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Men/Women, Is sex a requirement for an enjoyable romantic relationship?

I have a friend that I grew up with who's been married for more than 30 years to her husband. She's mentioned that sex in there marriage is "a lot" if it's once a month. Which is to say sex is not a common activity in their marriage. They seem committed to one another and seem to love each other. They are very religious Christianish type folks. I must say however, that in family pics posted on facebook her husband, a late-fifties gray-haired Caucasian man in a suit, appears to have a barely noticeable half-sided "smile" with a what appears to always be a slightly dissatified countenance. He reminds me of a man secretly addicted to porn while being a church minister type. I wonder if a virtually sexless marriage with a person you love is common or acceptable to men or women. I find this topic interesting because I believe that the expression of love is most profoundly comminicated sexually. That is not too suggest that I don't realize there are an infinite number of ways to express romantic love however. What do you think about sexless marriages or sexless romantic relationships? Are they feasably potentially satisfying and healthy?

LilAtheistLady 7 July 8

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Marital vows aren't vows of chastity.


Everyone is different and every relationship is different. as long as both parties are on the same page and satisfied with the arrangement everything is fine.. it is just sad when there is a serious mismatch in a couple who have different levels of sexual energy and kink. . If you can't have that connection with your mate it is really sad. the church as messed up lots of marriages making sex and love distorted. when we deny our animal side needs it is a vexation of the spirit and will demean the relationship and can bring long term deep seated problems. it's all about compatiblity and openess. the big fear of "sin" has ruined so many unions that could have been happy .


My husband's quadruple bypass ended intercourse for us 13 years before he died. It did not end intimacy or our love for each other. I think it would be very hard to create that love without sex during the beginning of a relationship.


I love your description of the husband in the photo!! ? But in answer to your question: a sexless marriage, or even relationship, would not work for me. The intimacy and bonding of sex is in my book as close as two people can get. I can like you from a distance, but when I love you, I want to be part of you. When I say sex, I am not talking about the act of physical intercourse alone, but the sensuality of bodily contact, skin against skin, extended foreplay, tasting, kissing.... OK, gotta stop now, these are all things I have not had in my life for way too long! ?


For most people sex is a part of the relationship. I am aware of a couple who have not had sex with each other, for over 10 years, although they do have sex outside of the relationship. Howevr they re hyappy and i8t seems to work fine for them. Still for most people sex is an important part of the relationship.


It is a requirement for me. But since it's such an important yet secretive part of the human condition, there's so many places where people can develop hangups about it, and the way people react around it is, at least to outside onlookers, quite bizarre and irrational.

But really, you get into a relationship with a person so you can give and get the things that you both need and you can't (easily) give/get elsewhere.

A sexless relationship can be healthy and successful, but only if that VERY closely reflects the needs and the desires of both participants


I can't speak for others but sex would have to be part of a marriage, it may not be the prime factor but it's got to be there and enjoyed on a regular basis by both parties 🙂


Necessary? No. In fact, I've had enjoyable romantic episodes without sex.

Desirable? Well, what do you think? (In other words, hell yes).

Deveno Level 7 July 10, 2018

I think each individual has inherent sexual energy. Some want it all the time, others virtually asexual and just aren't interested in it. Then the vast majority are somewhere in between on a spectrum. One can only hope to be lucky enough to find a partner with similar appetite for sex.


I can see religion, physical or mental issues being a reason for a sexless marriage. Outside of that, a sexless marriage would suck! Or lack of sucking, I should say! LOL


This question is best answered by couples in this very situation.


Catholic sex is HOW TO GET PREGNANT no condoms no pills no spermacide no diaphragms. ...yet 90% + Catholics ignore the 2 living rapist popes and "do it" as they see a marriage license a guarantee for male entitlement ? All my life my partners have always expressed fun satisfaction OF THE MOMENT while never a green light to come a fucking minutes OR YEARS later


My partner and I have a very beautiful committed relationship that hasnt been sexual consensually now,for over 25 years we have a lot of love for each other look out for each other laugh a lot and don't live together though I do all the cooking and most of our cleaning and he does all our finances etc. its a good division of labour and we do laugh a lot though we don't spend huge amounts of time together. Both of us were in abusive families and how we get on is partly to do with that - He is a gentle person thoughtful and kind and i ma the funny fall guy one. We pick each other up when we get depressed it works.

jacpod Level 8 July 11, 2018

Haha! I call that Swaggartism. Although, as long as Jimmy kept her in diamonds, Mrs. Swaggart did not sweat the porn or the hookers.


Good sex is a key to healthy marriage. Most couples need to do it at least 3 times a month for lasting bond. Doing other stuff like in common is good, but only can take you so far. That's just my opinion and others may feel differently.


If both members are uninterested in sex, I suppose low or no sex is great. Not what I would want, or tolerate, but if it makes those involved happy good for them.

dellik Level 6 July 13, 2018

Yes they are feasible and satisfying. One needs look no further than asexual couples or aromantic couples or couples with low sex drives see it. Also intimacy and love can be expressed in other physical ways such as making out, cuddling, hand holding, kissing, etc.

Side note did it ever occur you that she would like more s e x more often, but it is him that leaves her hanging? Your post seems suggest she leaves him high and dry. >.>


Asexual is code for married.

Mokvon Level 8 July 18, 2018

I can't speak for anyone else. I just got out of a 12 year relationship because it was too infrequent. I think it should be daily. Sleep, eat, laugh, and fuck!




not essential but it certainly helps. i would love women friendships of any type


Good, fun, consensual physical intimacy (SEX!) is essential to a thriving, healthy relationship, otherwise you're just roommates. The exception would be if it's no longer possible, then hopefully the relationship will stand on its merits. Even then, you can still be intimate, right?


I think it's possible if both are fine with it. It's just like having a best friend. But for me, I already have friends, I want to have sex with someone!


Depends on the person. Asexual people can still be in loving, romantic relationships. Some people don’t feel sex is an important part of a relationship. To each their own.

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