44 4

Job satisfaction.

Well it's Sunday evening and only a few hours of the weekend left soon I will hear that all too familiar sound of my alarm screaming at me to get up. I don't mind getting up to go to work I just wish I had a more meaningful or exciting job something that I would enjoy getting up to do rather than hating it.

So my question is how many of you have a job you love or your dream job? Do you feel you are were you want to be or does that feel light years away from you?

Crow616 4 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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44 comments (26 - 44)

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I'm in the role I want, where I could be hugely effective. I however deal with a leadership team that is narrow-minded and happily touts business-as-usual. I hate my job.


Love my job, most days. I work in IT, but don't have to program or work help desk - infrastructure's very different.


My job may not be the ideal thing but there are good aspects too. Even though it is a job of long hours of work, difficult personalities, politics, and damn few perks, I do have a sense of mission. And there are probably good reasons why I landed where I did. In any case there is little point in dwelling on the negative. Life is full of trade-offs.


I'm actually struggling with this myself. I don't love what I do, but I love who I work for and what we stand for. A friend has suggested a book called Designing Your Life, so I might give that a try.

My job as a mechanic for the power company SoCalEdison for 15 years was about as close as I would ever come to having a "dream job".  I got paid for a minimum of 8 hours a day to play with some of my favorite toys!  Big trucks, earth moving equipment, small cars and lots of other stuff too.  For my last three years with the company, I was Lead Mechanic in my shop in Ventura.  My handle in the shop was Top Gun because I could troubleshoot problems no one else could figure out.  But, there were way the eff too many a-holes to deal with almost every day and and other issues too, so I left it all behind.  I missed the paychecks, but kept my sanity in the bargain.  

Don't have my dream job, but I love the team I work with, and that makes up for SO much. You can have a great job, but lousy teammates that make working a bane.

Tilia Level 7 May 27, 2019

Although I don't hate my job and it allows me to pay some of my bills, at the end of the day it is what it is which is a job where I'm getting up out of my bed, going across town to make someone else rich and allowing them to live out their dreams.


I have my dream job. I love it and miss it when I am not there. It can be stressful and HE certainly has a lot of egos. Also retain clinical hours and love that job too.

What do you do Mr. Crow?


I keep getting contract jobs and while I have helped people resolve their grievances in customer service related or information assistant roles, nothing has been my dream job yet. None of them gave my life purpose or meaning and if they were meaningful jobs or jobs where I help humanity, perhaps getting up early for them would not suck so much. heh


It took 4 trys but I finally found the job I liked as an Insurance agent. I felt like I helped many people understand their policies better.


After having half a lifetime's jobs that I hated I'm a university professor and I love it. You have to really, really, want to do it because there are many hoops to jump through.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

I absolutely love my job,. It took a lotta work and time to get here, but it was worth it. My alarm goes off way too early and I work long days, but I also have a 3-day weekend every week and take several vacations a year.


What is your work? Mine is as a Reading Specialist in an urban elementary high poverty school. I like it a lot-the kids, though challenging at times-are amazing. Many of them have been touched by gun violence, domestic violence, homelessness, familymember incarceraions. I want to give them hope by learning how to be a better reader.


If you have your dream job you are lucky. Most of us at my income level do not have that luxury. We do what we must to get by. I am fortunate in a way that makes some people hate me. I have no mortgage worries, etc. because for many months before retiring I was able to save a thousand a month. I am frugal but I basically am able to do what I want. Others that I know simply spend money. I have job enough to help me maintain mine.


Oh, I feel you, brother. My job bores me half to death. I sit at a computer, in a cubicle, doing shit that means nothing to me. I just got a raise last week but that does nothing to make the gig any less dull or meaningless. I USED to have a job I LOVED but it got folded into a different department and put under new management and got handed off to someone else within that department so i could just sit and watch helplessly as the job I loved went to someone else.


I loved the job but hated the management.
A job is a means.
You might consider changing jobs. Do what it takes to get there. Suffer now so you can swoon later. Or not.


Other than a few crappy part time jobs in high school and in college I have enjoyed what I did to make a living. It was drilled into me to go to college from early elementary school. In spite of lousy high school grades I went to community college then on to get a BA degree and, in my 50's, got a masters degree. Both my wife and I had great jobs that were made possible by advanced degrees (so my advice is to get an advanced education). We are now retired and far more financially secure than most of our friends of a similar age. We refused to put our kids in day care as they grew up so we were a one income family for a long time so, in those years we just did OK. I was "Mr. Mom" for about 10 years and after the kids were in high school we both worked and pretty much caught up financially. Get the education you need then hold out for a job you like.

OCJoe Level 6 Sep 17, 2018

I think I might really enjoy my job once I can actually do it! Still waiting on system access, etc etc.


I am, have been and always will be because that is my choice + a little bit of luck too !!! ???

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