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Will Trump win in 2020?

Has anyone changed their mind about Bernie Sanders, and the America he wants to see in the future, since the last election?

I received many great answers to my last question asking if Americans view Canada as a socialist country.

Many Canadians are just as informed about American politics as we are our own - in some cases, due to vast, sometimes disturbing changes (within the current administration in particular), even more so. Our discussions about Trump are no doubt as frequent as your own, with major concerns about the current state and future of the US, and the impact it will have on the world.

I am a huge fan of Bernie Sanders, who I believe is a solid, honest man with great integrity, regardless of whether one agrees with his ideas. Many of us here would love to see him win 2020, but I understand there is still this fear of socialism, which is not to be confused with social democracy, where social programs are in place to protect all of its citizens - not just the very wealthy few.

My gut told me Trump would become president, from the moment I heard his first speech (much to my chagrin). Now, I can't imagine a second term for Trump - my gut tells me no, which I understand is not based in any reality of the possible outcome. What are your thoughts on this now? Will Trump be reelected? Could Bernie win? All the signs of him running again are there.

Athena 8 June 16

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56 comments (26 - 50)

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When there was the slightest whisper The Donald would run for office I laughed myself silly and was convinced there was no way this country is going to allow that to happen. Appearantly I was wrong.

I see The Donald is surrounding himself with protection. A lot of it, from very slimey people. He is a well greased piglet, and is going to be a slippery grab to toss off the farm.

The POTUS is a figurehead. One man does not run this country. The question is how well organized is the collective who does, and what are they willing to allow.

The frightening prospect is that with the nation so divided and infighting as it is much will slip by as the smoke and mirrors are very active. Which is more profitable, more insurection and war, or peace?


Like others on here I do not believe tRump will still be president in 2020. It really all depends on the 2018 election. Got out and vote for sanity.


I truly believe Trump will have to resign, The information held by Mueller is too much to be ignored. Mueller will deliver soon,
We now know as FACT that Cohen and Manaford are guilty of sever crimes and TRump is not immune here . He will indeed face the facts

EMC2 Level 8 June 17, 2018

It all hinges on the Republicans. If they continue to accept Trump's behavior unchallenged, nothing Mueller presents will have any impact. That's why it's critical to turn the house blue in 2018...Democrats will vote for impeachment proceedings.

@crazycurlz Well I think Mueller has much more than anything the republicans can stop
With Cohen about to talk and the indictments already issued Trump is now running scared. Now if we get to have an unrigged 2018 vote the house will become ours and perhaps the senate. We do not wish to impeach trump as that leaves us with the sewer still intact. He must face charges and be removed along with the entire administration.


Trump or Sanders won't win. Oprah will win ?

I so hope you are joking. To go from Trump to Oprah would be insane, We need another Obama, a scholar, a thinker and yes educated in reality.
We need to make American great again.

ugh. just what we need...another celebrity


I don't think he'll survive his first term. Once the curtain is pulled back, even those who support him will be hard pressed to justify having such a rancid, corrupt criminal sitting in that once honorable office.

@Athena I hope most of your prognostications have been. Wrong. I was so excited when he announced that I was rooting that he and Palin would win the nomination. Little do I know. Thanks Russia, tanks Comey, thanks. Rednecks.


Fuck Trump. May he keel over at any moment. And no, I do not think he can win a second term. I'm not convinced he will finish his first.


It probably depends on how many people that voted for Trump in 2016 have turned on him. Probably Independents. If Bernie runs against him, Bernie might win by a big margin being that all the polling last election projected Bernie would win by a big margin. We know how projections go sometimes though. All the coal people have probably turned on Trump. All the people who thought he was going to stick it to corporations have probably turned on him. Voters seem to have a short memory though and will go by his latest speech, campaign promises, and debate sound bytes.


The real fear....will he change the constitution to stay in power come 2024.
Erdogan (Turkey) is illustrative of how power corrupts.....

He can't change the Constitution. It takes 2/3 of both houses plus 34 states. He'd have to come up with a plan now just to get it done logistically in time.

@jwd45244 Correct. But he has made comments that "president for life" and the abolition of term limits such as China's Xi might be something to try in the US. Or perhaps Ivanka takes the reigns of power for terms 3 and 4?

As you said, it needs a plan. Fortunately, what I have seen so far is much more impulsive, spur of the moment planning, so might be less of a concern. But I thought the same about his election in the first place, and was unpleasantly surprised.

He can do anything he wants as long as the Republicans continue to roll over and play dead. I love the Constitution but if there's no one to protect it, we got nothin'.


Not sure but this first four year episode of the celebrity apprentice is wearing folks thin on both sides. It could happen... If George W. ( really Dick Cheney though) did 8, anything is possible.


The Dems blew the last election, and got the results they deserved.

To defeat DJT, the democrats will need to:

  1. Disband the DNC.
  2. Reject corporate donations and lobbying.
  3. Return to and respond to grass-roots ideas.
  4. Nominate a sincere, honest, intelligent woman who renounces group identity politics.

In other words, Trump will likely win.

A woman isn't likely to win until my grandson is a voter (he's not yet 2 years old.) Even then, I'm not sure that this country will have shrugged off its misogyny enough to do so. Also, Democrats can't win without money (no one can), and unless Congress finally legislates real campaign finance reform and legislatively repeals the Citizens United decision, they need corporate dollars. The democratic base has to accept that long enough to gain a supermajority and enact those laws.

@GinaMaria remember, a woman got 2 million more votes than the old guy in the last election. I think the gender issue has been put to bed. Look at the overwhelming number of women winning local and national seats. I think the fact we elected a half white guy did a lot to help open the shades for minorities. I'm an old guy who has the luxury of being able to talk with 18-20 year olds and we almost always talk politics. Gender or race never get mentioned. Ever. Except for my children, we're the only white people there in these groups. Every continent is represented. My other two voters are the same (triplets). One is very politically active, the other son has little interest or understanding I politics(if he weren't a triplet, I'd question his genetics) But none of them nor their friends bring up race or gender. I'm an old guy so it sticks out to me. Love watching them talk. So, , I think the glass ceiling was broken by Hillary. There more and more female CEOs (private sector has some catching up to do on both counts) all the time. Of the glass ceiling is not already broken, then the kids are going make it just sublimate. IMHO.


From th begening I hated trump he lied its ass off and cheated the entire election. With Russina trolls and hacking he won. it can never ever be trusted. it proved at every turn.


Bernie is by a long shot the most intelligent and evolved candidate around. I think he might have been able to beat Trump, given a chance in 2016. But Im afraid the country has move too far right now? We may have to settle for a more centrist candidate? IDK But right now, I would take almost any living human being over the sociopath Trump,

I'm more optimistic: those who were Right have become entrenched, those who are not have become energized. I think it's all up for grabs where this is headed. But I'm hopeful.


I am hoping liddle donnie fish lips is gone soon does not make it to the 2020 elections. When the canadates are lined up then I will research them at the time. Bernie last primary was a very close 2nd to Hillary in my book. I would have no problems supporting Bernie in the general if he got the nomination.


It really depends on who Trump runs against, if it's Bernie Sanders, then I think Bernie will easily win, but if it's Hilliary Clinton or another establishment democrat.... then Trump could easily win...


Trump will win again if the voters on the left continue with the attitude of if my candidate is not the nominee then I'm just not going to vote at all. I hope Bernie runs in 2020 and wins. But if he doesn't run or he's not the nominee I am still going to perform my civic duty and vote for whomever is the most sensible choice whether I agree with them 100% or not.

GwenC Level 7 June 16, 2018

I was and am a Sanders supporter. My state was one of the last states to vote Hillary or Sanders. In the High School gym (capital city) the Sanders supporters outnumbered Hillary supporters by less then a 2 to 1 ratio. Do I think Trump is destroying America, Yes. Did I think Trump would win the first election? Yes. Do I think a majority of Americans will sit at home, not vote, and allow a minority to re-elect trump? Sadly yes.


If trumpet generalissimo becomes president a second time I'm grabbing the babies and heading for Canada.


From an outsiders point of view he's a pillock but.......if he gets any sort of deal with Kim Jon whathisname he will win the Nobel Peace Prize and that may be just enough for everyone who voted for him before, to vote for him again.

And I wish he would stay off of fucking twitter!!!!!!

ipdg77 Level 8 June 16, 2018

Why stay off twitter? It lets everyone see him raw and unfiltered rather than filtered by aides and associates via official press releases and statements.

@RPardoe I'm probably just growing into an old fart, I like my leaders to show some gravitas and a bit of statesmanship (not many do though) not act like a twat on social media.

@ipdg77 As do I. That is why I want him to stay on Twitter - to continue to demonstrate what a narcissistic, impulsive boor he is. But I admit, if the voters aren't repulsed by "grab'em by the p****" then Twitter posts aren't likely to dissuade them either.

@RPardoe You make a fair point 🙂

He's going to get a deal with North Korea, and it will be a horrible deal. He's already making concessions on points that have never been negotiable before. (ending support of South Korea) for vague promises of maybe getting rid of nuclear weapons, someday.

Hopefully, it will be seen as the debacle it is before November.


Even some of the cowards in the GOP are backing away from the barbaric removal of childrenn and warehousing themm. I'm hoping this will be the issue that finally breaks the spell Rump has over his followers.
I think Bernie has a chance to again usher the Republican candidate (presumably Rump) into office. If they could get the method of voting changed to the system of graduated preferences, maybe there's room for a third party. But I think now all that a third party does is prove as 'spoiler' I would l ike to see a decent Dempcrat get elected and roll back the damage Rump has done and address the voting system.


Trump doesn't know how to not win. IF he doesn't develop a health issue or the deep state doesn't find a way to assassinate him, he'll win again.

There's a big difference between being a winner and being a con artist.

A winner is a natural born leader who is capable of uniting large numbers of people from differing backgrounds and beliefs towards a positive outcome. Winston Churchill was a winner.

A con artist is a loser who preys on the weak and the desperate in order to meet their own selfish ends because they have no real capacity to lead, inspire or motivate. Donald Trump is a con artist.

Oh... and you can damn well be sure that not many real winners throughout history have coasted through their entire life on a 22 billion dollar purse left to them by their daddy. Most real winners have worked their way from the ground up.

@webbew1 One of the fundamental flaws shared by political sycophants is the notion that the mere stating of something qualifies it as true and accurate because those they follow utter it repeatedly. This happens on both sides of the opinion scale. To tin god worshipers on the Right, Trump walks on water. From the Left, he's arch evil and phony.

Neither is actually the case and little of the blather is actually based on facts.
In your comment I see so many elements that are just not so, answering them all would be like trying to retreive and re-bag a handful of tossed confetti. This is what followers do. They restate things with which they've been programmed as though quantity equals veracity. I'll address a few.

The notion that leadership abilities are inborn is erroneous. A loser is by definition someone who fails at everything or almost everything they try. It far better qualifies as a description of a woman who twice lost bids for president than a man who overcame incalculable odds and phony, opinion manipulating 'polls' to WIN the presidency. One need not be a Trump worshiper to see this objective fact of history.

Preying upon weak (especially weak of mind) and desperate doesn't produce much wealth because those alleged victims possess no wealth in the first place. What they do possess are votes; hen ce their value is great to politicians who artfully prey upon them and acquire wealth after lying their ways into office.Trump was already in possession of greater wealth than any of the vote and contribution dependent politicians against whom he competed AND WON... The con-man label is green eyed myth for the most part.

Though acquisition of wealth has merit in some ways, it isn't the only criterion by which winning and accomplishing things in the world are measured. Mere opportunity is overrated. Once one has 'stepped on the stage' a performance must follow or the curtain quickly descends and so does the non-performer. The of real life and real business is produce or somebody who can produce will replace you. The in politics the opposite because terms are guaranteed regardless of whether one produces or not and lies combined with short public memory are often all it takes to perpetuate incompetence.

They aren't upset that Trump has connned his way in and is not producing; that is the deep state's game. They are terrified that he's actually DOING things he promised and rapidlly; that he's revealing the alleged leaders nakedness hidden behind tissues of lies a bout their finery propagated in the fawning press.

People are once again working in industries pronounced dead by political quacks. November willl once again disclose the patent mendacity of pre-election polls when the Blue Trickle dispatches whining consumers of myths to their safe spaces where they pleasure one another with artifice and fantasy.


My crystal ball says Trump will not be re-elected. Mueller's revelations (and those if the NY and NJ State DAs) are going to bite hard. All Trump's lying and obfuscating and mis-direction of attention will finally be seen for what it is: the desperate attempts of an ignorant and insecure bully to be seen as a winner.


It is impossible to predict politics this far out, but there are several IFs that augur a possible re-election:

If the stock market stays at high levels
If unemployment stays low
If the economy is perceived as "doing well"
If there is a crisis that rallies the nation around our leaders

People tend to vote for change when they feel threatened. (Look how well MAGA resonated with voters.) If things are going "fine", complacency moderates change.

The November elections will be a signpost on the way the winds are blowing, but it also gives the losing party 2 years to refine their message to be stronger for the 2020 run.

@Jlangston70 Yet, the "we're not Hilary" party worked well for Trump didn't it?

The new middle class taxes and health insurance premiums will be exposed by then. When they all figure out how they were screwed over, they'll revolt.

@GinaMaria I hope so. My fear is that many of the changes are like buried time bombs that will explode in the face of subsequent administrations regardless of political affiliation.


He must not be President for a second term. He must be stopped by any means necessary


No. Enough people in the USA see just how corrupt, morally bankrupt, and sociopathic the idiot Trump is.

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