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Should clinics be established to assist people who want to go ahead and die? They could go in a humane way at there own choosing. Some people are hurting mentally or physically so bad and have little or no hope that they wish to go on out. Mental anguish can be worse than physical pain. Life and death are one string anyway. Life is a terminal illness in itself. Some people believe we already allow assisted death in abortion clinics.

  • 90 votes
  • 3 votes
Grecio 7 June 10

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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Damn tooting & not one down vote, at least in the first 15, good sign.


Those who are still capable don't need any change as we each have the ability to take our own lives with or without help or legal okay. It is when we are incapable, and more likely to have a greater need, that we face being forced to live a life that is no longer worth living. Euthanasia should be legalized but there should be some oversight to prevent the elderly and infirm from being prompted into it. Clinics that supply information, counseling for patients and families, and final services could be a reasonable approach.


Abortion and eithenasia have nothing to do with one another, and should
never be compared.
That said, suicide is a "crime". It's illegal under the law.
That would have to change before even considering anything else.
Not to mention the fact that there is ample potential for abuse if such
clinics were permitted.

It's not illegal in many places these days.

The only abuse I can see is if it is done against an individual's knowledgeable consent.

@jlynn37 Exactly. There are already many, MANY instances of court-appointed guardianships abusing the rights of the elderly.
It's not that far a stretch to imagine the unscrupulous taking advantage
of anyone with physical disabilities, or mental challenges.
There are ALWAYS the unscrupulous looking for their next opportunity.
I just don't see any system of legal, assisted euthanasia working.
At least not for the foreseeable future.

It is legal in certain states. This woman bravely flew in the face of the religious, the demigogue medical community and anyone who opposed her. She made a difference for the needless suffering of others before her departure. []

Can see it now black market kill shop. Sign could read we take no prisoners cash only.

@Bierbasstard I'll have to see if I can find it. I'm sure he had an interesting take on it.
I'm not saying I'm against assisted-suicide, I'm just reluctant to endorse it given the level of potential abuse.

@KKGator It's illegal to commit suicide - what is the law going to do after I'm dead - put my corpse on trial? Also, we're not talking about clinics for people unable to make their own decisions - we're talking clinics for people who are of clear mind and in that case, the profit is in extending their life long after the patient wants to quit. There's no clinic in this country that I am aware of where a grandson can walk in with grandma and insist they kill her and so the chances for abuse are small to non-existent.

@SLBushway I never said there was. I just said that the potential for abuse, if such a thing were to come to pass, is quite high.
Not really sure what your argument is.

@KKGator Your comments can be interpreted as there is a great potential for abuse when in fact there is little potential, as in next to none. These aren't people that have others speaking for them - they're speaking for themselves and have been determined to have their full wits about them by a quite a number of people both in and outside of the clinic. That's not to say that elderly aren't abused but those are more likely than not seniors that can't speak for themselves.

@SLBushway What clinic? There are no clinics for this that I'm aware of.

How does the crime of suicide get punished. Is there some inter- dimensional police force that drags you back to the living world to fine you like a parking ticket. Do you have to go to court and if you plead guilty do you get a reduced fine. Seriously though, what are the punishments for suicide and how are they implemented

DAMN IT if convicted of suicide you should be put to death!

@Geoffrey51 Of course they can't go after the deceased, but until the law is changed across the board, anyone assisting (except for in a handful of states) anyone else end their life is subject to criminal penalty.
I am NOT saying I do not support assisted suicide. I'm NOT saying people don't have the right to make their own decisions about the end of their lives.
I'm simply saying that the concept of euthanasia clinics, as theoretically proposed, is not a good idea. I don't trust people to operate said clinics in an ethical manner. That's all.


No one had any say as to my birth and no one should have any say as to my death.


With doctor's ok.

With individual's OK. The doctor has the right not to participate at his/her discretion.

Why should any other person have a say? Even a doctor. They have
their own beliefs and agendas, and cannot be counted upon to have
the patient's interests at heart. Just because they might have taken the
Hippocratic Oath, doesn't mean they live by it. We've all seen ample
evidence that many don't.

I wouldn't trust a doctor to change my tire, much less to counsel me about death!

@GipsyOfNewSpain Well, they're not mechanics or reapers. But I'd say science should be trusted enough to go to a doctor to save your life. And since we go to them to save their life, then I'd imagine they'd try to do anything to prevent our death even if we want to die.

I'm definitely for euthanasia, but I do think that the person suffering from mental illness should be evaluated for a certain period of time based on their particular issue before being granted the right to die. At least try some medications, therapy, get them on a good diet and exercise plan... not only that but help their living circumstance in any kind of way. If they're homeless or struggling, for example. At least try to help them in all forms possible based on their circumstance and if after all that, if they're not improving and still wish to die, then they should be allowed.

I worry, because what if a heartbroken man wants to die. His girlfriend cheated on him, threw him into a deep depression and wants to die. Do we allow it with no consultation? Just tell him to go take a seat over there, we'll get the drugs and it will be all over in a second? I wouldn't trust a system that worked like that

@KKGator $$$$$$$$

@Honey4Oshun Yep.
Always talks the loudest.

@dani2382 When Death becomes the "Big Biz" that Current Dependency is... consider yourself an enabler and hopefully one of the first customers.

@dani2382 I think that is a reasonable approach and I agree with it.

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