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What's something that is popular right now that annoys you?

Mea 7 July 16

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50 Shades of Kardasian Pumpkin


The Orange Sphincter
Trump administration policies
Idiots who deny climate change.


Working class people voting conservative. May as well just hand them the lube and say 'be gentle'.



t1nick Level 8 July 16, 2018

The word "bro", and with all honesty, it's due to its supplanting the word "dude", not the word itself.

Man buns are this decade's mullet.

Skinny jeans are are ridiculous looking.

Handlebar mustaches are disturbing.

The term "fake news" is over utilized and is slowly replacing constructive criticism with single sided ideology.

The word "totes".

The Anti vaccination movement.

Flat earth conspiracy nuts.


Men wearing pants falling down without a belt!

Rose2U Level 7 July 16, 2018

Everybody looking at their phones all the time


"Reality" TV..


The idea that everything tastes better with a slice of avocado on it.

zeuser Level 9 July 16, 2018

@NerdyOkieDude avocado AND bacon.....yum


Donald Trump and family! ?

The question asked for something popular. 😉

@joeymf86 as with many of the things listed here, he is not universally popular, but he is certainly constantly in the news and does have a fan club. Just like Yoga pants are not universally popular but seem to have a dedicate group of wearers, many of whom should not! ?



Simon1 Level 7 July 17, 2018

Yoga pants on people with the body of a sumo wrestler. Save me.....

Especially in flesh color.

Butt is hungry.

Thanks for making me laugh.

Hey now, fat people deserve to be comfy too.......well, maybe not in public ?


Pretty much anything pertaining to Zombies.

Clupus Level 4 July 16, 2018

Man-buns, SUVs (which are actually station wagons, ya know), faces glued to smartphones, talking on cell phone using speaker mode.

Yes! SUVs are station wagons!!!




clickbait sure why not i have time to look at 30 pages filled with adverts instead of 2 concise ones whats that sure ill sign up to your site what could go wrong oh and alt right fck them

weeman Level 7 July 16, 2018

I think I hear what you're saying! Trying to read a Yahoo news story sucks! A 5-minute story takes 50 pages to go through in a billion adds!


reality shows

I would actually side with you if I wasn't going to be in a reality show lol.

@DanielYoung Really? Which one?

@kiramea we will be filming a reality show in our antique store and it will be aired next year on Discovery or arts and entertainment providing the network buys the pilot.

@DanielYoung I avoid most reality shows like the plague, but I'll watch yours.

@kiramea it'll be a little while yet but I'll keep you posted on the progress. The Shred real process is done now the next would be the pilot


Duck lips


Geez, most "popular" music, most commercial TV, etc.



Wrytyr Level 7 July 17, 2018

Fox News...


Man buns

Oh my god!


The majority of popular music.


People that want to open a go fund me for that Kardashian chick to raise the 100 million dollars she needs to make her a billionaire. I normally wouldn't know this crap but it made it to the news.


“Reality” TV. It’s not real.
And it plays the the very lowest denominator of society.

It helped get a president elected and it is now how our administration is run.

It also puts writers out of work. There are too many good stories out there that need to be told to show mindless TV that has no plot and real story to tell.

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