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Why did you choose your username/avatar?

I always take note of user names in forums, many are either a real name or initials, but others may have interesting reasons, and I am interested if anyone cares to share. Mine is merely acknowledgement and acceptance of a crap childhood, I nearly didn't survive a couple of times due to either direct abuse or failure to receive medical attention following abuse and this is only the tip of the iceberg. So I use the identity, Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby the third, a fictional character claimed to be the only man who went through hell and came back alive.

Rugglesby 8 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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The photo is of me. As for the name, I think I just felt like having a cup of coffee at the time.


I am a tree hugging, recycling, earth loving, peace loving, tolerant, liberal hippie!

very similar to myself, for some reason, here in Australia, our major right wing party is the Liberal Party. I always found that strange.

Never considered myself liberal, but that's what I've been called, because i do much of the same as you, Hippie Chick. Well, except for some of the bad hippie fashions prevalent in places like Glastonbury. I do comfort but not bag lady.


Biker Dude is my nickname among some local friends, but I don't actually have a bike. I just look like I do. LOL

My Props... You Do... and Reminded me of "Surfer Dude" and of course he just looked, he didn't know how to swim. Anything with dude behind is cool to me. After all I am a Fan of that Major Dude... "The Big Lebowski" and the Steely Dan Song... "any major dude will tell you"

  1. Emerald is the gemstone of my birthday.

  2. My picture featuring my red hair represents one of my favorite women in mythology: Lilith.


It's my pic, and the name is cuz I wanted a modicum of anonymity... I had no idea if you guys were a bunch of wackos. 😉

My real name is Jim. (Jim waves "Hi" ).


My user name is my actual name and my picture is a self portrait.

@evestrat -- I wish I was better at it, I wore out three erasers doing that drawing.


Hmmm. I think I already answered this but what the heck. Here it goes.... I'm finally able to catch up on things I haven't done. So I reach in the bucket and pull out the next thing. Ta da!


I'm an amateur Astronomy from way back though these days I'm nowhere as active as I use to be and have sold off my telescopes except for one small one which is really a Terrestrial Spotting Scope. The finest telescope I had was a 7 inch Meade Catadioptic. Still go lots of books on Astronomy though and an excellent computer software called Starry Night Pro. This computer software was mostly the reason I stopped spending nights out somewhere looking at the real sky. As I got older I couldn't be bothered travelling out somewhere to avoid the local light pollution. Starry Night Pro is certainly not the real sky but it's fantastic software all the same. And you can change your location anywhere on the face of the earth and even travel back or forward in time hundreds of years.or even more.

I use that s/w as well. Love it. Particularly the tours you can do...


The avatar is me. My username is the word "go" and my initials, created a long time ago when I needed a username in a pinch. Used to have fun with it on chat sites when some people shortened it to "god"; one time I was explaining how exhausted I was building Rome all day and still hadn't finished the job.

godef Level 7 Dec 27, 2017

Sassy is my German Shepherd who is lying with her head on my feet. I am on the sassy side too.


Thanks, @Rugglesby, it's so much fun to know about each other's usernames.

Maya is a Hindi name that means 'illusion' or the 'supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions.' etc etc (check variants: [].

Maya is a name i use as a Webmaster (to wield the power to create illusions). it also recognizes a German national i knew in Islamabad who seemed to have superior natural powers.

And, 405 is the room number in a library where i participate in the monthly gatherings of an art and literature group.

Maya has its origin in Sanskrit. Present day hindi has derived a lot from Sanskrit.

Almost everything derives from Sanskrit in South Asia.


My name is just me being boring and unoriginal. My avatar is a dumb picture I took one day.


Name: is a nickname based on the spelling of my first name, which has a Z in the middle of it. The avatar was chosen for three reasons: 1. I expected this to be a thinking site, rather than your typical check-your-brain-at-the-door religious site, 2. It's from a somewhat obscure movie that I like. Others who recognize it might share my sense of humor and 3. I avoid tossing my real likeness out there due to my being camera shy and being creeped by the whole shopping-for-looks tinder/meat market thing.

(For those who are suspicious of aliases, I have actual photos on my profile page. Using the avatar quickly weeds out those who would use it to automatically jump to a negative conclusion about my looks)

Zster Level 8 Dec 27, 2017

I just looked at your pictures. I don't know which one is you, but I can't see how anyone would have negative thoughts about your looks! And, what is that library?! It's amazing! I don't recognize the movie reference, but is that Steve Martin? I LOVE him!

That library is at Yale and packed with priceless pieces! The walls are compsed of squares of thin marble that filter out the wavelength that damages paper.

The movie The Man With Two Brains is incredibly silly, almost intellectual slap stick, and is pure Martin. In it, the doctor falls in love with a mind.

Thanks for the sweet compliment, Carly. I am the mom in the picts. I seldom get caught by photo and had to go with the few that I have, which tend to be with my kids. By my comment, I meant that folks, esp at dating sites, tend to assume no photo equates with ugly in some way. It tends to weed out people looking at the superficial or seeking casual sex.

@Zster Ah yes, I see. That's probably true about the assumptions of no pics in the icon. Just looked up the movie in IMDB. It came out in 1982 and I KNOW I've seen it. Either in the theater or later on VHS. I just can't remember anything about it. I should look for it again!

If you watch it, drop me a line to chat! That one and The Jerk are two flicks where Steve was cut loose with his own style of comedy. Other movies seemed constrained to me, as if his lines were cut back or something.


My initials, and, well, I'm a Gator. CHOMP!


I confess, long ago, I played the table-top roleplay game 'Advanced Dungeons and Dragons'

'Toak Reon' was my second favourite character - my favourite being a girl ...


Mine is pure laziness. I saw the name of the site, and bam. I'm not even an agnostic, I'm a pure atheist/anthitheist/aphilatelist.

@GoldenDoll I had to look up aphilatelist ! Me too!!

@RobCampbell it's such fun to put a- in front of things you don't do. The possibilities are endless...


My user name MyLiege is something I did with Siri. I wanted to be referred to as My Liege, as it was silly and kind of awesome, and well, I'd like to think I am deserving 😉 . So in my profile pics you will see a screen shot of me asking Siri what my name is....


It is my first name and celebrates my fascination with words. have sometimes been called a "wordsmith."


My avatar is me. Duke has been a nickname since I was a child.

Duke Level 8 Dec 27, 2017

I wasn't being creative so I used my name

Had used my name before ..and man, what a mistake! Mine’s a strange name thus easily searched, then I could hardly complain to forum mod’s when some ..ahole would toss something personal at me… But good for you - though yours would be one hell of a search 😉

I have a mild bit of celebrity where I live but I don't make much of a habit of posting personal details online


It was in reaction to something my wife did years ago. We had gotten into a fight, split up and I needed a new screen name and I really wanted to piss her off. So, gatovicolo, alley cat. It should be more like gatocaso.


I always do the very boring "use my name" on social media accounts. ?

Not boring at all when you have such a lovely name.


Pun intended.

I like it,


I'm a cook and the first restaurant I worked for was a vegan place that did several dishes featuring seitan, which is wheat protein that takes on a texture very similar to meat when cooked. We used to have shirts that said Hail Seitan with a pentagram made of forks and knives, which I always thought was hilarious.


As a child I was nicknamed turtle because there was no rushing me to do anything ever. I loved Tortoise and the Hare because of the phrase "slow and steady wins the race". Was later renamed to jesus in high school for my rebellious but compassionate nature as well as long hair and beard. A friend named Alice renamed me to Rabbit after the white rabbit because she said I always tried to get people to follow down the rabbit hole and see the truth of things. Rabbit has endured since.


Mine is "stresser" backward, which I chose years ago when I was stressed out over midterm exams. Someone else was using "stresser" on some site so I reversed it and it's the one that stuck.

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