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As an Angostic Humanist commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence, and scientific methods of inquiry, rather than faith and mysticism (or propaganda), in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions - I am very pleased that Senator Diane Fienstien released the transcript of the Fusion GPS testimony. Now republicans like Chuck Grassley can't manipulate us by controlling the story and offering only select snippets of the truth to shop his narrative.

MrLink 8 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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English please. You lost me on the first sentence, "As an Agnostic Humanist commitment to the use of critical reason..." Did you mean to say, "As an Agnostic Humanist committed to the use of critical reason..."?

Yes sir, I did... Committed to


Unlike Grassley, Feinstein did the moral and patriotic thing!

Grassley and all those henchmen for Trump are toads. Especially those like Lindsey Graham who correctly identified and loudly called out Trump as a fraud and an intellectual infant during the campaign and now act as an apologist, or worse, for him. Never Trump!


Damn right. Cheers to Diane Feinstein.

Diane Feinstein is a bad ass! The country needs more people like her in Congress.


I agree with all of these. Respectfully, I don't see the relationship between the first clause and the second clause of your introductory sentence. People who are religious as well as those of us who are skeptics should be equally grateful for Senator Feinstein's release of the report. We all have a stake in seeing to it that our democracy is autonomous. We all have a stake in knowing that our President is not subject to influence from foreign nations with questionable motives. We all have a stake in honesty and sunshine on our nation's political deliberations. Being non-religious neither diminishes nor enhances those civic interests.

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