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What Do You Need From A Partner?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
In the right realationship you should both feel that way. IMHO.
If you could marry any fictional character, who would it be and why ?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Jessica Rabbit. I can't explain it. I'm just drawn to her.
What, if any, are the ethics of love? Or is it true that all is fair in love (and war)?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
They actually have rules for war!
Wanting to chat leading to a date
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
You have a fist growing out of your neck! Ewwww!
Anyone wanna chat message me
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
No. ☺
Never thought of this in the front of my head, but does the fact that we call asking someone for sex...
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Yes it does! I'm more about begging.
How long do you have to know someone before you tell a dirty joke?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
A lack of familiarity seldom stops me. Sometimes l just like to see the look on someone's face. ?
We can't be having that.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
The most truthful statement l have ever seen on one of those Goddamn signs!
Another scammer! This one showed his true colors when he said he can’t manage a first date this ...
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
No clue.
How much do you remember about the first person you ever had a serious crush on?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
A lot.
How I feel about the current political environment.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
I love that guy!
It Always Has Been.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
That explains why I'm so loved. ?
Don't Masturbate And Drive!!
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
He just didn't know how to drive a dick shift!
More Tadpoles.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Their not quite as cute as puppies, but awwww.
Just wondering if where I live there are others like me
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Unless you have a twin brother, no.
1984 Here We Come.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Vote in the midterms! Please!
Nervous System
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Eewwwww! It's a damn good thing, who would want to have carnal knowledge with that!
James Clapper former Director of National Intelligence has been reserving comment until now and just...
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
I know. Only a moron would believe it had no influence on the election.
Stop your excuses and GO VEGAN!
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
I couldn't. I really love pork'n beans.
Cosby has been found guilty of aggravated assault.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
BOTH! And make that fucker watch reruns of Gilligans Island on a loop 24 hours a day until he is gone. ☺
At my 8 year old’s softball practice, and the coach is wearing a Jesus Fish t-shirt.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Yes, but it's ASS WEDNESDAY!
I was scrolling about on this site today and read a lovely diatribe about healthcare.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
It ain't easy being green
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
That guy looks more like the Incredible Bulk!
Hello all! New to the site and looking to make some likeminded friends.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Hello and welcome. ☺
Your move, Atheists.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Pope poop humor, Something you don't see enough of. ?
See you yesterday.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Very, very, funny! I needed that. Thank you. ☺
Friendlier site than most,interesting
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
It can get a little testy here, but not too much. Most people here are pretty supportive of each other, and patient with folks like me. Enjoy. ☺
Why are so many of the non-religious so militant about it?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
I never argue with anyone about religion. It just gives us both a headache.
This made me giggle.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
That IS a relief. I feel much better about the life I've lead. ?
I think life on earth has originates in deep space, maybe from this galaxy or another etc, in the ...
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Sounds reasonable.
Hi there, I'm new here. Don't quite know what to expect.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
I've been here for a while and l don't know what to expect either. Welcome to the club. Hope you enjoy it. ?
I'm a rock star!
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Congratulations! ????
What are you reading?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
This Goddamn phone! I can't get away from it. Help me!
Prince , one of the worlds most underated artists []
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Not by me! I thought he was way more talented Michael Jackson, and nobody talks about what great producer he was.?
How do you respond when someone says, "have a blessed day."?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Thanks, you have a good day too.
Ever notice how Christians are always crying persecution, but are the main ones damning people to ...
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds!
Million dollar idea - An app that automatically disables your cell service and your phone camera ...
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Capital idea!
Why do we hate?
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2018:
Becuase the collective IQ of the planet is not very high?☺
What beliefs do you have that you know will never change?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
That nothing can beat a great donut. Maybe music and sex, but it's a strong third!
What would you do with super powers?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
Is it normal for a person to enjoy being single more than being in a relationship?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
Sure it is. Come to think of it, it may be more sane.?
I wonder if he's that nearsighted or just that curious
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
Maybe he's REALLY lonely. Been there.
Would you date a philosopher or would you rather 'cut your wrists'?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
Option #2!
If one more man tries to woo me with “I know what women want.
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
I have no idea what any of you want!?
Here in the UK I don't think we live in a democracy anymore.
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
It is no different over here.
They Learn Fast.
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
That is way too cute.
That makes sense
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
And the car is crossing the deer.
Have you ever saved a life ?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
Does appearance start the ball rolling?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
We are attracted to who we are attracted to. Not always, but most of the time to get it rolling, it will be that first visual impression that creates interest for me. ☺
I received a friendship request on Facebook.
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
I agree
Pablo Picasso: Good artists copy; great artists steal. Yes/no?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
It is the same in music. You take a little here, you take a little there, ad your own twist, your own feel, and develope your own style if your not strictly a copy band player.
Try Something Crazy
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
That's happened to me 3 times! Well it ain't happening again!......... anyway l hope not. ?
Change your mind?
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
It is raining in new Mexico right now
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2018:
I lived in Taos in the 90's. I love northern N.M.
So, I retook all the pics.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Is the self an illusion?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
If it is an illusion, l wish l had come up with a better one.
What is the one thing you don't really need?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Tony Perkins: Accepting Transgender People Like Allowing Man Who Thinks He’s A Bird To Jump Off A ...
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
A sick, stupid fuck. That is the very best l can say about him. I am sorry if l insulted the rest of the sick, stupid fucks out there. ?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I can't relate to that feeling at all. My life would have been, and would be a lot less complicated if l felt that way.
I`m gonna make a whole load of people on this site jealous.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
From a distance it seems that in general, Europe has a much better perspective on religion.
MRI sounds good?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I hated it. I am claustrophobic. I had to keep my eyes closed, and that was a struggle for some reason, and invision open sky above me. That was an incredibly long 20 minutes. If l do it again they will have to knock my ass out.
The Rise Of Hugo Boss.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
The SS may have been horrible, but they did have badass uniforms.
In America, will justice ever be blind?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I doubt it. Neither truth nor justice are the objectives of the American judicial system. It is about winning and losing.
The real dangers of illegal aliens.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
On its face it does seem to be a problem. ?
Hello everyone.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
We will be the judge whether there is anything wrong with you. ? Welcome to this place.
Lets Have Fun-What's Your Royal Name?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Princess Marmite the Great! Has a nice ring to it, don't ya think? ?
The Parking Ticket Story
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
LOL....Good one.
Is it not as easy to say there is no god, as it is to say there is a god?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
They are both easy to say because there are no really long or difficult words to pronounce in either statement.
Just hearing this woman’s name makes me sick. []
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
BARF! Thanks a lot for sharing and making me sick too! Now, where did l put the Pepto Bismo? ?
Don’t applaud Pope Francis’s stance on homosexuality – it’s still in line with Catholic ...
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I never applaud a Pope for any reason. I do admire the fact they aren't afraid to take a fashion risk. ☺
Have you ever been embarressed by what you have posted here
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I have deleted a couple of replies becuase l thought they might be taken wrong. I have had a couple that were taken in a way that surprised me. Being a smartass is a challenge in print. ?
Clouds over the plain.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
When humans are gone or drastically reduced in numbers, the planet will once again be in harmony. Drastic solution, but it is the only one l see. ☺
Demon possession? What’s your opinion on it?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I know l have my demons. ?
Does daytime cannabis use cause insomnia at night?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Not that l can tell. Could be for you though.
Greetings to all.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Glad you could join us. ☺
So tired....
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Take a nap.
Good Wages For The Right Applicant.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
I'm pretty sure that position is still open.
Supreme Court Decision Delivers Blow To Workers' Rights : NPR
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
That is a horrible ruling. The conservatives love of big business is sickening. All the more reason to change the Congress.
How disturbed are you by what has happened in Gaza and how does it get better?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Yes and it doesn't.
I wish at times i could flip this realm on top of it's heavy ass.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
You must have some really good weed too. ?
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Couldn't have said it better.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
Are those the things you wished you were doing instead of riding in that boat? ?
Name something your mother always said. ????
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
OH FUCK! I really miss her.
OK babyboomers, how many of you are like me and thinks todays chart topping music really sucks ...
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2018:
It had all been done by the 80's. That is why there is no 90's oldies stations. I don't hear any music, country or pop, that will have any legs down the road. There is a finite number of ways to put chords together.
Who can name this?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Batmobile. I saw it at an automobile museum in San Marcos, Texas a few years ago. It was pretty cool.
In a lot of situations do you ask yourself, is it real or is it just money?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
I have never had enough money to have 'just money.' ?
Allll..most time
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
So Harry Potter went to Pot!
There are more than 600 men in the world with TWO penises. What would you do with......... ???
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Since I'm ambidextrous l don't think it would be a problem. ?
Hey, who remembers this?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
I remember the Whole Earth Catalogue, l never had one, but l don't remember the other one.
Hello. I wanted to make a formal introduction. Nice to meet you all in this group
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Welcome aboard!
What's your favorite language and or foreign culture?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Italy. Beautiful architecture, scenery, clothes, people, language and great food.
Am I the only one who finds jealously to a degree completely pointless?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Use to love playing these two games as a child growing up.
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Nice blast from my past.
In my head, this group is like the open-air lounge of a major spaceport.
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Do religious curse words perpetuate religion?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Sure, and l have no problem with it. Somehow they just work in certain situations. I don't think it prolongs religion. Ignorance and fear prolong religion in my opinion.
Do you cycle?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Haven't ridden a bike since l got a drivers licence at 16 and don't miss it. ?
The Eighth Amendment.
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Hopefully they will take that next step.?
Ok so I am curious. What one g would be the icing on your cake of life?
Sticks48 comments on May 21, 2018:
Being with the right person. There are people on this site who are perfectly content with being alone. I can do it and I'm doing it now. Having someone to share things with is just better. Traveling is one thing l find pretty empty when done alone. Didn't mean to go on so long. Shit, l just made it longer. OOPS! Did it again. ?
Hello. I wonder how many people here are musicians?
Sticks48 comments on May 20, 2018:
Some of the worst musicians l have played with could read and knew theory. Some of the best couldn't read a lick. I've played behind Willie Nelson, Leon Russell, and Johnny Gimble in front of 50,000 people. The ability to read has nothing to do with dedication. While it is necessary for the music you play, it is not necessary for all genres of music. ☺
If a woman wants an abortion should the father have a right to keep the child?
Sticks48 comments on May 20, 2018:
Like most lawyers you can't shut the fuck up. You just like the sound of your own words. You are blocked.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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