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I just got called a "progtard" on another site. First time I've ever heard that one. It's hilarious.
I'm guessing it's supposed to be some sort of insult directed at progressives. I find it really silly. Especially given that the opposite of progressive is regressive, and being regressive, by definition, is a negative.
And some wonder why I think a lot of people are fucking stupid?
If you're going to attempt to insult me, at least TRY to be somewhat intelligent about it. Otherwise, you just expose yourself as being exactly what I thought you were in the first place.

KKGator 9 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I've never heard the term 'Progtard', if it was used as an insult to me it would pass me by lol Could it mean a combination of Progressive & Retard? That's an oxymoron from a complete moron πŸ™‚

Pretty much!!!


β€œThink of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin

Within the boundaries of Carlin it really makes sense that he calls the average of human kind stupid. He has a point, but in my eyes, it doesn't cover it completely. I think it is more lazy ignorance. People prefer living on preconceptions and are too lazy to think. They stay stupid that way. The result is the same though.

@Gert Agreed.

yes, @Gert, i consider it stupid to make no use of the vehicle i've been given by nature - & that includes a brain.


The real tragedy isn't that there is more stupidity in the world, I don't think that's the case, but that being stupid is a source of pride for many.
Take a look around the internet, particularly YouTube. People aren't satisfied with being among the silently stupid or trying to keep their stupidity hidden; they want to show it off like some prized possession, flaunt it in front of everyone, and be acknowledged for it.

JimG Level 8 Feb 9, 2018

It's mind-boggling, isn't it, how utterly devoid of functioning intellect some of those people seem to be? Well, at least they make me feel better about myself. A little. And a bit sad for humanity.

it's the result of praising & awarding school kids for being present. the sheer appearance becoming a work of awe.


I am totally jealous. Progtard. I love that word...rhymes with froglard....feelotard...oh man...I see a punk song with progtard in it in the near future. Did you feel offended? And the opposing word, regrotard. REGROTARD!! I see so much potential here. I do believe, I too, am a progtard. Should I capitalize many questions.

No, didn't feel offended. Was more amused than anything else. When you write that song, I want to hear it. And yes, by all means, capitalize the shit out it!!

L πŸ˜€ L @JohnnyThorazine! agittard, agnostard, blabbotard, creatitard, THE TARD!

@walklightly and thus, it has been written, so shall it be done, the Name Of The Song, has been revealed. TARD!!!


Is that the new description for level 7?

Have you had a badge made yet and can I order one?


Gee, didn't even think about having a badge made.


I hadn't seen "progtard" before, but an acquaintance uses "libtard" a lot. Having been called that a number of times, I wear it as a badge of honor, especially knowing the sources.


Did you point out that you were rubber and they were glue? You need to speak to these people in a language they can understand.

I didn't even respond to the name-calling. I focused on another flaw in their "logic".


That's freakin' awesome. I think I've been called a snowflake, but that one still doesn't make sense to me. I'm unique? There aren't many of me in Texas? If you take me and a million others like me you'll have a snowman?

Snowflake in this context means a fragile individual who is unable to withstand the heat of scrutiny.


OH gosh... oh gosh... Now I feel weird. The comment about shampoo???? hangs head I read the directions every time I wash my hair. I read directions. Even worse, on more than one occasion it has kept me from doing something really, really stupid.

@Dick_Martin My stepdad used to say "When all else fails, read the directions". Words of wisdom...

don't fret it; feel free, @Dick_Martin πŸ˜€

@walklightly , Oh, I do. Not much upset my dad, but saying "Dad, did you read the instructions?" would have him up and chasing me. He religiously refused to read instructions and it caused him untold grief over the years,

@Dick_Martin, i'm with the smart folks who read directions 8)


Anti-progress...nice stance. lol

Pretty much describes 45's entire platform, doesn't it?

@Condor5 He does seem to be determined to leave the next president a huge mess.

Maybe that's his strategy for winning the next election, he's going to screw everything up so bad no one will want to take over. πŸ˜‰

@Paul628 maybe. Personally, I don't think he's capable of thought that complex.


LOL so they were losing the debate eh?


Lol... sounds like some kids word they use...i haven't heard that either... lol


Now What did you do to have that honor bestowed on you ?

I said something really mean about Pence. LOL

@KKGator pence is embarrassing our country in korea now...

@Buddha That was precisely the reason why I was saying mean things about him.


Sort of like Libtard? This is what happens when you ask idiots to try and get creative I guess.


People love to point fingers, even dumb ones.

And they have ten finger points that they tend to use all.

Especially the dumb ones.


Sounds like a south Georgia or north Florida lame attempt to manufacture a feeble attempt at an insult. Those bigots are not bright enough to come up with something better. I know -- I grew up there.


i consider it almost an honour to be insulted by recipients of cerebrectomy πŸ˜€


Maybe, like "nasty", it will become a badge of honor. πŸ™‚


I think its an Internet phenomenon, in that people out of whack with reality, and especially sociopaths, have finally found a place to spew their stupidity. Not that stupidity is uncommon unfortunately. And you can't cure stupid because of arrogance.

Ignorance + Arrogance = Stupidity
Knowledge + Humility = Wisdom


Yeah, because the human race has really suffered from too much progress. We have progressed so much and society if so comfortable and safe that some idiots actually want to drag the nation back to the stone age! LOL


I had never heard of progtard, even my dictionary didn't give a translatiion it, but google gives at least two descriptions. I guess it's a compliment that I would wear with honor πŸ˜‰.

Gert Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

Yes, there is no accounting, for ignorance! It can be found in open places and closed places, it just is...I agree with you, but who knows tomorrow, I may disagree on whatever, lol... (I hate these new words that are a mystery to everyone but the user.)


That's a new one even for me. I need to step up my game.

Yeah. What's up with that? Quit your slackin'!


What is a progtard anyway??


Spit upon the fascist criminal theocrats over there for me please

Oh honey, they aren't worth the spit. Even if they were on fire. But thanks for the support. πŸ˜€


No offense to you, but I like the progtard. It's clever.

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