When you're down or not feeling your best, what are things you do to help and why? When we're emotionally down or blue, we tend to find our personal go to's or remedies that makes our day slightly better or as pleasant as possible. Hang with friends, hide and read, what have you. I usually paint or binge watch game grumps in my worst mood. No matter how much I want to not let go or fixate on the negative, I watch game grumps and it makes me laugh every time and it usually reveals the stupidity of the situation. It really helps you get out of your own head, as dumb as that is. What do you do when you're blue??
Get out of the house and move. Humans are not made to sit. It causes problems.
2 things.
The music that I write.
The volenteer work at the homeless shelter.
Been a long time sense I have been blue but this song, as I recall, always seemed to help. - always reminded me that all mind states will change.
Love them! My favorite is Sparrow
@Kayterade5348 Thanks, Never heard Sparrow before.
Musical catharsis. Blast music when no one is home, sing along really loud. Back when I was a teenager and gas was under a dollar I'd go drive around and do it, but yeah, musical catharsis is my go-to.
Yay! I know that always helps
I'm not in down moods very often but I can always count on my lady friend to text me some emergency crisis that needs to be addressed immediately.
Her: My phone won't work!
Me: how did you just text me?
Her: Oh
Her: is that woman from Agnostic at your house?
Me: no honey, she lives in Australia.
Her: a hurricane is coming and I'm scared.
Me: so come here.
Her: no, I'm working on my crafts.
Her: did Nick run away?
Me: no, why do you ask that?
Her: I had a dream he did.
After 50 of those stories I'm always in a better mood.
Added Game Grumps to my watch list. If you're okay with awkward humor, you might enjoy my go-to show when I need a mood boost: Impractical Jokers.
I attempt to breath oxygen rich atmosphere.
This usually brings back my normal color.
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go where fashion sits?
Where fashion sits?
@Kayterade5348 Puttin' on the ritz.
Rama, aka Ramachandra, one of the seven avatars of the Hindu god Vishnu, is tradirionally depicted with blue skin. His weapon is the bow and arrow. When I'm blue I make like Rama by stringing my intellectual bow with information and take aim at the root of the problem. Hopefully arrow flies true and I don't shoot myself in the foot, lol.
Erm... develop yet another self destructive coping mechanism?
if I’m down I sleep. If I’m looking to laugh I binge watch Curb Your Enthusiasm. Can’t go wrong with Larry David.
I go fishing. The ocean is my therapy. Look through my pics and you'll know it to be true!
When I'm blue, I read about neuroplasticity and remind myself that I'm just having a biochemical reaction, while I listen to frequency 528 hz which helps center and relax my energy. If that doesn't work, I go for a run. I try to active cordisol and endorphin productions.