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Men/Women, Is sex a requirement for an enjoyable romantic relationship?

I have a friend that I grew up with who's been married for more than 30 years to her husband. She's mentioned that sex in there marriage is "a lot" if it's once a month. Which is to say sex is not a common activity in their marriage. They seem committed to one another and seem to love each other. They are very religious Christianish type folks. I must say however, that in family pics posted on facebook her husband, a late-fifties gray-haired Caucasian man in a suit, appears to have a barely noticeable half-sided "smile" with a what appears to always be a slightly dissatified countenance. He reminds me of a man secretly addicted to porn while being a church minister type. I wonder if a virtually sexless marriage with a person you love is common or acceptable to men or women. I find this topic interesting because I believe that the expression of love is most profoundly comminicated sexually. That is not too suggest that I don't realize there are an infinite number of ways to express romantic love however. What do you think about sexless marriages or sexless romantic relationships? Are they feasably potentially satisfying and healthy?

LilAtheistLady 7 July 8

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78 comments (26 - 50)

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After about 60, sex drive diminishes for females. Males lose ability..... Enjoy life until then....

What a generalized statement. Not true for everyone. Maybe your wife?


I think sex is fundamental to any romantic relationship. If it’s not present, the relationship is very likely an accommodation for for mutual benefit.


For some people, no. Sex is not required for a healthy romantic relationship. I have a few friends that classify themselves as asexual. And I’ve got some friends that for some reason, have no function down there. Due to paralysis or things like that.

But I enjoy sex. But then again, I’ve been single for 2 years now. But even when I was in my last relationship, sex wasn’t super important. It was fun but we only did it about once a month.

As with all things in life, when it comes to human beings, there is no definitive yes or no. It depends on the person.


I suppose it can happen but personally I need to have that intimacy in any relationship I'm lucky enough to be in.


Maybe a little Pragmatic storge?


I can only speak my own personal experience... I was married 19 years. Divorce was because my infidelity... Me and my wife then were a perfect sexual match... Sex was the last thing to leave and simply because when we decided to get divorce because is what she wanted... I found no point in sex with her anymore. My infidelity was not based on looking for something I couldn't get at home... My infidelity was the way I was... regardless who I had at home... I would had done it anyways because I am an Asshole to many women on earth. I never had a mistress and something I wrote while I was on an unaccompanied tour in another continent was what got me in trouble with her. That's how life turn out sometimes. I always been a Romantic. Always will be. I could have romance without intimacy but... what's the point? Marriage couples can set up all kinds of rules or conditions to continue what they have undisturbed... I am not going to judge them.


I never judge anyone’s sex drive. If they have no sex or sex 3x daily, it’s not a problem unless they consider it a problem. Desire discrepancy is a problem, but even that can be overcome with compromise and motivation. Some couples aren’t motivated to find solutions, so one partner has sex they don’t want to have or the other goes unhappily without.

UUNJ Level 8 July 8, 2018

I found a whole lot of men like this on craigslist looking to have sex with other men.


I personally think it is pretty impossible, unless both partners have the same level of non-existant labido. There is always going to be resentment no matter how understanding the other partner may be, being constantly turned down, or constantly bothered for sex wears a person down until they snap....


Relationships are a challenge no matter what the sexual status.
Whatever floats your individual boat !


I don't get the idea of having little or no sex in a marriage or relationship..unless it's absolutely what both parties want.

Without affection sexual bonding etc I think one of the parties will be miserable and frustrated.

One could understand, as I say if it is a mutual decision or if your partner is ill.


I thought I was asexual for a long time. Turns out I was just tired of my husband. Dissatisfaction turned to loss of sexual interest which resulted in more dissatisfaction. So, while there are people who are genuinely asexual, I would assume most are not and if sex is falling off in a romantic relationship, it's probably an indication that there is an underlying problem and the lack of sex is a symptom...


As a single man who has never been married I can't say for sure... I'm inclined to believe that sex is an integral part of intimacy, although obviously not an absolute essential. I know a great many married couples Who, as in the original post, don't engage often if at all or so they say and seem to be lacking, always slightly unhappy or dissatisfied.

Whether or not there is a connection I'm not sure. It's an interesting question I'm looking forward to reading others thoughts.


Since my wife and I separated, the thing I miss most is having someone to talk to. With that being said, I wouldn’t mind some meaningless banging any time soon.

With deep conversation after, of course.


I believe varying forms of intimacy, over and above sex, is a requirement for a romantic relationship. But I also believe that with intimacy sexual desire often blooms.


No, not at all. I am an affectionate man and I enjoy just snuggling and cuddling. No sex involved or necessary.


Sounds like they are trying to look the part so people think of them as good according to their churches standard, I bet they're miserable but simply quit trying or thinking it was possible for them to get what would make them happy and just stay comfortably boring and pent up.


For some folks, sex isn't very important. As for myself l find SEX EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, but thats just me.


I think it depends on the health and vitality of the couple. Some couples lose a lot of that vitality as they get older.


Intimacy is a part of romance and sex between two people in a relationship is usually involved in intimacy it's always sad in a relationship when one person loses their interest in sex and the other person does not


It's important for me. My last romantic relationship fell apart partly because my girlfriend lost sexual interest in me. I can't really comment on your friend, though.


Sex or at least intimacy is really important to me. If we are not making out or sleeping nude or barely clothed every night what's the point.


I can't imagine a romantic relationship without sex.


People have many different ways giving and receiving love. For some people simply saying "I love you" and demonstrating love through random acts of kindness are enough. For many others (myself included) sex is needed in order to truly feel loved.


For me, I'm extremely affectionate and physical. I don't necessarily have to have sex to be happy in a relationship, but I 100% need touch.
Having said that, sex is important to me. And I'd much rather be in a solid relationship where we are having sex, then one we aren't.

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