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What's your preferred dwelling type?

I've lived in an apartment, house, townhouse...condo...

I actually liked the setup of my townhouse best. Just a small outdoor area-- mostly concrete-- but most of the grounds were taken care of by the HOA. Easier to maintain, but less noisy than the apartment I lived in.

What kind of home do you prefer?

silvereyes 8 Jan 25

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53 comments (26 - 50)

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I spent some time homeless as a child so a house represents security to me and only CBS will do since the few bright spots in my childhood were spent in a typical CBS Florida home circa 60's.

My house was built in 80 but has that older style vibe. I love those tiny homes but with a daughter and grandkids living here, I will be too old to sleep in a loft by the time they are gone LOL

If money were no object, I would have some weird ass unique monstrosity


I prefer to be out in the country. Wide open, empty of people places.

In town, I prefer houses/duplexes. I need gardening space, and a space in between doors (less likely to have to be social).


If my wife would let me I would prefer a Nice RV. I think I am part Gypsy cause I have always had the wander lust. I would be sure to be in the mountains of northern Montana in the summer, and the warm desert of Arizona in the Winter. Plus in between we could see our relatives back east.


I think townhome is my favorite well. I also like Apartments as long as there's not a large amount of Neighbors.


I miss loft living but will always want and need a yard. So i suppose an open-ish concept place on at least a 1/2 acre or more is my dream place. Something big enough to have goats or a mini donkey and some chickens...with fiery dober-butts of course 😀


Out in the country living in a nice rock home with a nice fireplace. No close by neighbors for a good mile.


I'm an apartment person..and definately a city chic..



I like my brother's house in NC. Nice wide house with nice big rooms and a big deck and backyard. It's peaceful. The only negative is there being no stores near him. If you want to go to a supermarket it's like a 30 minute drive.


A house with a gated yard for the dogs and fruits and veggies. I finally had two cherry trees, but it is not cared for anymore since I'm not there. Sad thing to see.


I'm building a site specific tiny house. Not like those high dollar ones mounted on trailers. The tiny house movement has become a haven for the wealthy people who think paying 30-40K for 100 square feet is somehow being 'responsible'??? No. Mine is more like a bug-out cabin, but I'm not a prepper; just a farm boy who is fed up with the way of life that has been dreamed up for me to live. I'm taking my life back🙂🙂

i love the way you word this very admirable sentiment: "... has been dreamed up for me to live. i'm taking my life back 🙂 🙂 ". i also love the way you do this <3

Good for you...


The house into which I was born was more than 200 years old at the time and belonged to my maternal grandmother. To get to the house involved a long drive down old narrow country roads followed by a two mile drive down a dirt track which led directly to the house. It was a whitewashed cottage with a thatched roof. There was no electricity and lighting was provided by wall mounted gas lamps and old fashioned oil lamps. Water was drawn from a well at the side of the house. During the winter months the fire was kept burning with a mixture wooden logs and peat. The nearest house was several miles away. The view was picturesque with nearby hills and fields that led down to the sea.

sound wonderful - was it?


House with a yard...grew up in a house with 4 mango trees, guava, limes... oh I miss it

Oh! To die for...


My own place. I love Art Deco. Currently in a 55 and older low-income apartment complex. If I fart too loud my neighbor will hear me. BUT most of the residents being older are hard of hearing. I have excellent hearing and a very accute sense of smell and while the apartemnts and grounds are no smoking some people feel they do not need to follow the rules. oops I degress. I want to and am hoping to change my current living arrangements. I also find the tiny home very appealing.



These days it will have to be in the countryside, & by that I mean rather in the bush (as we call it in oz) than within farmland. I genuinely enjoy encountering & sharing space with wildlife. my favorite abode will have to be small & compact, with space to add on as required.
I used to live in a 7m caravan with an equally spaced deck out front, situated in rainforest next to a creek with a big waterhole for swimming.
I also like living in intentional community.

Sadly the intentional communities seem to have been replaced with Community Title now, they have mostly lost the idealism and energy of earlier years.


My funky old Florida house, that's uninsulated, and way too cold inside when it gets cold outside - but it's in an odd location on the border between populated and not, which allows me to be in the middle of town, or the middle of the woods in under ten minutes. And it's surrounded by a half acre of huge trees - thus providing shelter for all sorts of wonderful wild things - and my chickens. Not always practical - and sometimes work - but it's spirit is good, and it feels like home !


I like my house and separate pottery studio...fenced yard for the Red the wonderdog to run free.


Small house in the woods with a wrap around porch. And maybe a 40 car garage.

lol The garage way bigger than the house. Typical male! 😛


Live aboard sail boat


I am totally in love with my Chicago bungalow. It's furnished exactly the way I want it, I have an insane amount of personal space, and and just enough yard to keep my gardening fantasies alive every winter. I intend to stay here as long as I am able to maintain it. My neighbors are pretty close (this is the city, after all). But it's MY house.


I like our 3 bedroom ranch style home with a big back yard. It allows me to do the vegetable gardening I enjoy. The trees, plants and flowers make a a peaceful setting that we can enjoy from our screened back porch. We can also observe the many birds (including hawks, owls, crows and many other species), the squirrels, opossums, raccoon, blacksnakes -- even an occasional armadillo -- and all this in a major city.


Country home with lots of land. I’d prefer a California bungalow or a Texan ranch house.


I am a fan of houses in the country. Mine is on the cliffsides of the lakeshore in the middle of a forest. The domicile isn't as important to me as location is. I Must have water and I prefer forest with that water. Other than that, my home is typical. Four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, basement, 2 acres of land because I NEED to grow my own food, I have 22 chickens and eventually I intend to get a cow & goat for milk because I like to make my own butter and cheese (and soaps and shampoos and lotions with the goats milk) and I can get a gallon a day from a jersey cow. In time, I'd like to also get a couple of alpaca's so I can tat the fur by hand and knit my own winter sweaters, gloves, socks and legwarmers. I also want a mini donkey Just Because they like to hang with the alpaca's AND they are so freakin adorable! Donkey serves no purpose other than aesthetic! haha!

I need the acreage because of all the things I do. I have a barn and two Workshops too. One workshop is where I keep all my woodworking equipment and the other workshop is where I do all my crafts. I make a lot of my own furniture and decoratives too. I just like to keep myself busy so having a large property works for me. I like to have a large yard for my children. Two years ago I bought them a really nice Amish Built playset and club house for the backyard so I need a decent yard for my children to play in too. I also have a firepit because I like to burn shit and I like to sit outside at night and watch the flames.

I need the water and the trees for inspiration too! I guess... im picky. haha

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 25, 2018

I love my apartment. I've always had difficulty with the idea of any type of long term commitment (>5 years). I like the yearly option of walking away free and clear.


I would love to live in a lighthouse...just saying.

@silvereyes Is that really a bad thing?


I like my house the country that I designed and built myself half a mile to the nearest neighbour and my second choice is a cabin deep in the woods.

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