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Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

I think of myself as a pretty strong person, but lately I have felt like I need a really good cry. I start getting weepy listening to the news, watching a romantic movie, videos of animals, ridiculous stuff .....I keep fighting it because I hate feeling weak. I don’t think crying is a weakness in anyone else but for some reason it is for me. ?

Alliegirl 7 Oct 28

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111 comments (76 - 100)

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Neither it’s a sign of being human

Exactly what I was going to say.


I need to cry. Sometimes I think I lost the abilility.

Buxx Level 7 Oct 29, 2018

It's an age thing. I remember my father (an emotionally stunted man) telling me many years ago he found himself just bursting into tears. He put it down to the medication he was on. Now many years later i find myself doing the same, and i take no medication. I have always been in touch with my emotions whilst keeping them under control but more recently that has become more difficult. Such is life.

These are crying times, too much tearing down,’ so much uncertainty on the political stage! The nervous system gets stressed! Best to let it out. to give our efforts more freedom to be.


Just enjoy it, as long as you don't carry it to extremes like john Boehner did. 🙂

That was kinda funny...and I don’t mean to poke fun at him!


Really depends.

Some exercise crying to influence others. In this context, crying is not a weakness, it is a tool.

I don't openly cry but do (on rare events) become teary-eyed. This response is evoked when realizing the suffering (profound loss) of others.

Crying can also be an indication of depression. I have been there, done that!

@Freedompath spent many years with a rather wonderful woman who ( I am guessing as a result of being sexually penetrated when she was in early grade school till HS by her grey haired married next door neighbour) displayed profound manic/depressive behavior. Hated her really high times as they were always followed by an equally low low. I remember the back of my shirt wet with her tears as I held her for hours while she cried uncontrollably.


There is a condition that can cause one to laugh or cry inappropriately. Though I can't recall the name of it, I believe I may have a touch of it and I hear it can get worse with time.

Pseudobulbar affect ....PBA

I would not worry on it, to much! We all have something that’s a little off!!! At least it isn’t a character flaw!

@Freedompath well, I have plenty of those too. By this age, if I haven't manage to work them out, I might be cultivating them. ?

@Normanbites well, I never thought about it like that before, but you could have a point there! When the ‘flaws,’ stop working, most everybody will figure out something different to apply ourselves to!


I cry frequently when learning a new song on the guitar. Some chord patterns and lyrics are just overwhelming almost instantly.

You must wear your heart on your strings? Lol


Awhile back, a close friend of mine posted this on FB - and it has helped me so much.


I think crying is a physical need & healthy as it allows release


It’s an emotional release that can be caused by sadness or happiness, love or hate, any other emotion you can feel, if the feeling is intense enough for any one individual. It’s not weak or strong to cry; those thoughts about it are the result of cultural pressures.

NB: I’m not talking here about those who cry incessantly, or those who never do. Barring a physical problem, those conditions are likely the product of an underlying psychological issue.

NMB: There is a large body of anecdotal evidence that a large number, a majority, of (western cultural) men are totally screwed when confronted with a crying woman - a situation that can paralyze their ability to have rational thoughts and make rational decisions about the situation that brought the crying about.

That last part is interesting. I wonder how common that might be? I will be on the look out now, for more information!

@Freedompath I was mainly thinking of my own, and male colleagues’ anecdotal sories in a work context, i.e:

Manager (male) needs to talk to a more junior employee (female) concerning a matter of conduct and/or competence. Manager outlines what happened. Employee responds, manager responds to that, employee bursts into tears.

Manager becomes flustered and unbrained, and fudges the whole thing, if not aborting it entirely.
NB: the reason and/or motivation for the tears isn’t the issue here. The genuine-ness or otherwise of the tears is also not an issue.

I have read a few reports over the years in many different journals about this phenomenon. But I can’t remember where, or any detail.



I definitely think it's strength. Just as people who get therapy recognize they need help. They're strong. People who think they need help and don't get it are the weak ones. If you need to cry there's a reason for it and it will benefit you to get it out. Privately or publicly it doesn't matter. Go for it, you'll feel better


I don't believe it is a sign of weakness. I have had similar feelings lately. I don't cry, but l feel like l need to. I might get misty eyed, but l can't cry. It feels like emotional constipation. I just can't get it out. I feel like l would feel better if l could.


I don't think it's either or. It's natural release.

I just try to avoid in the office


I feel weak when I cry, but sometimes a good cry is necessary to let go of least for me.


It all depends what one is crying.over. If someone is crying because the donut shop closed five minutes ago or that someone can't remember where they put their weed, or both, I can totally relate to a good cry.


Crying is a sign of strength. You must be strong in being comfortable with yourself to allow yourself to be sensitive and nit worry about what others think or your masculinity.


Strength is in the ability to be vulnerable and own up to it


Neither. It is a natural response to emotional pain.


On its face, I think it's a sign that you still care about something. Maybe examine why you're thinking crying equals weakness.


I walked into a dockland bar. On the TV was the movie "The Champ", it was the end scene. At the edge of the bar was a huge guy with tears running unabashed down his face. Nobody dared say a word, for when the man kicked off, it took 6 policemen to restrain him.
I cry at Rocky movies.


Crying is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. One that bottles up his bad experiences, is afraid that others will think he/she is weak. It seem like we're more afraid of what others will think of us than what we think of our selves. I think of crying as a way to recharge my battery with the strong electrical current that the bad experience has taken away.

Good thought! Thanks...


Neither . I cry for every thing you mention ,but if my wife is in the room I try to hide the tears, because its embarrassing.


It's a release. When my SO and I were flying from Wyoming to Texas so he could go to one of his doctor's checkup's (long story - motorcycle accident, lots of surgeries, checkups, and moving him back up to WY from TX in between it all), as soon as the plane touched down, he went into a grand mal seizure. We literally went from the plane into an ambulance straight to the ER. Once stabilized, we left by ambulance again to the hospital where his appointment was, and he was admitted there--again. After all that and the check-in, paperwork, phone calls to his parents, my parents, work, getting our bags, and finally able to get a cab to the hotel room (it was 10pm by then), only then when I finally got inside the room I just dropped everything and collapsed and let the floodgates out. Tried to be strong all damn day and I couldn't take it anymore.
I also cry at commercials involving the welfare of animals. It's not a weakness; to me it's a sign that you care and it's a physical release that's good for your body. I always feel better afterward.

I once did the same thing when I was a young mother with 5 children and they got hurt and it was emergency!

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