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Could you stay isolated for five days in total isolation as an asocial experiment?

This includes no contact interaction with the outside world what’s so ever. No computers, no phones.

EmeraldJewel 7 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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127 comments (26 - 50)

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I could do it, but how much is the pay? πŸ˜›


I spent 2 months this last winter in the mountains of Utah at 9,000 ft. I did have my dog with me πŸ™‚. Does that count?


That sounds like a welcomed vacation!


Oh dude I'd do it for nothing and no reason


Oh hell yes! Give me my books, some music, my projects and I will hole up and get busy. At the end of 5 days I will be refreshed, and needing someone to talk to.


If I could have books, music, movies and good food I would pay for this.


Absolutely! Five days is nothing.


I could probably do it but not sure what I would be like at the end.?


It's my dream come true.


No.... i would freak out.


It would be very challenging i think, not sure


What about movies? Or books? Is it in a small room or cabin in the woods? If I had something to occupy my time, yes. If I was in a room with nothing to do it would take a toll.


@EmeraldJewel I can definitely do it for a long period of time. The time I spend disconnected allows me to evaluate my life and just be if that’s all I want. I enjoy (limited time) being around people and technology, but not enough to constantly want it. #disconnect


Oh yes please! Five days to myself to chill out and put my thoughts in order sounds fab. Do I get a view to look at though?



Just like real life?


time to fall asleep for 5 days

Handle checks out.


Would my work allow it? No. Could I do it? Happily and easily.


Do I have books? A computer? A TV? Food and wine? Yes. One of my favorite times, was after a major hurricane and we had no electricity for two weeks. We didn't go out because of all the trees down and traffic lights not working. I loved it. Had candles food and books. Luckily I had water. The only think I missed: COFFEE.

Haha, I've lived in Florida all my life, so I've had similar experiences. In 2004 we had a total of six weeks without power!! I think the thing I missed most was the air conditioning =p


I'm a highly social person but I love my alone time just as much - a week would be a breeze. Good reading material would make it more fun and a well equipped carpentry shop would be a bonus or just a nice garden to sort out.


Aside from speaking a few sentences to my coworkers and people that sell me food, and the phone time here or in a game I’ve probably spent a year in isolation at a time, several times. So yeah not much difference I’m sure I could go a couple months before really losin my marbles. I do already if you excused the necessary words to eat and phone.


I can do it indoors or out, but out is much better. I've turned into a computer nerd but my ex wife said recently that she remembered that I had a "Tarzan outfit." What's that? A pair of shorts and a knife?


Many elderly people do it to some extent for years. I think it’s a form of torture. I couldn’t do it for 5 days. Definitely not without my phone for podcasts, films and social media.

Livia Level 6 June 6, 2018

Yes, as long as I can reach the outdoors. I go nuts in a building. Even a small garden is enough.

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