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We Are In Mourning At My Job

I learned yesterday that one of my Research Support Staff's son was gunned down at High School due to some gang related incident.

My heart goes out to any Mother or Father who loses a child.
I will be getting together with the rest of my physician colleagues to take up donations and hopefully assist my
staff member with burial expenses.

"I LOVE YOU" because life is not promised!


twshield 8 Nov 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm so sorry for the loss.

So senseless.

@twshield That's terrible. What a senseless loss of life.

ughh what a fckd up couple... why would she do that though? Was her bf jealous and possessive and she helped him kill anyone that had a crush on her? geeze


I'm very sorry.


Oh my, this is heartbreaking. Another young person taken to soon.
I can’t even imagine what his parents are going through. Thank you for doing what you can to help this family.


Sorry to hear this, my deep sympathy to you and your colleagues. Sudden loss is hard to reconcile, especially when it is violent and pointless. ♥️?


Sorry to hear this, my deep sympathy to you and your colleagues. Sudden loss is hard to reconcile, especially when it is violent and pointless. ♥️?


Please extend our condolences and I think you're doing the right thing trying to help with expenses.


You mean mounring, not "morning.


Oh man....I am sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine their pain.


When I was a kid in school, fun ciolence in schools was such a rarity. Now, it seems like it is the new "normal".

BTW, it isn't "morning", bu "mourning" I'm one to talk though. Being legally blind, I have a lot of typos tht I miss.


It breaks my heart tremendously. Words cannot say how sick I am of hearing news like this (and once in a blue moon, witnessing it).

Buxx Level 7 Nov 14, 2018

I am assuming it's "mourning" and not "morning"?

could be both

@btroje True

@twshield No, it's not, but it could be taken wrong quite easily.

@twshield not to me

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