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Competition: healthy or not?

I have to say that I am not a big fan of the idea. I think I like to play things for fun and hope that everyone wins or at least has a good time playing.
This site has a bit of a competitive nature to it, is points and levelling up.

Now, I get the purpose of the idea, it's better to have interaction of someone posts and receives points for doing so. But I also see people who post endlessly just to gain more points. Or worse, putting provocative stuff on just to get everyone to comment.

I find it discouraging and I also feel the need to climb up with the points when I see people who have been here for such a short time passing mme. Or worse, asking for help from the site to get to the next level. I don't even know why it bothers me. Maybe because I have always been a person who likes things to be fair. Ha!
I never enjoyed playing against teams that were stacked with good players.

Akfishlady 8 Sep 16

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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Your post is just a thinly veiled attempt at getting more points. Nice try. ?


This is the sort of thing that pops into my head all the time.

It's nice to have a place to share it where maybe a few people will appreciate it.

Yes when we get near a level - we want the points to level up if we notice it happening.. most of the time someone else tells me. Ok I'm at 8.9...

But I'm not changing my style. I just might mention I've got another Level 7 and a half to go... 😉

@Akfishlady Not one bit!

Everyone posts differently. I commented to someone yesterday - that I do put thought into what I post. Even when it's humor. Sure I might free associate - but I figure that's half the fun of how my brain works.

This has been a great thread to read. I love finding out what other people see when they look at us.

And you should post more of your photos! ❤.

@Akfishlady I think the post is spot-on.

@bingst Exactly! (Plus I could hardly post Taylor Swift now could I?). 😉

@RavenCT I don't put a lot of thought into some of my post. I do a lot of lol because I appreciate the comments that make me chuckle.

@Akfishlady By the way, what did you mean that Raven is a contractor?

@RavenCT I meant the original post, not your comment.

@Akfishlady Oh thank dawg - I thought maybe I was a contractor? That seemed odd.

Commenter I'm good with.

I was really shocked when I looked at my profile to see just how many comments versus posts.


in what way is it even a competition? in a competition there are winners and losers. here, no one loses points when you gain them, or even fails to win them when you gain them. we're not competing for the points. we're being rewarded for our activity, independently of each other's rewards. that is not competition.

yes there are people who take the points so seriously that they post garbage just to get the points. that's rude. there are rude people in the world. this may seem like another world but it's just another part of the world; you can't come here and expect to escape rude people. but their rudeness, while annoying, does not prevent you from gaining points, nor take away the points you have already gained.

it's not a competition.


@Akfishlady lol it's an illusion. it's just a reward system for your contributions. you want to be rewarded a lot and fast? hurry! you just want to participate at your own rate, like most of us i think? do what you do and don't worry about the points, and you still won't be giving them up, because they'll eventually come to you. there is no deadline.



Points? I haven't even checked them yet. I'm shocked I haven't already been kicked off this site like I was on Facebook and Twitter and aol. ?


Yep, there is a lot of padding going on. Posts about nothing, not even aimed at creating any controversy. Dumb posts. Lots of stuff. I don't pay any attention other than to ask occasionally what someone means or consider why in hell they even bothered. People are people and any site represents a microcosm of our civilization. I think we're fortunate here in that, because of the site's nature, we are spared a certain amount of what is aggravating elsewhere.


If you are talking competitions like American idol I think the idea is beyond ludicrous. It is like blaming someone for not having a gift of talent when they are rejected. On the other hand giving a goal to achieve that all can achieve a little completion is welcome to encourage others to complete a given task and reap the rewards of satisfaction.


So is this just a post to gain points then? Maybe i shouldn't reply ?...shit, too late now ?. Nice beach though ?


Enjoy your points!!

MattW Level 6 Sep 16, 2018

Never thought of this site as a competition but healthy competition I see to be a good thing it brings out the creativeness of those involved.

@Akfishlady that's one I have always found pointless

@Akfishlady it is ashame, I would use the word sad but.


I’m not sure that points or no points makes a difference to discussion and discourse. Doesn’t make an interaction more or less valid!


This site rewards people with high levels by making them work. It's fairly easy to get to level 8 without really trying. It's a long way to level 9, and IMO only obsessive people would actively work towards it.

I see level 9 as a goalpost for persistence more than something to obsess over. I expect to take 1.5 to 2 years to get there, assuming I don't lose interest in the meantime. So in a way, it's really a motivator for the site owners. Can you hold people's interest long enough for people to get to 9 and even 10? If I make it that far, I'll give THEM a gold star.

@mordant Good point


I enjoy competition, with the provision that it's not life or death so I don't take it more seriously than a fun challenge.


I am here for interaction, for conversation, and for pissing off conservatives. Oh wait, I meant for community. I love how the conversations can range and the stuff I learn. I love hearing the opinions of others. I love the support and the camaraderie that has developed. The points are nice, but I'm not here for the points. I am not so focused on getting points that I'm going to spend more time here. I've been out of work/retired for a week. I've got other stuff I want to get done. If I was driven by points I'd be here more. I just don't/can't multitask like that. I've been here for about 9 months and I don't have plans to drop off anytime soon. I'll just keep plugging along and let the points come as the come.


Very interesting point. I raised a point that displeased rather conservative members who were all to willing to send volleys of insults my way. So i got rewarded for being a shit stirrer.
I made similar experiences in real life where i was given peanuts for tasks that would have dignified an ape and for some monkey jobs i was rather handsomely rewarded.
It was as an illiterate that I was given the most financially rewarding jobs, combined with other perks. In contrast for really good work I was often not paid at all.
Here at least the points are given whether I excrete verbal garbage or something slightly better.
Pecunia non olet ... neither do points.


I think competition breeds success. This site is not competition. As for posting "provocative" items, provocative is in the eye of the beholder and some people actually have thought provoking ideas. One of the purposes for the site.

lerlo Level 8 Sep 17, 2018

Competition? I never really thought about it that way. I'm here to benefit from the accumulated knowledge and experiences of all the members here. And have fun, which is exactly what in getting. Didn't even notice my level until I achieved level 5! Then I checked and saw that most of my points come from talking to people about what interests me. I only make a post when I need advice haha different strokes for different folks I suppose. Do we get super powers at level 10. Lol


Guess I'm more of a cooperative kind of person, except when playing card or board games but those aren't that important. ?

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