Are atheist, agnostics and freethinkers more or less open to dating and marrying someone of another race and why?
I have no issues with interracial dating or marriage.
Don't marry outside the human race if you plan to have children.
It seems to work out on Star Trek all the time...
@Paul4747 Of course it does there.
“The heart wants what it wants." ~~~Emily Dickinson
Why would I stick with just white people? Seems really limiting. I don't really have a heritage to 'preserve' or to not date outside of, anyway.
I don’t think religion or lack of is a factor.
yes there is tons it is about prejedice
@benhmiller ummmmm....I don’t understand what that means
When I find love again, I’ll be more concerned about the person on the inside than the outside. Diversity is to be welcomed, not shied away from.
Make no mistake though, there’s plenty of xenophobic/racist non-believers. You only have to read a couple of threads to see it for yourself.
I would say it's a non-issue. Just like gay marriage. It doesn't affect anyone but those 2 people. I feel I would be declaring some sort of superiority by giving my "approval." It's not an an issue that needs approval.
Yes. Because we're more humanist than our religious brothers and sisters. They cherish their god and what they think he wants. We cherish the human race and what's good for us as a whole. Well, most of us anyway. Thus, we're inherently more open to this sort of thing.
One of the many things we learned from the Human Genome Project was that there is not enough difference between us to separate us based on race. We are all one people. So, my answer is obviously no. Love who you want. I am however against interspecies dating. Leave those goats alone!
I don't know that a person's belief or lack of belief has anything to do with it, other than I notice that conservatism, religion, and racism seem to often intertwine. I think religion encourages tribalism to a greater degree, and for some, tribalism = racism. Just my rambling thoughts, though. Perhaps I'm totally wrong.
No, I think you're absolutely right. We have many social patterns that have old roots in tribalism, and probably pre-date civilization. You can see this on a different scale when people from neighboring states in the U.S. show active antipathy towards each other.
If two people love each other, something already as meaningless as skin color will matter even less. And I think atheists, freethinkers, and agnostics are probably a little more open to mixed race marriages, mainly because it is the religious who seem to have the most bigotry and taboos.
I hope that freethinkers are not affected by race when it comes to dating choices. I don't believe that one should be. That being said, thinking back, I dated one First Nations person, and that's about it when it comes to other races. I'm Latina myself, so does that count? I think that my own dating choices had more to do with who was around than race, but maybe that was an unconscious factor.I am surprised by how many people on dating sites say that they only want to date their own race. I click past them. I don't want a relationship with a bigot. I don't even understand where that would come from.
@calendarman I hope not.
Years ago the argument was "Think of the children". Implying they will not be treated well. Then it is up to us to change that & treat the children well. The issue is becoming a mute one as the world shrinks & cultures collide& infuse. Great food in the world, music too.
Connection and how they treat themselves is all I care about - I've been bummed that I haven't had a chance to date women that were different races (if such a thing exists). I've dated white and Asian women, no black or Indian women... but I totally would!
We are all humans and most of this stuff we call race is really so minor.
I want a Latina Asian woman with a black penis.
pretty open minded...I must say!
@bubaj50 lol
Color of skin means nothing. Cultural differences (which are not skin-tone based, either) can be an issue if the couple have different philosophies, or their families do, but that still doesn't make it my business, except in hoping it works out for them, because love is love.