Well it happened. I just said "From your mouth to god's ears!" in conversation. Do I lose my 30 year standing as an atheist as a result?!
“Holy jumping weasel critters on a hot cross bun!"
No more than any of us who still yell out “oh my god” during sex! ????
Ok, first of all, when is the next time you are visiting Miami Beach and second of all, a threesome with god? Kinky!
Lucky you.
It's been so long for me, I can't even remember who's supposed to get tied up anymore...
When I was a kid, reared in a strict Catholic home, I recall my mother saying that atheists don't really exist because even someone who claims to be an atheist still says, "Oh, my God!" when something bad happens. Such a dumb argument. Even then I didn't think that was convincing.
Was it about Trump getting removed from office? Because if so, you automatically get a pass.
Go directly to jail.
Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.
Roll doubles to get out.
We all say OMG, Holy Shit and jesus Christ almighty. Just to name a few.
Jesus 'Fucking' Christ comes to mind.
We're here for you. Lots of people relapse. Just don't let it control you. Remember what sobriety feels like and the accomplishment you felt when you threw out that first bible. Don't lose hope fellow recovering theist!
I exclaim “Oh for Christ’s sake!” every once in a while, but I’m still an agnostic, for Christ’s sake!
Context is everything do I'm going to say no
Freudian slip... but freud was also a liar. We didn't heard you so... never happened. It is something you dreamed.
You shall be condemned to Atheist hell. You will listen to hymns, be forced to recite bible passages and pray fervently until you sweat blood. On the other hand, you can send me five dollars and I will intervene on your behalf and see if I can get you upgraded to Atheist purgatory.
Nah, I've used that phrase more than once. I think of it as irony.
Not a phrase that I have ever head. Having been to Scotland and Ireland, I am trying to use "oh, for fuck sake" instead of the other ones with "god" in them.