False. Some rich people will have no respect for no matter , how respectful you are to them. They believe they are superior to anyone who works in retail or makes less than $100,000. Which is very sad.
Then blame the 1℅, I do. Just not most people.
@Castlepaloma Sounds good.
Then blame the 15℅, just not most people.
Not even all the 1℅ are soooo,.. bad.
Greed is the worst virtue of all. The blame game is not very efficient. It's really the natural grass roots people who are the game changer in the long run.
I'm disappointed to see so many false answers. Give respect, if you want others to respect you.
Respecting people is very important, mostly yourself. The respect you show to others is an immediate reflection of your own self-respect. People who do not respect themselves, tend to disrespect others. Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue, I want to inspire people to respect to a higher standard like a practice of gratefulness, not less.
A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect. You can’t force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected. Respect is earned, good character earns respect, let it be the first thing you give away that represent your ideology.
Don't agree with everyone, still respect one another. Respect starts with self. Don't let others get comfortable with disrespecting you.Just don’t engage with others who don’t respect you. Self-absorbed people lack respect for others. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Respect yourself to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy.
Sad to see this part of non believers. The fear to respond shows me a deeper truth.
People will do what they're going to do and we have less influence on that than we think. The trick is, that we try to act respectfully, because it's the right thing to do, and become masterfully adept at dealing with others who simply won't care about how they treat others.
I try to be respectful to every one.
But i think there is a difference between respectful, and respect.
Respectful is just another way I like to be kind.
Respect is something that is earned.
Another persons behavior doesn’t have to dictate mine. I don’t have to be a jerk just because they are.
False. Unrelated.
The real shitbirds will respect you less because they'll know you're a sucker if you respect them.
Screw them before they screw you attitude.
Out of 600 games to play, this game is the best game to play for a success life.
But it is very difficult to measure the marginal contribution, so the strategy of "Tit for tat" has to be adopted in order to encourage members in an organization to secure the encompassing interests
Tit for Tat, you can respect people to different degrees and work with them to different levels or degrees. For I am no better or worst than the next guy. Just let A-holes be A-holes work with at level 1 out of 6. Level 5 or 6 is the highest energy level one can ultimate work with someone.
They should. If not, respect them anyway. Always take higher ground yo.
It's not black and white, some will respect you in return and others won't.
Good grief, a big false. What a great idea though, if only.
False, I treat people with respect and often it isn't returned