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What is a book that has been important in the development of your worldview?

I know that many of us are on here because we don't like a book telling us how to think, but books are still important ways to share ideas and spark conversations. I think that the paths to thinking a certain way are many, and I'm curious to know what that journey has been like for you.

Wombat1624 4 Aug 30

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A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking.
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space, by Carl Sagan.
Death by black hole by, Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.
There have been many more, but these three are the ones that I've re-read the most. I get something more each time I read them.


Surprising that no one has said this, but the Bible opened my eyes to the world in ways my pastor never intended.
From it I learned the lies, deception, hate, fear, abuse and uselessness of religion.
Reading my bible was the worst thing I could’ve done as a religious person.


Ever since I gathered meaning from Sun Tzu's "know thy enemy..." there is value in anything written by anybody.


Nearly every single college textbook I read in my Liberal Studies BA program.


It all started in elementary school with The Witch of Blackbird Pond.


"The Righteous Mind" Why Good People Differ About Politics and Religion, Jonathan Haidt
Reads like a sociology text book but has some great insights

lerlo Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

The Immense Journey, by Loren Eiseley, for its natural history.

The Golden Ass, by Apulius, for its irreverence.

The Rievers, by William Faulkner, for its young protagonist who stole a car, jockeyed a race horse, and got cut up in a knife fight in a whore house all before his tenth birthday. And for his genuine remorse and the compassion he was shown by his grandfather, the owner of the car.

Siddhartha, by Herman Hess, for its commentary in the world of the possible.

Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, for its look at greed and obsession.

The Golden Shore, by Patrick O'brien, for its tale of perseverance and resourcefulness in the face of extreme privation and suffering.


Book: Fahrenheit 451

Comic book: V For Vendetta

I've always been fascinated about stories of totalitarian regimes and the societal effects brought with. The wondering how people could allow it, how even with so much history we can easily forget and repeat.


The God Delusion
God Is Not Great
The Brothers Karamazov


At the risk of dating myself a good place for me to start would be 1984, heart of darkness,catch 22. Books like that.


Probably have to say Anarchist Morality by Peter Kropotkin. I rarely quote it anymore but it lead me down a long path and many of the others that influenced me greatly I may never have read if it wasn't for this book.

Fredy Perlman's Against His-Story - Against Leviathan, a Jaques Ellul's The Technological Society are both in my top 3 as well.


Atheism the case against god


Waaaay too many to enumerate. i know my writing style was more influenced by john lennon's books than by books i consider better written than those; i can't help it. they influenced me. but my worldview, apart from my writing style? hmm. maybe... oh gosh, i could list hundreds. before my eyes went bad i used to read an awful lot. i wish i still could. be that as it may, here are a few... or a few dozen... let's see how far i get before i have to stop myself. in no particular order: cancer ward and pretty much anything else by aleksandr solzhenitsyn, edith hamilton's greek mythology, cry the beloved country by alan paton, the danny kaye around the world story book, stranger in a strange land and pretty much anything else by robert a heinlein, the manchurian candidate, gentleman's agreement, the works of harlan ellison but in particular the glass teat and the other glass teat, all the books i could get my hands on by elie wiesel, elizabeth foreman lewis, chaim potok, stephen becker, charles dickens, thomas hardy, fyodr dostoevsky, primo levi, joanna russ (omg everyone go read all of her nonfiction, not that her fiction isn't wonderful, but her nonfiction is amazing), antoine de saint-exupéry (and pardon me if i have misspelled him), louisa may alcott, robert louis stevenson, mark twain, j d salinger, even albert payson terhune, though thankfully i did not adopt his racism, nevil shute, laurens van der post, desmond morris, robert graves, edward eager, maya angelou, ogden nash, robert lowell, john berryman, i am leaving out a boatload of important influences for sure but these came off the top of my head. oh, lewis carroll and edward lear. nonsense influenced me an awful lot, which is why lennon made such an impression, and that reminds me i should add s j perelman and h h munro to that mix. okay i'll stop but there are so many more....



I would say the first proper book I read had the most effect. Not because of it's content or story, it was The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but because it opened up the idea of reading. I never read anything in my own time and only read what I had to at school to get me by. John Wyndham opened up a universe of wonder.


Wow, this is like asking me about my favorite glass of water. I cannot narrow it down well but I will say that "On the Origin of Species" by Darwin was great AND it sparked a revolution of countless other great books.


Most of the ones I've read. Though learning about the Kardashev Scale via Michio Kaku has influenced me. Also Kahlil Gibrans many books. And the sensitive dependence on initial conditions thought process from Chaos is a big one that helps. Though I am fond of Alyosha The Pot too.


The Grapes of Wrath.


Robert Heinlein ...Stranger in a Strange Land


Philip Slater~ "The Pursuit of Loneliness"


The Female Eunoch by Germaine Greer
and Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein


The two books that did it for me; WHERE EVER YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE
by Jon Kabot-Zinn,

                                                                                                            THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS
                                                                                                            by Deepak Chopra            

I would enjoy healthy discussions with all who relate. I am also a GEORGE CARLIN deciple.
If I ever had a god it would have to be George.

Remember, the gods all died laughing!!!!!

RE Coyote


The Revolt of The Angels by Anatole France


Atlas Shrugged


"A Generation of Vipers" by Philip Wylie, and "Invitation to Philosophy: Issues and Options" by (if I remember correctly (Honer and Hunt).


there have been so many, so VERY many. i don't think one book changed my WHOLE world view, but many books changed many parts of it. a spaniard in the works and in his own write changed my view of writing itself, which is important as i am a writer. stranger in a strange land was seminal. if i listed them all the computer would explode.


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