".
Amie []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
I went to see them at an Austin City Limits taping and there was a problem with the recording, so they did what we all do in that situation and that was a blues jam. Blues jams are the easiest to pull off.They couldn't fix the problem and canceled. We couldn't make the makeup date. Very disappointing. I really liked that band.
Am I being unreasonable?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
It wouldn't bother me. I would probably laugh about it.
Tennessee Lawmaker: No ‘Solid Evidence’ Earth Is 500 Million Years Old | Michael Stone
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
There is "no solid evidence" there is anything more than a vacuous space in between Todd's ears.
For both Christians and Jews, on the back of their stone tablet there appears to be an addendum to ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
I am against the death penalty not because I feel people don't deserve it, because some really do, but since our judicial system is corrupt, inequitable, and about winning and losing not justice, it should be abolished. How many innocent people have been wrongly put death in this country? It is definitely in the hundreds and maybe the thousands. One is too many. If the crime is heinous enough and you have irrefutable proof, keep them in isolation for the rest of their life.
This Island Is Full Of Friendly Wolves And You Can Visit It | Bored Panda
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
That is way cool.
This might have already been posted, but it bears reposting: []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Very clever, very sad, and very true.
There are a number of NewUser(xxxx) accounts with high numbers of referrals, and large related ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Adios, and you were such a joy.
"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office .
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
I have lived in Texas off and on for my entire life, and it is by and large an ignorant redneck state. If it weren't for all of the people moving here from other states for the last 30 years or so, it would just be a giant Alabama. It is changing, but not fast enough.
Do you ever God Damn anything as an atheist?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Fuck is my favorite cuss word, but sometimes Goddamn just works better. When you need to vent this is a Goddamn good place to do it. Smoking weed definitely helped me quit. Stay strong and lick this thing.
Taxes are filed.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Sacrifice is a sign of strength. Stay song.
226 bills target LGBTQ Americans this year. One organization is behind a lot of them. / LGBTQ Nation
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
No one hates with the zeal and fervor of religious people.
Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Medicare for all would not be cheap for the individual. You would need Part B. Medicare only covers 80%, so you need supplemental insurance. Then there is the deductible. If you are a family of four you have to sign up everyone to individual plans and that is going to get real expensive. Why can every modern country on the planet can come up with a national health care system which doesn't fuck the average person except this fucking hillbilly nation? If I didn't have the VA l would be screwed. It amazes me Americans can watch the government spend trillions of dollars on military equipment we don't need and on unnecessary wars, and lose their shit when it comes to spending their money on health care. We are an ignorant country.
A true statement
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
True, and sometimes they are just cold and heartless. It is the same with men. I have known both.
It absolutely amazes me, the contradictions all of us stand on; as if anyone has the right idea for ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
You seem to be looking for a unicorn. Good luck with that. We are not born equal. Half of the people on the planet have double digit IQs, and half with triple digit IQs. Advantage triple digits. Some people are born to be handsome or beautiful, and the rest of us not so much to down right ugly. Advantage handsome and beautiful. Some people are born with great genes and live long mostly healthy lives, and everyone one else is born with one or more of the 400 genetic diseases that exist. Advantage great genes. Life never has been and never will be fair. If it was I could grow bangs. No government can make life fair. They can make life better and some really try, unfortunately our government really doesn't try and never has. Human nature is what it is and no one can change that.
@Admin, thanks for the return of the "angry face" emoji.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
And a thumbs down.
Since most folks here seem to "lean left" I have a question.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
We haven't had the draft since the 70s. I was drafted. It is a horrible idea. Forcing people to fight and die in unjustifiable wars. We haven't been in a justifiable or necessary war since WWll. Completely immoral. Rich people and sons of members of Congress did not get drafted. Terrible idea.
Are people just too busy for relationships?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Time is definitely not a problem for me.
I've been thinking about the higher age group of this site and I think I got it figured out a bit.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Makes sense.
Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Now we need a puke emoji and a thumbs down emoji.
One reason I will be voting blue in November regardless...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Yep! Think how different SCOTUS would look if Clinton was the President and it will get worse if trump wins again. Ginsberg will probably not hold on for four more years.
Socialism vs Demonstrable Corruption and lack of Morals Is the media correct in equating Bernie ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
A large number definitely do.
The only thing worse then men who use money to flirt are the women who go for men who use money to ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Folks do whatever works for them.
It was my unofficial last day at Amazon on Friday and I have to admit I feel more relieved about it.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
New job lined up?
More than 2,000 former DOJ officials call on Attorney General William Barr to resign
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Good bet.
I said “DON’T MESS WITH ME” while I’m going through nicotine withdrawals.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Fuck'em! No one said there wouldn't be casualties along the way. ;)
For what reasons do you believe Trump will loose the upcoming election?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
All Christians do not like trump. That is ridiculous. Registered republicans account for a little over 25% of registered voters. Registered Democrats make up a little over 25% of registered voters. So called independents make up the rest. I have read anywhere from 70 to 110 million eligible voters did not vote in 2016. Most Democrats are self proclaimed Christians as are most Americans. So you think all of the Dems are going to vote for trump. Do you think most Indies including left leaning Indies ( Most Indies are not really Indies. They do lean left or right. They just aren't fanatical about it. ) are going to vote for trump. I think you are way off the mark. It doesn't mean he can't win. It depends on where those votes are located. If it was based on the popular vote, he wouldn't have a chance.
Senate GOP rejects election-security measures (yes, again)
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
They can't win if they don't cheat. Rather than come up with ideas people will support, they cheat. It is that simple.
Hoyt Axton, John Hartford - Yellow Rose of Texas []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
We did a show with Hoyt in Austin years ago. His bus broke down in El Paso and he had to charter a small plane for the band and himself only. They had to use our equipment except for their guitars. They were 30 minutes late so we had to ad a half an hour to our set. They were total pros and did a great show. He hung around late and visited with everyone. A super nice man.
Bernie Sanders DESTROYS Mike Bloomberg: He's "spending billions" to "buy an election" FULL REMARKS -...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I'm not defending Bloomberg, but if you don't have the money, you can't compete. Why do you think so many have dropped out? If Bernie or any of the others had the money to spend they would. The Supreme Court did this and only Congress can fix it and they won't. None of these candidates excite me, but I will happily will vote for whomever gets the nomination. I just want trump gone, period! I know in my heart the Dems will fuck this up.
Just want to let you know that we're tweaking the design of several pages but may be returning ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
You keep eliminating emojis. Why? It will just cut down on responses, which kind of makes the site pointless. It also seems unless you join too many of the 1000 plus groups you don't see very many posts, which makes the site much less interesting than when I joined. Maybe I have been here too long.
Old ad, is this tiger in your tank?🤣😂
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I remember a tiger tail you could have hanging on your gas cap.
@admin How come the new home page does not tell me how many notifications I have?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I don't think they read this stuff very often. Instead of changing stuff willy-nilly, why not ask us first. I get tired of learning the site all over again. Now I know why they removed the angry emoji.
"It's not getting to the end of the day, it is about how to end the day." Hi.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
I know I end my day high. Oh yeah, I start my day high too. I'm not real sure about the middle part of the day. It's kind of a blur.
Let's ask the big question: why is religion a fraud, & why am I not getting laid?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Religion is a fraud because it is a complete lie. Since you are a golden retriever who can use a computer and can write, you should be able to make enough in TV appearances alone to buy all the nookie your little puppy dog heart desires.
When I was younger I thought Madalyn Murray O Hair was the meanest and most evil person in America ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
You nailed it.
What does he have in that bottle, anyway?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Evidently something he doesn't really like.
I’ve always liked this photo because of it’s quirky composition.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
The second one for me.
I just looked at my last post after doing other stuff for awhile and it seems a bit crazy.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Quiting cigarettes is not easy. It took me three tries. I hope you succeed. You will be happy you did.
In my way of thinking of the three Abrahamic religions Christianity is the worse.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
I agree they are the worst by far, as far as I can tell. They have certainly had a huge negative impact on the world for centuries and still do.
Johnny Rivers - Summer Rain []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
How is it possible that Kiss is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Rivers isn't? Unbelievable! How is it possible Kiss is in the Hall period?
Does anyone here prefer a communist government over a capitalist one?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
I prefer a socialist/capitalist system like they have in Canada and most of Europe. Why was that not a choice?
The BBC news, covering storm Dennis, talked about "freak weather".
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
I am afraid you are right.
When life gives you lemons, trade them for coffee! -Anonymous
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Or sour grapes.
I have a serious matter to bring before the Senate.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Not my problem. I blocked him a long time ago and you more recently.
Texas Valentine's Day...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
This is why so many men in Texas can't see their own dicks.
Pick only two now...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
7 and 8...With 7, l can l can do 1.
Is it moving? Don't hurt your eyes now...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Nope, not even a little bit.
I’m so bored, sometimes I hate long weekends, can’t wait for Tuesday and work.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Or you could get laid! It shouldn't be that much of a problem for you.
I've come to the conclusion that trumps supporters WANT to live under authoritarian rule.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Great idea, and when they try to come here, we can put them in cages.
The Truth about Unpresident trump.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
And those are his best assets.
Utah Republicans undo voter-approved Medicaid expansion | MSNBC
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
republicans are just plain old evil.
Linda Ronstadt and Bobby Darin - Long Long Time []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
I did not know he played guitar. I liked him a lot. He died much too young. Ronstadt is as good as it gets.
Loud ‘boom’ heard in Oswego County caused by silo explosion.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Because he is a DICK?
"Why Women Ghost You.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
I will just be me. There is chemistry or there isn't. It is not complicated.
I know I should post these in the Gardening or Orchids group but I simply love these.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Beautiful! I especially love the one in the middle.
"The only thing to stop him is us." Chris Hayes []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
That is a fact.
Dad Agrees
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Evidently not enough or she wouldn't be a mother.
I can't even comment on this one...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
They are pretty slippery when dry.
Don't Worry, Be... well, not happy, as it turns out
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
This is something they do excel at. They have centuries of practice and an impressive body count.
Okay, then!
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Are we talking tube steaks, fur burgers, or both?
Love Your Neighbor!!!! No Exceptions!!!!! Agree/Disagree?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Not me. There are too many people I don't like or respect. I believe in avoiding my neighbors. It makes life much easier.
I watched "What On Earth" to discover that we have satellites everywhere that can zoom in on ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
One of many impossible stories in the Old and New Testaments.
This very scary. Conservatives see a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in Trump []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
A little slow on the uptake, don't you think?
RFK in Indiana announcing assassination of MLK Jr. Our country has devolved so much. []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
And getting worse.
Trump insists there was 'an attempted overthrow' of US government | MSNBC
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
It would be a much shorter list to list the things the orange one does understand than the things he doesn't understand. His ignorance knows no limits.
Let's have some fun.😁 List as many as you want👍😊
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Barney Miller
Fire And Rain - James Taylor []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Great drum track.
I grew up with "Blue Laws".
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Nothing describes the feeling of a Sunday during that time than Kristofferson's song "Sunday Morning Coming Down". Christmas day almost has that same felling as the streets are empty.
There are some songs that just personify sex.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Great song. I love Isaak.
The Beatles Things We Said Today []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
One of my favorites of theirs.
Didnt know he knew sarcasm
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole!
Republicans vote more because they think god will send them to hell if they don't fight back against...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
If trump is not motivation enough, then I have no fucking idea what would be.
I get it, The United States is not a Chiristian nation on the Books.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Most everything in this country is about MONEY!
Bloomberg-Clinton 2020
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I don't care. Anyone but trump. ABSOLUTELY ANYONE!
Devil In Her Heart []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I haven't heard that one before.
A moment of truth at the church?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
We already knew that. This is one of the reasons some of us are here.
OK someone on Twiiter was creative....
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
There is no reason to insult pimps in this way.
I think I’ve finally been through all that I can handle.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I am truly sorry you are in such a bad place. I wish I had some magic words to make you feel better, but I know sometimes there aren't any. Sometimes a good cry can help clear the cobwebs so you can see things more clearly and hopefully come up with a new plan. So cry and vent if that is what you need.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
So are LSD and mushrooms.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Scientific Illiteracy Threatens U.S. | Michael Stone
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
That and greed.
I don't have male friends nor female friends. Just friends. How about you?
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I have both and they are very different.
A friend posted this. I wonder if he's ever read the bible.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
They tend to ignore the psycho God.
Annoying religious sayings .
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Have a blessed day doesn't bother me. People are just being nice. I ignore the other sayings.
Visually gorgeous - Directed by Tokyo-based botanical artist Azuma Makoto, Story of Flowers ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I'm an "A" Which do you prefer?☕☕☕☕😊
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Squeeze, squeeze, everybody squeeze....😬😲🤔 Never seen this before.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I remember the ads. I don't remember eating any of them.
Sticks48 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Is this a bad storm headed your way?
Poor Christopher Robin!
Sticks48 comments on Feb 14, 2020:
He's right. If I could only learn to do one impression, Walken would be my choice.
Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed []
Sticks48 comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Loved this song from the very first time I heard it.
How the Scandinavian countries succeeded
Sticks48 comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Terrific article. Thanks for posting.
The night the Rolling Stones fired Trump: Keith Richards once pulled a knife to get him out of ...
Sticks48 comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Anything that humiliates that scumbag makes me smile.


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