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What is your biggest fear?

As I get older, I see life very differently than I used to. How about you?

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Akfishlady 8 Sep 3

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I had it all, by time I was 42 and lost it all by the time I was 49. I will get it 90% of it back though.


not recognizing my next psychotic break for what it is and actually harming someone


Growing old alone. I have been single half of my adult life, and having someone to share ideas, experiences, and feelings with is the best.


My views on life are quite different in recent years. I don't think we truly have free will, for instance (though I've thought that for many years now), and I don't think there's a persistent personal identity we carry with us through time. As I come to terms with this perspective and contemplate its consequences, I find there's less and less to be afraid of. I have some irrational situational anxiety, but that's not real fear. If there's one thing that I am fearful of, though, it's doing something unethical. Although I don't believe in free will per se, the closest I can come is to act in accordance with desire, and my desire is to live an ethical life and to harm no one, and to not give in to competing selfish desires — but there are many schools of ethical though and it's not always clear how to live the best life.


Gotta care about life to fear anything


The lack of wanting to be educated.


I have an almost crippling fear of my children being taken away from me. It started the first time I had a midwife home visit when my first son was born prematurely.


Poor health.... I've had a slipped disc and I know what it's like to NOT be able to pick you own underwear up off the ground. To sneeze and have every part of your body hurt. To turn the wrong way and pinch a nerve that sends so much pain down your body but you can't move because it only makes it worse. Everything else, is manageable

What's even worse , is when you undergo surgery to fix it , but they only make things worse . They lie to you and tell you , "Oh that pain will go away , in time , " but it doesn't . Then , after waiting year(s) as told to do , you learn that the surgery they did , wasn't the one you needed .

@Cast1es yeah, I was admitted about chiropractic adjustments and yoga. I hate pain killers. I was told I shouldn't run again and now I average 8 miles every other day. When it comes to health limitations based on injury or illness nothing is more humbling. I hope you've found a healthy way to progress past your situation.

@Fibonacci1618 Took multiple tries before I could even find a surgeon who was willing to try to fix it . I have regained some of my voice , although I can't sing , at least people can hear me on the phone , and the constant pain I was dealing with due the orginal surgery , has greatly decreased .


Already happened.


I watched my parents retire then havve nothing to get up for in the morning. Their physical & mental health declined & they sat around waiting for death. My mother is still waiting but for her its the 1950s & her father is still alive. My father orchestrated his own death in a way it was not medically considered suicide.

I don't plan on retiring (especially with this administration in office) & when I stop working for others, I have already started working towards what I will be doing. I have a plan to be active & vital. I'm setting up for my "retirement" business.
I'm in the gym 4 to 5 days per week & honestly, Death will have to chase me down if & when It wants me.


That the world will remain ignorant religious oppression.


Went with lack of money, the others I can deal with.


I'm not afraid of death, no one can avoid that. I am afraid of suffering or prolonged illness. I'm afraid of an unfunded retirement thanks to the current administration. I'm really afraid of not being able to do what I want when I want and that would cause me to be bored out of my gourd. I'm never bored because I always have a long list of stuff to do, if I can't do them it would be sad.


My children dying before me.

Same here. That would be the worst for me.

@Condor5 I occasionally have nightmares of being in an car wreck, and being trapped listening to my children screaming and being unable to help. It's horrible.

@MrBeelzeebubbles fortunately, I rarely have dreams I remember, and none that terrible. But, I think dreams often do reflect our deepest fears. I've had a few wherein one or the other of my dogs was either killed, or disappeared in a busy city. I don't think I could handle anything similar involving my daughter.


I say lack of money, money buys everything.


Lately I am anxious about money. Health problems forced me to stop working before full retirement. Alone and poor is not a pretty picture.


The fact that this crazy ride is going to end sometime discusts the hell out of me.


Know NO fear.


I'm starting life over again and I'm finding it hard even with a degree in cybersecurity to get a job at 57, cancer survivor, and twin boys that are terminally ill. I have never been this broke in my life, as a matter of fact I've always been fairly well-off. So I guess I really don't like the prospect of me being broke!





Always thought that growing old was going to be a peaceful time to ponder things, think about stuff and write memories..... I was completely clueless about pain, sickness, not having energy to do anything and at times to get a bit sad and depressed because things are not the way I thought they would be. At the end, beats the alternative anyway....

Speaking of alternatives: Alternative medicine or Holistic practitioners. Understanding how old age affects us and doing something benign and non invasive about it. It's a fun study and it feels awfully good to be able to kick ass at this senior age.


I prefer to not die. I would also add that I'm surprised at the low votes for "death." Seems to me all us nonbelievers would be scared to death of death.


I'm terrified of the fact that one day I'll just be gone


Losing my freedom. I would rather be dead than let someone else's will supercede mine when it comes to my life.


None of the above.

And just what are you doing wearing the socialist revolutionary hero Che Guevara's picture & logo on that Tee shirt? Looks great. Are you wisely converting? LOL.

I thought it was my Level 8 Agnostic shirt.

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