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How do you feel about people saying "I'm proud of my heritage", "I'm proud of being British", etc. Personally I can only be proud of something I've done, not something that happened by chance. It's like saying "I'm proud I'm a blonde". It's something that annoys me (almost as much as "god loves you no matter what).

GoldenDoll 7 Jan 5

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53 comments (26 - 50)

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Most annoying thing on TV is listening to Trump continually proud or honoring the police and troops oversea.

From a Holocaust war on drugs and authorities killing more people in the world than the public do. I am most ashamed of these psychopaths and criminals.


I think that's noddy talks. I think we have to be proud of what our energy can offer us with the support of our intelligent, but not what has already taken place without my individual effort.

Sorry could you translate "noddy talks" for me - I see that it's derogatory but to what does it refer? And do you mean "intelligence" when you say "intelligent"? Keyboards are so tricky aren't they.


Having pride in one's heritage can be a good thing if it inspires you to continue doing good things to inspire your descendants.

Betty Level 8 Jan 5, 2018

This makes sense

While conveniently glossing over the bad bits? Sounds like cherry-picking to me.


I'm proud to be a part of the family I was born into because they have made good choices over the years, imho.


It doesn't bother me. I wish I could say I'm proud to be an American but with that piece of shit in the White House I am not. I think I could say I am proud of my Jewish cultural background -my grandparents coming from the Ukraine-the music, the foods, the dancing, etc.

Jewish cultural background is awesome, being person of book.


I think your right about that. Your dna is not a source of pride since you had no hand in its designation. Only thing you have to be proud of are your own accomplishments.thanks for pointing that out . I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective before.

And I like one of the comments that says even pride in your own achievements is unnecessary, and that it does tend to provide a reason to feel superior to others, which we are all trying not to do I suppose.


As an Italian I am very proud to be one. Sure we had some bad spots in History but name me one nation or country that doesn't. We should be proud of where we came from and never apologize. shit happens move the F on. This guilt trip shit will not fly with me.

Ma non c'e mai nessuno che dice "sono fiero di essere italiano, (ma non le parte cattive)". It's not a guilt trip, it's just trying to make sure we think about what we're saying. Being "proud" that one line of your ancestors (which line do you choose?) lived in Italy at some time is a very tenuous foundation for pride. I could say I'm proud to be Italian too, but I'm not.


You should what George Carlin he says the exact same thing!

Yes, he's great. Unfortunately he also says he's 100% Irish because his parents were born there.

@GoldenDoll He says he is 100% but that's because it is his heritage and he is tracing back his roots. In his monologue he states that you can be happy to be born with a specific heritage but being proud of that heritage is what annoys him.

@Yourdaddy22 I'm hoping he was being sarcastic. Too much?


Agree with you one hundred percent.

'Personally I can only be proud of something I've done, not something that happened by chance.' Thanks for a clear, simple and unambiguous statement on this entrenched attitude.


Good point. Ex: me saying I'm proud of you makes more sense than saying I'm proud of your blond hair.
The one thing that annoys me is when a person says."everybody" believes or said something or agrees with in defense of something.

One expression I really dislike is, "Who doesn't like ...?" Bet there are plenty of people who don't. Just because something is popular doesn't mean EVERYONE likes it.


I think you can be proud of your culture and its achievements, Whether that be Jewish, English or US or anything. Most of all you can by proud if your community does something good in the world. Even if you only played a small part. The last time I felt this was at a festival and I heard this song.

Coming from and living in Liverpool, tears rolled down my eyes as I listened. It being only a few weeks after the Hillsborough verdict. For those unacquainted with the story, 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death at a soccer match. Tabloid newspapers (most noticeably the Sun) tried to vilify the supporters themselves, blaming them for the tragedy and printed lies including robbing and urinating on the dead. This led to a campaign not only for justice but also against the Sun newspaper itself. To this day it is almost impossible to buy the most popular UK newspaper (Murdoch owned) in my city. A fact of which I feel rightly proud as it stands a shining example of how people can effect change if we stand together.

What the person proclaiming pride in one's heritage is doing is saying indirectly that he or she identifies with the values and beliefs of that culture. . When an American southerner says the he or she expresses pride in his or her southern heritage, he or she is says (in a masked manner) that he identifies with racism, prejudice, discrimination, extreme religiosity, and disapproval of our federal government.

It is for that very reason that I , whose family roots in the deep south go back 280 years, absolutely reject my so-called southern heritage. That heritage does not exemplify who I am or want to be.

My roots are in the Midwest. I've lived in the South since age 8 ( more or less). There are parts of Southern pride that you didn't list, some that I have come to appreciate.

@BenPike What are some examples of those parts you appreciate, Ben?

@BlueWave Tough one. I'm tempted to say it's indefinable but that's a cop out.
Courtesy maybe. And the problem in answering this is that there are exceptions everywhere. Labelling vague undertones is difficult. Maybe when I meet a person I respect for their quiet dignity and honor, they're southern, because that's where I am. And I'd probably meet folks like that anywhere I lived. But the idea that a smile and hello is okay with complete strangers is one I like.

Please tell me what you think of Louisiana.

@BenPike The courtesy you mention extends primarily to fellow whites who are not outwardly of different political or religious beliefs. And, some of the people you mention for their gentility have no tolerances for people who look different from them, or who show cultural differences.

Louisiana has been noted for its political corruption since the days of Huey Long and that corruption extends down to the local level. It is not uncommon for local school board members and county officials to be indicted for bribery and fraud.

Further, educationally, Louisiana's public schools have always been among the bottom tier of states in terms of student achievement and graduation rates. That has been the case since the Civil War.

Finally, Louisiana sold out to petroleum interests long ago and that control remains. As a consequence, Louisiana has suffered hugely from oil=related industry pollution. Those are facts.

@wordywalt If you think I tag people with terms like honor without knowing them well enough to know whether they are bigots, then you don't know me well. Wait. You don't know me at all. And it shows.
Lump sum categorizations do you a disservice.
My question about Louisiana was not for you.

@BenPike the funniest thing I ever heard was one of the black Real Housewives of Atlanta saying she was proud to be A Southern Belle. Loud guffaw!


The best example that sprigs to mind is during Churchill`s second term. He was awakened early by his aid with "We have grave news prime minister".
"Are we at war"?
"No prime minister. A junior minister was arrested last night after being found with a young guardsman on Clapham common".
"It was very cold last night".
"Yes prime minister, the coldest night of the year so far"
"Makes yer proud to be British".


Agree 100%
To be proud of ones country or heritage or similar is not just stupid, it is often also damaging and dangerous because it keeps that virus of nationalism alive that has been responsible for so many wars and conflicts.

Well said.


I think it depends if you look at your heritage with open eyes. We have a great country, not sure if it's the greatest. We done some pretty shitty things but want better for all. What a dichotomy.


It all depends upon the situation, but if you’re an American, you’re heritage is so broad that to be proud of it is questionable. If I was a second generation Iranian, then perhaps being proud of ferdowsi would make sense, but a family that’s been in the US since the mid 18th century, it seems silly. I’m Scottish by name only.

Actually, everybody's heritage is so broad, the American one is just more recent.

Yes and no.


I agree with this so much.

However, this points to something I get into alot of trouble about. I understand that people shouldn't be ashamed about their immutable traits. I understand that the opposite of shame is pride. I understand that fighting shame is the motive of the gay pride movement and I am happy it exists, but it irritates me on an intellectual level.

Thinking about it has lead me to a slightly different opinion on pride. I am proud of being Indian American AND joining the military. The immutable facet of my life makes the action slightly more difficult because they are rare and Indian American's in large part are not supportive of the choice. Margaret Hamilton envisioned a way of approaching programming that changed the world and lead a software development team at NASA in the 60's AND was a woman. Her being a woman in 1960s America enhances her achievement somehow. Hidden Figures has a similar story arc for black women.

I think that when a strong, successful woman or black woman says she is proud of that immutable facet, it is shorthand for their full story. I think Irish Americans and Italian Americans had similar challenges decades ago and some of that meaning has been diluted as the added challenges have been reduced, but I try to think of the big picture when I run across it.

I appreciate that you shared this side of the issue and explained it so well. Many ways to approach this concept, and you've helped broaden my perspective on it.

@Naeem I agree with you wholeheartedly. If you said you were proud to be Syrian, it would irk me a little bit, but I try to step back and just see it as shorthand for the full statement. I try the same when someone says they are proud of being gay or being a woman. I consider it giving them the benefit of the doubt.


I am proud of my parents. They gave me a great upbringing. When I was 5yo i skipped sunday school and took off on my scooter, never had to go again


Personally, I think it's pretty silly.


If I say I am not proud of being Canadain. Many would say, why don't you move to Iraq or North Korea?

That is why I am not proud of being Canadain because US says we have to fight Iraq or middle east or US will harm our trade deals. Proud is overrated.

Maybe the suggested alternative "I'm happy to be .........." would work?

  1. I give 10percent of my happiness toward my country or healthy enough system.
  2. About 30percent toward my family and friends
    Than the rest of happiness for achieving my own desires, attitude, focus and least important my natural talents.

It always did feel silly saying I'm proud of such general things.


Sorry, don't meant to offend anyone or annoy anyone. I am Proud I may have in my DNA descendant of original tribes dwellers of the caribbean islands. They are just "Tags" Man don't get hung up in too many negative things. We all are proud of our heritage. Were we come from.

But, but....I could swear I just read about ten posts of people saying they are NOT "proud" of heritage, where their ancestors are from, etc. Maybe I should go back and read again..... ? 🙂

Sorry but I have zero feelings of pride in who my ancestors were. To me such matters of chance are totally irrelevant. And that fact that all Europeans are related to Charlemagne leaves me indifferent. And which line do you choose to take? Your mother's? Your father's? Your grandmother's? Your grandfather's? Ad infinitum. Except that after just a few generations any DNA traces may disappear, which doesn't mean your not related to somebody, just that their DNA didn't make it to the top!

@BlueWave when I am proud I am proud.

@GipsyOfNewSpain That’s great, but you also said that “We ALL are proud of our heritage.” (Emphasis added.)


An Australian comedian Paul Hogan summed this up for me once in an interview.
He was asked "Are you proud to be an Australian?"
And he said to paraphrase as it was a long time ago" I am an Australian, once you start having to say you're proud of what you are it is if you think other people have a problem with it or you are secretly ashamed of it."

Kimba Level 7 Jan 5, 2018

Excellent. And what a twinkle in his eye I bet, when he said it. I always loved that twinkle.


I find this rather annoying as well. Though, occasionally, I am guilty of referring to my Sicilian heritage, but only half-heartedly, and normally with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Almost everybody I know constantly refers to their '(fill in blank) blood'. We are who we choose to be, not who people were before us.

Ben detta amica!


Glad you raised such an interesting point here. I am in agreement with you with regard to something that I have done and not where I was born. However, as we both know many people seem to derive some sense of identity and belonging when they refer to their national heritage, whilst conveniently ignoring the facts that their national heritage has a long list of wars in which there was murder - rape - pillage and plunder.


It's just another form of tribalism which I abhor... except for sports fandom.

I think that the teams you support are very often decided by birthplace as religion typically is.

I totally agree about the tribalism point of view which I also abhor ... but without the exception of sports fandom 🙂

I'm the same ways. You see that kind of tribalism I see as different. We know it is not really important in the scheme of things. It is a great form of escape.

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