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Does it drive anybody else crazy when there is a sink full of dishes that hasn’t been cleaned for days?

I’m one of those types of people lol. I absolutely can’t stand a dirty, unorganized kitchen or place. Lol

EmeraldJewel 7 July 22

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YES! You should come over and wash them for me! jk/kk I hate doing dishes.


That does not happen in my world. Ever.
It's a rare occasion when even a dirty spoon gets left in the sink overnight.
There is no excuse for slovenly behavior.

It's also another reason that I really don't want to ever live with anyone else.

is too! lol

Is family environment a factor do you think? I grew up in a hoarder's home, so clean is a pretty loose term for me πŸ˜›

@arnies I don't think so. I think it has way more to do with self-discipline, and consideration for others, than anything else.
"Clean" is not a subjective term. It's either clean, or it's not.

@KKGator Admittedly, self discipline is an area that could use some work! Never seems like enough time though. I am at work 7 days, 70 hrs a week, have 2 teenage kids and a disabled wife... so sometimes its hard to get everything completed.

I am not complaining, just sometimes there isn't enough time for everything.

Might be getting a 40hr a week job soon instead... that will help a LOT!

@arnies Having two teenage children ought to mean you have two additional pairs of hands to help with the work load. If they aren't helping out, perhaps they should be compelled to start.
Good luck.


My job is keeping kitchen clean...nothing left overnight...


Can NOT stand it! So non-hygeinic, and the stench...

Zster Level 8 July 22, 2018

Definitely, that's why I live alone.


Can't deal with a dirty kitchen..or fridge either..clean as you go..?


I live alone, l don't cook, and have switched to paper plates and bowls. Problem solved.


I wash as I go, and never let things I use at night get past the following morning.

zeuser Level 9 July 22, 2018

Never happens, ever. And I would not live with someone that lazy.


Not me I have Soap and Water.


You would be mortified by my kitchen. It stays in the sink until I need it. Then it gets washed.


I hate, hate, hate washing dishes but I can't stand dirty dishes left in the sink. It drives me crazy.


If I go to house and the sink is full of dirty dishes, a table / chairs full of everything....I say "Oh, s...t, I left the keys in the car. I'll be right back."....and I never return to the place.


I hate waking up to dirty dishes. Always clean up the kitchen before going to bed.

While food is cooking, I like getting the dishes done before the timer rings.

When my daughter was a teenager, she rolled in at midnight and made a snack. In the morning, I was confronted with a mess: dirty dishes and pans with food cemented. Food spills on the table, floor, counters and chairs. Claire didn't even rinse a pan or dish. Then she slept until noon. This infuriated me.

"Everybody knows you are OCD, Mom," Claire replied when I complained. She blamed me, instead of taking responsibility for her behavior. Grrr...

What cured her? Claire got a puppy at age 19. Cocoa chewed her boots, shoes and everything on the floor.

Now Claire, 28, is neat and organized like me. Thank you, Cocoa!

Keeping busy while still cooking, makes the whole chore more enjoyable !!


It's not like it drives me crazy.... it's just disgusting. Unless you like roaches and all kind of creatures roaming around.... I like a clean spotless place.


Throw them in a laundry basket, hit 'em with the garden hose.... Done !


I have to live with it. My housemates and I are not the most physically or mentally well of creatures, and some chores can end up sitting for a few days while we collectively wrangle clinical depression, fibromyalgia, narcolepsy, and joint hypermobility disorders.

I see myself as having three options. I can scream and throw fits because other people aren't doing it, I can be passive aggressive like my mother was and martyr myself to the cause of doing it myself and thereby use up energy that could be better served elsewhere (like personal hygiene or paying work), or I can accept that the place isn't going to be spotless and all three of us chip away at it whenever and for however long we can. I see the third option as the sanest.


yikes the smell


I legit HATE it! I don't allow it in my house.


I once had a roommate that couldn't figure it out. After like, the 5th damn time we talked about it, I'd had enough. I woke him from his nap one day and TAUGHT him how to load the dishwasher. He never did it again πŸ˜€


Perhaps you should start a theurapeutic blog for survivors of dirty kitchens.


I think that it drives us crazy when it is someone else that is responsible for not doing those dishes. Most of us can put up with it if we are there by ourselves.


I would die inside. My pop leaves dishes piled up in his house. Even after I leave I wonder when he'll do them


As an executive chef for 3 decades...I have mastered the "clean as you go" kitchen (by hand, not with a machine).
The goal is, that when you sit down to eat, the only dishes that aren't clean are the ones on the table being used.
My kitchen is spotless and everything has it's place (it's also in my BnB, so it has to be immaculate).

There are NEVER dirty dishes left in the sink. Ever. That might be the one thing that I actually consider a "sin". LOL



I wouldn't know ...


I've always considered the sink as a place to wash dishes, not a place to leave them.

Dirt and messiness cause clutter in my brain. I'm just not smart enough to use up that kind of room in there.

Athena Level 8 July 22, 2018

Leave the dirty dishes on their beds.

Maybe then they will get the point.

People who expect others to clean up behind them suck.

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