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Did the Bible make you an Atheist?

The more I studied the Bible, the more I thought it was bunk. I was astounded by the number of contradictions. Anyone else?

tdtallent77 4 Oct 9

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74 comments (26 - 50)

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Most of the bible stories I remember are silly or evil. If you hear your god telling you to murder your child, then maybe you need to seek professional help, not a weapon.


No, reading the bible made me become a pagan for 23 years. Then I became an agnostic for a few years. Then I became an Atheist.


No. The Bible is a story and is in and of itself unbelievable. What changed me is the fervent believers, their blatant ignorance and their inability to comprehend life without a deity.


No, the bible didn't make me an atheist. It the lack of sciencetific proof of creation, having religion cramed down my throat, and having a family member imply I would go to hell if I changed sects.


Reality made me an A-theist.


The bible was a large part of it. My age group was supposed to read the old testament for church at the same time I was reading Greek mythology for school. Placed side by side like that, I could not believe the bible was anything other than just more mythical stories.


Considering everyone is born an atheist, I would say the bible and other religious texts helped bring me back to that innate wisdom by means of their obviously fictional nature.


Same here. The more I studied the Bible the more convinced I became that it was myth rather than reality. I find it full of false prophecies, contradictions, and just plain silliness.


It certainly helped 🙂


I mean it wasn't the deciding factor but it was a consideration for sure.


It didn't hurt, that's for sure!

That's what I was going to comment.



I was an atheist long before I had the bible read to me.


I started at the beginning but I couldn't get past the part where people are instructed to make slaves of other people.


Yes absolutely !!


No. Believers did. ?


No, it only ended my theistic thinking. My further reading and observation caused me to make the move from deistic thinking to agnosticism.


Never read it. Came to agnosticism through simple age and maturity.


I think we're born atheists. Some people backslide.


Growing up Catholic the Bible had a small par in our lives. Ours was a benign life as far as religion goes so I stayed until my late 40's. It was actually a combination of a period of time coupled with a religious group. I saw a big contradiction and left. Later, I met and married an Iranian. She was a lifelong atheist and really influenced me to the anti-theist I am today. BTW way I still see many charities as harmful to society and the environment.


Read that awful book, or read 'Banned books of the Bible ', better


No, I was an Atheist before reading the Bible, but it did help strengthen my doubt.


To me, I will have to say, it was my birth. The first time I went to church I thought it was bullshit. That was about the age of 10. The thing is, my mother was a religious nut.

No creo en Dios!




Not the bible, no, but all of the books I read on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, and the Norse gods I learned about as a child - that pretty much forced me look at the "creation" of gods and goddesses answer the questions we now has science answer! If something was unexplained, it was a god or goddess responsible. Hmmm... If humans do not know the answers a phenomenon, then they create a deity be "responsible"... Now we have scientific explanations, and there is no need for the ancient made-up answers. Easy peasy. I was an atheist from early childhood! (I was an early and voracious reader).


Short Answer; Yes. Long Answer; It was mostly because it was f-cking boring as a child. As I grew, I developed a deep doubt of everything, even the value of life itself. Really screwed me up. Anyways, once I hit High School I had torn through the thing a few times and found that the more I read the more I felt like I made the right decision. Nowadays, I enjoy some of the stories but write it off as old and spiritually valueless drivel.

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