51 7

Can you recommend a new hobby to me?

I love trying new hobbies. My hobby is probably trying new ones and finding ones that stick. Like drawing, writing, and yoga have stuck with me for a long time.

Any suggestions?

silvereyes 8 Dec 31

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SCUBA Diving! Super awesome, and a great excuse travel and vacation in warm climates.


I sew, crochet, knit, counted cross stitch and needlepoint, I make soaps, lotions, lip balms. I garden. I read. I have many many hobbies and activities. What are you looking for? Most of mine keep you indoors and not really active. I finished a quilt top this weekend, it will go in to the quilt shop next weekend to be quilted. So it is time to start a new quilt top. It can be an expensive hobby to start up.


I always liked pool as a relaxing activity. I haven't played in years, and I was never very good, but had fun. A full table takes up a lot of space, unfortunately, so if you have a little room I'd recommend a bumper pool table instead, which is much more manageable but still a lot of fun. If I had any extra space, that's what I'd get.


It's not for everybody, but I love nature, so hiking and kayaking are some things I love doing.


Why not get your pilots license. I don't fly anymore but when I did it was gyrocopters and 1 hour a month in a cesna. I would invite a friend to come take a drive with me when I would go get my hour in. It was fun because I kept my flying a secret.

@silvereyes. That's the reason i had to quit. I can't understand the instructions from the tower. Im loosing my hearing. I don't want think I understood and kill someone


Have you tried taxidermy? I hear it's a great way to make new friends and hang onto the old ones long after they're gone.


You can always sell cruises part time and pick up a few dollars doing it.


Build your own electric motorcycles and/or cars?


I know Kendra Horn who is running for Congress in Oklahoma. She used to be my yoga teacher years ago in Boulder, CO. Help get women elected in Oklahoma!



Video games lol 😛

@silvereyes hellz yea 😛


Are you into trivia? I used to be on killer teams out in pubs. You can win tickets to your favorite sports team and lots of mugs.


How about photography? You could post some of your work on the site.

How about public speaking? There is a good group called "Toastmasters". It helps people do public speaking. Although, I don't know of many places in your state to talk about the things you want to talk about.


I could be repeating something. Tai Chi, knitting, Bird/any animal in nature Watching, Volunteering at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen, writing and reading your writing at an Artists Open Mic, plotting trails to hike across the country, plot out microbreweries to hit up across the country, plan a cycling trip along a scenic route for a week or two and ride it, ballroom dancing... these are just a few of the things i personally do, have done and/or am devoted to. My next big goal: I want to learn how to pilot a plane. I am intending to begin this coming spring/summer. There are just soo many things I would like to learn to do in this lifetime and sooo little time! haha

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 2, 2018

Pedal a bicycle for both exercise and the observing of nature.


3D pens are fun to play with. I've made a tree so far and have seen videos of people making all sorts of things with it, including an automatic rubber band gun.


Volunteer your time!! So many non-profits need regular support. It's the best way to make a difference for everyone (including yourself).


Plaster gauze crafting, 3d art crafting


Me and the kids get into nerf wars up in Enid. Fun way to get exercise and it's a good stress reducer. Plus you get to shoot people that irritate you without them getting too upset like in paintball or airsoft.

@silvereyes It gets me out of the house and I get to spend time with the kids and unglue them from the TV.


Getting outdoors to identify the flora in your area.


Learn an instrument


Once lived in northern Montana way out in the sticks. We did not even have a phone booth so we could go wait for a call. Spent time outside looking up, at the clouds, stars, looking for antelope, which were rare. Sure liked to watch them run. Wildlife is great to watch. Have spent fun time learning to photograph flying birds. Hard to get them in focus, but it is possible. Don't know much about Oklahoma except that movies show there to be tornado's, I will not be moving there. Don't mind a little wind, but something that can rearrange your life, no thanks.


Dancing the tango, keeps you fit and is endlessly rewarding as you explore all its possibilities.


Well, what have you already tried? I like to do jigsaw puzzles, macrame, colour, sometimes do surveys (generally the type of thing that people would post in their facebook notes so long ago xD) and research topics I'm interested in and write down basically everything I can about it longhand and all organizationally and stuff (I really like that for some reason - organizing info together...think it's partly why I so greatly enjoy worldbuilding for my writing/books). What about various physical things like skiing/snowboarding, swimming, climbing, hiking, parkour...? Definitely agree with some type of martial arts. Bird watching or collecting things...or daredevil-ish stuff like skydiving, hangliding, ziplining and bungeejumping. Hmm...boating, biking and off-roading and things like it that I can't come up with the names for right now? Meditation? What about more sports-type stuff like golf or soccer or basketball? Painting, photography, nature journaling, gardening, cooking, dancing.


Sauntering through the woods in search of edible and medical plants and mushrooms.
Lol, that's what I love! 🙂

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