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Do you have a nerdy side?

In High School, I never considered myself a nerd. Though, I did have some nerdy hobbies back then-- I also had some very non-nerdy hobbies. I had an eclectic set of friends from different social circles. Somehow, as an adult, I've become far more indoorsy and probably nerdier.

My nerdy side is shining stronger nowadays and includes a love for video games, board games, anime watching, Marvel movies, and an enjoyment for reading things longer than a Facebook post (LOL).

What is nerdy about you?

silvereyes 8 Feb 9

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I watched Lord of the Rings and liked it.


I think both of my sides are nerds. I only listen to Public Radio. My entire DVD collection has subtitles. I collect memes on my cellphone. I wear glasses and a pocket protector at work.


I thought I was more geeky than nerdy but since I have a few of your nerdy traits, perhaps I'm a combination. I had to laugh at @EricTrommater's post because I'm also an NPR junkie, and most of my DVDs have subtitles.

I'm relieved that technology has advanced to make some of my hobbies easier (like anime) but I'll never get rid of my CDs which are pretty international. A sure way to stop the conversation in our house is for someone to say, "How can you listen to this music? You don't even know what they're saying.". Yeah. That's when we know they probably won't be around long. 😀

I took it as a personal victory the other day when my 13 year old daughter added Veretski Pass to her Pandora Playlist. You're never too young for Klezmer.


sometimes I crochet thread doilies like our grandma used to make


I'm a geek. I'm not sure about being a nerd, but I suspect that they're fairly interchangeable terms.

I knit while playing tabletop RPGs. I read mostly science fiction & fantasy, but listen to non-fiction audiobooks in the car (unless I'm listening to NPR). I adore superhero movies and other SF&F films. I have multiple web sites, and maintain some for friends as well. I'm learning to code in my spare time. And I work from home as a tame geek for a big tech firm.


Watching and playing Jeopardy. Used to do trivia competitions all over Boston, MA. Love playing bridge.

I bet the folks here would make an awesome Trivia team!

If we have a national meeting good idea!


A more pertinent question for me is "do you have a cool side?" My nerdy side is my main side.

He says while he's doing leg extensions in the gym.


Hmmm.... I'm laughing Silver.... I've never had a nerdy anything. I know some recovery stuff for addiction. Things I've learned and shared with others, but I'm like Socreties. He stated he knew nothing too. Oh oh.... in my old job I was manual thumper.... it always had to be by the manual (book) specs... maybe I WAS a nerdy


I work in a geek field, but I'm very much a nerd. (Here's a fun infographic that, even though I don't agree entirely, I find relevant: []

@silvereyes I don't think the graphic is entirely accurate, but I do think there are some general things that distinguish the terms. I found the article I was originally looking for, that distinguishes geeks from nerds as "collection-oriented" vs. "achievement-oriented" respectively: []

@resserts, I had no idea that's how the word nerd came about! Very interesting. Now I have to go share with all my nerdy friends.

@Lauren Word nerds unite! 🙂

@silvereyes Fortunately "gamer" is on the nerdy side of the scale. 😉


I got that labeled on me in high school. I took a typing class and most boys were not into that in the late 1970's. I felt lost in this class at first, but got to enjoy it. A teenage boy in a class with pretty teenage girls? Yes! I can get used to this, I said. lol

It benefited me in the long run as I am now an IT Cyber Security nerd. I love my job!

I had a boy in my typing class in high school and he garnered all kinds of attention from us girls and the teacher. Pretty smart of him!

By the time my daughter hit school, they'd changed "typing" to "keyboarding" and everyone has to take it in elementary school.

Why did you decide to take typing?

@Lauren It just interested me. I figured that it might help out in the long run. Did it ever! It was probably the smartest thing I ever did as a teenager! lol

Had a Lit teacher who told all of us we should take a typing course if we planned to go to college. I'm unsure how she knew that? Other than having to type term papers - it wasn't a needed skill. However term papers? Yup. I'm so glad she pointed this out and I took the class. - Also some friends who took advantage of this ability - but still friends with them.


We definitely share the love for Marvel (and most other SH films, if they're decent). I also love other Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR). I've read LOTR, The Hobbit, and even the Silmarillion, LOL! At the same time, I like to work out, so I guess I'm an exercising nerd. =] I used to do IT Tech Support for a living too. I do not, however, have a pocket protector or tape on my readers.

@silvereyes I have a pretty nice Groot tattoo on my right upper-arm/shoulder and recently rode the refurbished ride at DL formerly known as the Tower of Terror. Even met Groot. LOL!


I always leaned to intellectual and was not great at sport activities. I love science fiction and science, learning, reading. The popular thing to call nerdy now is scifi. I even have Christian friends who are fan-girls and boys.


I am nerdy and geeky and I have always embraced it. Doctor Who marathon? Sign me up! Discussion about music and sound equipment? Bring it! Monty Python? Princess Bride? Classics!


Dude, I have decahedral nerdy sides. +Rolls a 20 for reference.


I've always been nerdy. I was raised on a steady diet of Star Trek, Looney Tunes, and various fantasy novels.


Is there any other side?


For me, it would be more accurate to ask if I had a side of me that wasn't nerdy. It's an unstoppable force, penetrating and permeating every aspect of my life. Don't send help, I'm enjoying it 😀


I was more of a nerd when I was younger but now I'm more of an art geek and nature nerd.


I'm a gaming and reading nerdy type. In my 20s I had been heavily involved in a message board for AD&D "Role" over "Roll" playing games. It was a lot of storytelling with the DM doing whatever die rolls or situation throwing that were needed to move the game along.
Most of my reading interests mostly revolve around natural sciences, animals mostly, and various psychology and theology related topics. I get a little crafty too, crochet tends to hold a fair amount of my time.

AmyLF Level 7 Feb 10, 2018

You are the only one that is going to make me confess that most of my earnings on my illicit trade on H.S. were used to buy Charlie Brown books with my GF. When we broke up, she kept the whole Peanuts Collection. But she gave me the poetry and poems book... so she was fare.


Hell Yes!!!!!!


I like video games. Marvel movies are great. DC Comics movies seem to fall short a bit (Justice League). I like good sci-fi movies. I read non-fiction. I'm not sure what else qualifies for nerdy.


According to the definitions linked by @resserts I am 50% nerd 0% geek and 50% other.


It's not so much a "nerdy side". I have a few interests that AREN'T considered nerdy, like music, and particularly playing guitar. Then, I take that to a nerdy extent by getting into things like music theory, guitar wiring and electronics, obscure east coast 1970s power pop or 80s So Cal hardcore punk.

I somehow manage to nerdify even non-nerdy things.


I've pretty much always been a nerd and proud of it too. One example is the fact that I've always been fascinated with bridges. I think they are amazing structures! So much goes into creating a simple passageway across water.


I am a full on music nerd. I am always into bands my friends have never heard of, as I am always reading about music online. Since I am I to reading, and write poetry, I qualify as nerdy

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