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What do you think about sharks?

I know they are perceived as evil by many, but what do you think of sharks?

EmeraldJewel 7 June 22

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72 comments (51 - 72)

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Ate dogfish in Spain; could not believe I got rid of so many when trying to catch salmon!


The same as hornets. Wonderful, awesome, fascinating creatures that could screw you up if they felt like it!

smoyle Level 6 June 22, 2018

I find them pretty damn interesting...very ancient beings.


Big fish

Simon1 Level 7 June 22, 2018

We need a Jaws / It crossover so we can hbe pennywise the shark


I think if you get into water where sharks are they will think you are food.


Their abilities as a killing machine is second only to humans. They never kill for sport and so may be kinder as well. I try not to put myself in situations that make me look like food.


They make great movie monsters. LOL!


Their Sharks, & I'm not going near them!!

Coldo Level 8 June 22, 2018

They LIVE HERE, think about that.


I think people have a tendency to try and push human characteristics onto things that are not human. Sharks are just out there doing their sharkly things. As it has been said before, if some fool in a speedo came into my house I would attack them too.

GwenC Level 7 June 22, 2018

I   don't normally think about sharks unless I'm at a beach. Then I keep an eye open and watch where I'm walking .



Angus Level 5 June 22, 2018

I think they should be left alone & all shark fin soup should be illegal. They are one of the oldest creatures in the . An amazing animal. Do not get your information from the hollywood movies. Get it from National Geographic.


"Evil" is a human concept. Sharks are incapable if being evil. They're just sharks, doing what sharks do.
Too many people are stupid with that shit.


The other day I got a knock at the door, when I asked who it was, they replied, “Candy gram.” And who doesn’t like candy, right? So I opened the door and it turned out to be a land shark. It immediately bit me on my head.


They serve a function and should not be hunted to extinction.

Marine Level 8 June 22, 2018

They're aggressive, accursed creatures with very interesting manners of behavior and inner workings. As much as I like fish, I would never, ever want to be near one, though.


Sharks may be dangerous, but how can they be evil?


I feel bad for them, us fucking them over.


I like them. Evil only humans can do evil. The jarassic sharks look cool

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