39 4

How proud are you of your state?

If you arn't from a State, how proud are you of wherever the hell you are from?

I am very glad to be a Marylander. It's a solid blue state, very progressive. Without Maryland's liberal stance on Medicaid, I'd be fucked. We have the lions share of the Chesapeake Bay and it's on our swamp, which we donated to the nation, that the Capital stands on. Your welcome America. We also probably have some sportsy teams, I think we are good at lacrosse.

In addition, we have the best flag. Lord Baltimore and his homies had good taste in colours and shapes.

RoboGraham 8 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Not at all. It happens to be near where I fell out of a vagina. I had and did nothing to do with it's existence. Taking credit for what other people did seems wrong.


I’m in Texas. Eh, the people mostly suck. The culture celebrates ignorance, I’m politically of unpopular opinion, the stereotypical music sucks, they voted for Trump, and weed is illegal. Why am I here?

Texas has good barbaque...

Yeah and this little place in town, La Palma, has the best tacos you ever eat. @RoboGraham

There’s some good things about it, but I don’t blame you, they’re crazy around here. @witchymom

Get out!


I live in Oregon Portland, I love the fact that we do not have sales tax. This means I can afford to eat even if I have very limited funds. I like the freedom of thought in Oregon, I love the enviroment protection that's observed by almost everyone. I feel home in Oregon.



I live in Oregon, which, as a state is very liberal and progressive as well although half the state, and unfortunately the part we are living in is very conservative. Fortunately, the west side and most populated area swings for the state. I do really love Oregon, both for the politics and because it's such a beautiful state.


Montana: on one hand, drunk driving and meth...white supremacists...judges that go easy on rapists...John Mayer...

On the other hand, wilderness, outdoor recreation, clean environment, low population... Oh yeah and Jeanette Rankin!

It's a wash.

ETA: no sales tax. Meh-yay.

Wait eta stands for what here?

@Neraven: edited to add


Washington, especially western Wa. I am proud we are progressive and feel lucky I live in a rural part that is even more progressive than many urban areas (when the vote for gay marriage was had our county, San Juan Island, had the highest yes vote. Unfortunately, here as other places there are too many extreme liberals. Those that follow the conservative ideal in the importance of loyalty (my tribe right or wrong). Also, as in many other states there is a divide; it is called the Cascade curtain (mountains running from S. to N. Many places on the East side are very conservative. However, the money and power are on the West and without us the East would be in dire straits.

I am not from here but have discovered this state has more geographical differences than any other states. It has amazing natural beauty and the natural beauty shapes how many feel about preserving the environment for future generations. Where one lives can and does shape how one views the world.

I lived in Western Washington from '93 to '99. I think it helped to cement my liberal mindset. Gary Locke was governor, I think. The ex retired from Ft. Lewis, got a job with an IT start up, we settled near Everett. Then we moved to Kansas 😟

@HippieChick58 Sorry for your loss. Gary Lock was the first Asian-American governor of any state. Interestingly, my late wife worked at the elementary school he attended.
I am retired (disability-mild) and still have privileges. I used to go to Ft. Lewis (now McChord-Lewis) a lot (commissary and PX). In our area we have the Whidbey Naval Air Station in Oak Harbor. They are a pain in the posterior.

@JackPedigo I loved Oak Harbor, my former SIL lived there after my brother bugged out. That area is so beautiful! And liberal. Sigh.

@HippieChick58 And bloody noisy. You probably don't know the impact the Navy is having on our peace. They have been sued (and lost), they are trying to expand and constantly lie about the effects of their jets (they contradict their own studies) and recently they tried to get a measure through our legislature giving the military rights to control land, public and private. A bunch of us wrote every single legislator and it just was announced the proposal was taken off the docket. The Navy has suggested they might go somewhere else where the population is smaller and we will do everything e can to promote that. Remember who the military take their marching orders from! Remember the military is a very conservative group.

@JackPedigo oh for darn sure!! My ex was in for 20 years, I was active duty for 6+ years. I was not a good fit for the Army. I know how the military works. and I know it is too damn big, and I know who actually runs it.

@HippieChick58 I still remember my fist day in Basic. We were told "This is not a democracy. You don't ask questions and do as your told". That mindset is trying to be enforced on our democratic way of life not only by the military but the fascists in our legislature. It is only about money and power to them. Your comment "I was not a good fit" reminded me of something I was tole while stationed in Turkey. That actually worked out for me (long story).

My 2 best friends met in the first Iraq war. He was a gung ho person. That experience changed him and he is the mildest, kindest most outgoing person you will ever see. He is also the director for the BLM/San Juan Island National Monument and we do a lot to preserve our local environment. Our island has an annual award called the "spirit award" given to those that have done the most for the community. They won it a couple of years ago and the center was filled to capacity and the couple (big time musicians) even provided the entertainment. Sometimes war can have a good effect on people.


Kentucky is a mixed bag. On the plus side, we have bourbon, beautiful bluegrass countryside, and a fine musical tradition. On the minus side, to the point of embarrassment, we have Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Matt Bevin, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation "Museum."

Yes sounds like two extremes to me! Beautiful state I drove through it last summer. Stopped at Big Bone Lick State Park, very nice there.


Tennessee? Oh, goodness. Not very.


I'm in Texas, so not very. Reddest of the red states. We are a "right to hire" state, meaning a boss can fire you for no good reason.

Isnt that generally in the fine print anyways? It is in MD atleast.


Dissapointed. Florida is one of the worse state'. It's filled with racism. The amount of drug users is ridiculous, it's more than any large city per capita and because of this crime is very high aswell us unemployment rates being pretty high. Florida is environmentally dirty morals are almost non existent and FL is also one of the dumbest states in the country statistically.

Fortunately you're not in Alabama. At least Florida is a purple state, or so I'm told.

Yup and we have Rick Scott in charge along with Brian Mast and let's not forget Mar a lago

@Reaver85 Satient point! Well done


Love living here in Oregon in the blue part. Like that almost half of our population is unchurched. Like our land use laws. The beaches are for all of us. Early adopter of bottle bill. Environmental conscience. Am part of a humanist group. Beaches and mountains are within an hour travel. Legalized pot. Like the mild climate, and don't mind the drizzle.


Ashamed - California - we have Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and sanctuary cities

gater Level 7 Feb 5, 2018

I feel ya. Devin Nunes comes from California.

Devin Nunes, hahahaha I hate that dweeb!

@Ktcyan why? because he is uncovering the crimes by the FBI?

Lololol uncovering the crimes of the fbi? That memo? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


To be proud of an imaginary line in the sand is a sign of insanity.

There's so much more to a state than just it's boundaries. It's government, it's history, it's laws, it's people, it's character, it's culture..., all aspects to potentially be proud of.

As I currently live in Texas, home to one of the largest collections of "MY magnificent state" blowhards on the planet, your answer made me literally LOL. Thanks for the chuckle!

@Godot Funny, I'm from TX. Blowhards are everywhere there. Tread carefully.

Yep... there is no true witness account of Travis ever drawing the line in the sand in the alamo or jim bowie being carried over in his bed.... that came up many years later.


My home state has corn, Cornhusker football, cows and cow shit. Not much else. Which is why I don't live there anymore.

Congrats on the escape!


I reserve pride for things I've accomplished, so none.

Do you feel that it's not right to have pride in anything outside of yourself?

@RoboGraham Mostly, yes. Philadelphia is currently taking pride in their team, but the city and it's residents get to pay the price.


We're the Scandinavia of America.


I live in Florida and I am not proud of the state. The politics of the state are backward and somewhat corrupt. It is stupidly pro real estate development and does not show the intelligence to invest in education and infrastructure. It makes little or no effort to diversify its economy, and does not produce near the quantity of good paying jobs needed and the dominant political forces try to hold wages down.


Lucky, yes. Proud, no. It's not like I got to choose. I was born here and found it beneficial to stay.




VirginCotton Putin wants to be friends????? BBAAHHHHH That's why he interferes in elections, starts wars, and poisons his adversaries. Not the kind of friend anyone wants. Trump isn't trying to be friends with Putin, he is being blackmailed at best, voluntarily colluding at worst.


I think at 61 years old I'm in a pretty good state.

So yes, I'm proud of my state. 🙂


Pennsylvania is taxing us to death.


I live in Georgia, one of the most backward states in the Union. Not much to be proud of here. Oh, yeah, it is visually beautiful, but so are most states.


I'm from Texas. Can you believe Rick Perry actually ran for POTUS??? And then he tried a second time!!! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Sad part is that he represents the common mentality in Texas. Sad.....


I'm proud to be a Mainer. It takes a certain type of person to thrive up beyond the wall, I mean Boston.


Maryland for the win.

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