Just read a comment on Facebook , which said , if 99% of the school shootings , had been done by females , it would be an issue . But the fact is , that 99% of the school shootings were committed by males . There are frequent and loud complaints about the access to guns , but nothing is posted about the males having access to the guns . Any thoughts ?
I read something on my high-school art teachers page (super right wing) it said teach kids the value of human life, don't ban guns. This got me thinking how can conservatives teach the value of human life? They build walls to keep humans out who for the most part just want a better life. They murder prisoners by the hundreds. They promote war. They condone police militarization who kill anything that moves. Also stand your ground laws are designed to allow scared white people to shoot first ask later. Now what values can these people expect to bestow upon the youth of America that will end school place violence?
...I sure agree with you!
Get rid of the guns! Our gun culture is totally insane! It is as stupid as religion. I don't want to hear that 2nd amendment crap. Stupid is stupid. The Constitution has been amended twenty something times becuase it is NOT perfect.
seems like things are not going that well eh?
How about the 5th amendment? lol [firearmsandliberty.com]
OK 3 main ingredients are needed: guns, users and schools. Which one would be the easiest to eliminate?
There is something fundamentally wrong with the American culture.
Switzerland compels all able young men to do military service after which they take their guns home. Switzerkland has schools too, but not school shootings.
@Truthandeffort How about weeding out fire arms by closing down the factories?
Many thoughts.on this and for some years.
Most of my thoughts are politically incorrect and therefore dismissed out-of-hand.
Of the 1% ascribed to females, one can also add that they are very different and far less destructive. Females know who they are after and why. When the target/s been hit, they're done; no random murder without reason, as with males.
The security budgets in schools could be slashed by almost 50% by making one change that would have some ancillary benefits in both reduced deadly violence and better learning. Have separate schools for males and females beginning at 5th. Grade until graduation from twelfth grade.
Females learn better and participate more without presence of males in classrooms and concentrate more on academics in schools wherein personal appearance isn't competitive. Males act-out aggressively amongst themselves naturally and get into disputes and fights. When females are present, many of the fights are motivated by disputes for attention and efforts to show-off for them. Jealousies and competition arise and the humiliation factor multiplies. Boys compete, fight, win and lose routinely without the deep levels of humiliation among only other boys; therefore less fixated, vengeful emotions that, if repeated can fester and be acted out in extreme violence.
Girls' schools would only need entry security; cutting budgets by about half.
This suggested remedy would be only a band-aid, but society as we know it isn't yet prepared for prevention. Ways by which these violent young men are manufactured aren't understood and if they were, solutions would be even more politically and religiously unacceptable than the suggestion above. We are at least decades, if not centuries, away from that level of awareness and willingness to act on the basis of the knowledge.
I think it must be noted that the spike in school shootings, which has occurred over the last 30 years, and educational reform, which changed the educational approach to help girls score better on college admissions exams, etc., largely coincide. I'm not saying it is causal, but there is a correlation. This may be one part of the problem. Couple this with men rarely gaining custody in a divorce, and a dearth of male teachers in the elementary grades, and young boys may have few male role models teaching them how to be men. Their role models may become TV, video games, music videos, etc.
Wrong. Males and females have the same access to test taking skill help and academic assistance.
@tucsonkosmicgirl males and females learn in different ways. Prior to 1972 educational models helped boys. Hence, girls lagged in standardized test scores, college entrance, college graduation, and salaries. In 1972 legislation to change this passed (see above). It focused on outcomes. To achieve better outcomes, educational models were adopted that helped girls, and it has worked. An unintended consequence is that boys now lag in standardized test scores, college entrance, and college graduation.
@Faithless1 Absolutely. Can we find a way to educate children that recognizes the differences between boys and girls and benefits both? Again, this is a correlation, and I'm not asserting it is causal.
Another interesting correlation is the dramatic increase in the diagnosis of ADHD since 1972 - and the vast majority of those are boys.
@mudhen no one said anything about "easier." Educational methods changed to accommodate girls because formerly, they were more suited to boys. As for not seeing evidence that girls are exceeding boys, you're not looking. "Equity" refers to outcomes, and methods were changed to level the playing field.
It is a societal problem that causes this, we want to be famous for something I guess. Will banning guns, or some types of guns, stop it? Obviously no. The real question is this, will it stop some of them? The answer, also obvious, is yes. So my question to the gun nuts is this: "What's the magic number?". I mean, how many have to be saved before we do SOMETHING. I will tell you now that I would oversee the melting of every gun in America if it would save my grandson from such a fate, and that's how we should look at it.
It seems to be an access issue. I believe focusing on male issue is not productive in this instance. If we look at gun related death rates in other countries you can see what appears to be clearer correlation between access to guns and deaths. Now the larger issue of maleness and acts of aggression is also worthy of study in the larger context of socialization and cultural norms.
Limit guns and treat mental health disorders
Tell that to the Cheeto-In-Cheif. He's the one that wanted to let mentally unstable people get firearms! Better yet, let's give every felon a firearm as soon as they get out of prison! Great idea, huh?
I’m a bit puzzled. Are you saying it isn’t an issue? It isn’t an issue because it’s men instead of women doing this?
If you look at crime rates between men & women, you’’ll see the same lopsided results. So I think it’s a much wider phenomenon than school shootings.
I don’t see why, at minimum,there’s not acknowledge and skills test, just like for a driver’s license.
I can't speak for all states , but here in Texas , they require a day long class , finger prints , a thorough back ground check , a monetary check and a copy of your driver's license . Takes over 6 weeks to process .
@Sticks48 I have seen that in Nebraska. Got cash? Here you go!
I think it’s notable that the is a uniquely white, male and American phenomenon. It seems that many of these young men feel that 1) they are entitled to attention/liking/approval from classmates and that 2)they believe that violence is an acceptable response when they are denied what they want.
Google the "InCel" movement, I think it explains a lot
@FallenAngel63 a related phenomenon I think
@Truthandeffort that sounds like a way of asking if it’s actually women’s fault for men’s bad behavior.
@Truthandeffort everyone does. And *sometimes bullying is the underlying issue. That does not change the problem of responding with violence.
@Truthandeffort so, are girls to blame for boys shooting up schools? No.
“peer pressure” is an entirely different social dynamic.
@Truthandeffort I’m Not just making things up here. Many of the young men who have committed violence in their schools have either targeted girls who turned them down or generally expressed anger at girls. In other cases, evidence indicates that they are angry because they are outcasts.
And yeah, the question, “does non-male behavior influence males of contempt,” while nonsense, clearly points a finger at females for “influencing” the behavior that is the subject of the conversation.
Cut off their testosterone.
@Truthandeffort It was supposed to be sarcastic but high testosterone levels is why a lot of males act as they do.
A number of years ago on 60 minutes a small town sheriff was asked what he would do to reduce crime levels. He said he would lock up all males until they were 35 years old. He wasn't serious but was only trying to make a point.
My younger brother (he's in his 60's now) was always getting into trouble. Running away, breaking into newspaper machines and so on. I asked him why he did all those things. He said he asks himself that all the time and still doesn't know.
@Truthandeffort That would be a question for a pharmacist.
It's because so small a percentage of men are actually criminals to begin with. Being male therefore doesn't necessarily mean that one is going to commit a crime, so it's tough to expedite the reasoning that because any given man wishes to buy a gun, he is going to commit a crime with it. Gun store owners simply are not going to buy the fallacious argument "Since men commit 99% of school shootings, then they should be stopped from buying guns." because it's not actually a rational assertion. It is also not constructive, because the gun sale economy is so strong.
I am very firmly sure that our violence problem in our country is an expression of the mental health & abuse problem. Americans can be very externalized and have a lifestyle that is not supportive to mental health beyond taking medications that indirectly cause other mental health problems.
Unless if the person legally purchaced the firearm, it probably came from the parents house. Parents, get a damn gun safe! I've heard a lot of times that a firearm was taken without their parents permission. We should hold THEM resposible as well! EDIT: and probably 99% of the 99% were white and religous.
How many males, exactly, would the entire world need to maintain (hopefully shrink!!!) the population? Just thinking out loud......
Might be use-full to find out how many are on mind altering drugs. But you won't find out from the main stream media. Just saying.
I'm beginning to suspect there is no answer. Any solution anyone comes up with is going to be promptly knocked down.
Testosterone, must play a big part since it is mostly young males. Puberty, plays havoc with male hormones, so it seems to me that males need special attention with understanding their emotions, especially during puberty! Parents, need to be aware of these changes and how they impact young men’s behavior. That would be a start!
The boys that do these shootings seem to be mentally disturbed or unstable.
And you get that information from where? Sounds like a Trump tweet.
There are people with mental problems all over the world.
The problem in the USA is the guns....period.
@Photog, @jlynn37 I was only referring to the part about why these shootings are caused by boys. If anything, it supports that gun accessibility is a liability. The difference is that people with mental issues in the U.S. have access to guns. I wasn't trying to justify these shootings or defend guns, but address a pattern to maybe understand what's going on,
But yes, firearms are definitely the obvious elephant in the room.
@jlynn37 I would say by definition someone who shoots up a school is disturbed. It’s like asking if a mother who murdered her children is mentally ill - OF COURSE she is no sane person would do that. That’s not to say that mental illness is the cause here. All countries have mentally ill, but the school massacre phenomenon is uniquely American.
Misogyny and homophobia needs to die. It's used to ridicule men and boys, provoking an ultra macho violent response.
Any woman who uses homophobia or misogyny as a weapon against men is complicit and part of the cycle that creates toxic masculinity.
Guns need banning too.