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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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Think of all the things you would do if you were God. Would you stop child abuse? Would you cure cancer?
Then I realized that I used to believe in a deity who did none of these things.

That's how I feel about the subject as well. There are many things that I would put a stop to if I could... and considering a God SHOULD be powerful enough to but doesn't leads me to believe it doesn't exist.

If your child were being raped by let's say a priest, and you were there, and you were powerful enough to stop it. Would you stop it from happening, or just chalk it up as a learning experience for the child?

@TheMiddleWay: I'll give you the bike example. But what control do we have over catastrophic natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes or other devastating weather events? And what about famine and pestilence? "god" would have power over these that we do not. Why does it not exercise that power? It is either a sadist or non-existent.

Your statement reminds me of Stephen Fry in this interview:

@TheMiddleWay using your logic, your God should kill all of us immediately so we can be with him. This whole bunch of crap of "learning a lesson" is just a human construct. What god needs to teach lessons? Isn't he capable of creating something that doesn't need to be taught lessons? Isn't he capable of creating something that does not have flaws that need to be corrected? Is he so incapable that he made things that were flawed and needs to correct them en route to "a better place"? Then he's no god. All this stuff is just made up so the power elite of the religion can control people to give them money and to give them power. There are no gods.

@TheMiddleWay I try to use Occam's razor. Illiterate farmers and shepherds created religion to use against their own for power and control. No other explanation works better than that - no "god simulation" necessary.

God give to us authority for our world. Since men are separate from God, men has been doing everything like you are seen. Is not God guilty, is ours. What are you doing to change the bad situation that you see?

@rickarto First, prove your god exists, then we can talk about how silly he is.

@iamjc your statement is unclear.

Well maybe, but god certainly makes my sports team better...


you have it backwards - the idea of a deity needs to be proven, not the non existence of a fairy tale

"Deity" and "Gods" are man made opinions that led to the "belief" of a hire being to change the views of the people to their own. For example, the Conquistadors that arrived in mexico brought Christianity to the picture. Changing the appearance of the Virgen de Guadalupe to conform the natives. Skin color, facial, the way the dress... Natives became slaves and thousands of years of history lost for the word for "God"

@Chicano34 Hire Power? Lol

@Chicano34. You are right, and it is called syncretism.

@TheMiddleWay It is not necessary to prove God doesn't exist. The believers are making a claim of existence. The default position is to not believe until the claim is proven. There is no need to prove non-existence. That would be like asking someone to prove fairies don't exist.

@Profesao yeh you hire the power to do your bidding. “God” doesn’t shoot lightning bolts at your foes for free.

@TheMiddleWay respectfully wtf are you talking about? That post leads me believe you don’t have a basic high school understanding of the scientific process.


Atheism is a lack of belief. Its why you can be an agnostic atheist. The terms are not really equivalent. Atheism requires nothing be a lack of belief, you don't need reason to be atheist. You are born atheist. You are taught something, then fall out of belief and claim to be agnostic. You are an agnostic atheist. I was an atheist for a long time before I ever bothered to understand why I was atheist. Now that I have studied religion's through history, I can tell you why I am atheist, but atheism requires nothing to justify it other then a lack of belief in a god or gods.

Yeah, you're obviously just using a different definition than the OP.

Narrow definition "atheist", broad definition "agnostic":

P = god

Objectively: P or ~P


Do you believe P?
Do you believe ~P?

YN: the(os)-ist
NN: agnost(os)-ic
NY: athe(os)-ist

"Agnostic atheist" doesn't describe a specific position, even using your definitions. Those 4 positions models a-theists pass around are false dilemmas.

The atheist believes there is no god. The agnostic does not believe there is a god. These are not equivalent positions.

@TheMiddleWay: I go along with you most of the way until the very end. As an agnostic, I may indeed be unable to render judgement on whether god exists, but I can certainly state whether I believe something or not.

@TheMiddleWay: I'll go halfway with you again. I can't state that I believe something. I CAN state that I do not believe something.


No evidence for a god. None. Simple as that.

Right you are, but it can be argued that there is no evidence that there isn't a god. This is a circular argument. You don't give any support or reason for not believing, sorry to disagree with your stance, but as an agnostic, I am looking for answers.

I have a talking unicorn, but no one else can see it. You just have to believe me.

The burden of proof is on me for trying convince you I have a talking unicorn. The burden of proof is not on the person saying talking unicorns don't exist.

Just because you can't prove something is false, doesn't make it possible or true.


Atheism is not the assertion that there is no god. Atheism is the lack of belief in a god. If you lack belief in a god (which you appear to), then you are an atheist, plain and simple. Gnostic and agnostic are qualifiers used to describe theist and atheist. Technically, you are in fact an atheist, even if you don't realize it. Specifically, you would be an agnostic atheist, meaning you lack belief in a god but don't claim to know that one doesn't exist. Agnostic and gnostic aren't really separate categories; they're sub-categories of atheist and theist.

I like your answer. Here is my take on why I can't believe in a god. I believe that we are intelligent animals ( well most of us) ones with a sense of self, a thinking animal with the largest brain pan and brain, given our size. The chimps and great apes come close, but we humanoids have the ability to anticipate and foresee the future and know that we will like all humans, die at some future date. It might be argued that chimps and the great apes may have the same ability, and perhaps they do. But here is the difference, we have gods, and as far as I, or the scientists know, at least for the time being, we don’t think chimps do. So it begs the question, why us? Is there a god or is this a construct we create? I think the answer is straightforward; it is within our nature to imagine a god or gods, because It is a coping mechanism. We know we will die, and because it is hard to accept the fact that we too will go back to nothingness as will our loved ones, so in order to keep our sanity and as a means of coping with this horror, we create a god and afterlife. In other words, there is no god without man, god didn’t create us, we created him/her. This makes life bearable, especially so in man’s early going, during those dark hard days, when life was short and brutal. As we advanced over time, became educated, understood thru science how things, nature and the universe works, developed labour saving devices and found free time to learn and grown intellectually, many of us have evolved to the point where we see religion, with all its contradictions and hypocrisy for what it really is, an imagined construct to get us thru the night, a night light if you will, to scare off the devil or the boogey man under your bed. My contention is supported by the fact that religion especially prospers in those poor parts of the world or the country where education is lacking, superstitious runs rapid, and life is hard and brutal. For the poor and the oppressed god and an afterlife makes life bearable, just like it did in the dark past. For the better educated and more free minded, those not held back by religion teachings and traditions, they are equipped to study the genesis of beliefs and religions, to see their fault lines, their lack of logic and hypocrisy, and are better able to form their own beliefs about the nature of man and his need for god, or not.

Seriously, more non-theists choose "nothing" or "agnostic" on surveys, than those who choose "atheist". If you have no belief a god exist, not a belief gods do not exist, it's you that's simply an agnostic, and doesn't know it.

This came first ...

"Agnosticism is of the essence of science, whether ancient or modern. It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no scientific grounds for professing to know or believe." ~ Thomas Huxley, 1884

^Fully covered belief. He was a scientist. His ism amounts to a form of demarcation. No objective testable evidence = a subjective unfalsifiable claim. Results: unscientific and inconclusive. No belief as to the truth, or falsehood, of the claim. Incompatible with theism, a belief a god exists. Incompatible with narrow definition atheism, a belief no gods exist.

This came later, fully acknowledged it was new, fully acknowledge it was hijacking the agnostic position into atheism ...

"In this interpretation an atheist becomes: not someone who positively asserts the non-existence of God; but someone who is simply not a theist. Let us, for future ready reference, introduce the labels ‘positive atheist’ for the former and ‘negative atheist’ for the latter.

The introduction of this new interpretation of the word ‘atheism’ may appear to be a piece of perverse Humpty-Dumptyism, going arbitrarily against established common usage. ‘Whyever’, it could be asked, ‘don’t you make it not the presumption of atheism but the presumption of agnosticism?’" ~ Antony Flew, 1984

And, "agnostic atheist" doesn't describe a specific position, even using your definitions. An agnostic weak/negative atheist, with no belief or knowledge either way? Or, an agnostic strong/positive atheist, who believes no gods exist, but doesn't claim to know?

I respectfully disagree. I started calling myself an atheist when I came to believe that humans invent religions to help them cope with reality and I do believe that there are no gods. I am not lacking a belief and it kind of low-key bothers me when people say I'm 'lacking' something because of my viewpoint. I am ok with using the word belief. As much as I feel as if I know that there are no gods, no one can truly know any of that. Therefore, I feel, for me, that it only makes sense to have the humility to call that a belief. Just my take on it, but I'll keep an open mind.


A. There isn't enough evidence to suggest that there is a deity running things.

B. I refuse to believe in any deity that lets the kind of injustice and inequality that goes on in the world every day.

I get it, but that doesn’t prove that there isn't a god. Those who believe in god, say he gives us free will and doesn't interfere, so we are back at the start. Here’s what I think, for what it’s worth; I think god is a creation of man as a means of coping with a hard and cruel life. It makes life bearable knowing that a much better place awaits you in an afterlife. You will find god alive and well among the poor, uneducated, and most superstitious of peoples, but not so much among the better educated and well-off who see the lies, hypocrisy and hate on which religion thrives. Religion is like a night light for scaring off the bogey man under your bed, and it’s a promise of a better, happier afterlife once this horrible one comes to an end. If you do believe in god, but displease him you will be sent to burn in hell for ever and ever without end, but keep in mind, god loves you.

@billins There is proof that god doesn't exist as an all knowing, all powerful and all good single being. The evil in the world argument.

Anyway, who cares? Atheists don't believe in god. We don't need a reason to not believe in an illogical, unscientific concept that is totally unsupported by facts. I also don't believe in Santa Claus. Do you ask me why not?

Do you ask theists why they believe in god? There is no evidence for it.


I'm sure there have been plenty that have said the same thing in the preceding 410 comments...but here goes.

Because there is no good evidence of the existence of a god, I am an atheist. I do not believe a god exists.
Because I don't claim to "know" if there is any diety or not, I'm agnostic. Therefore, I'm an agnostic atheist.
I never claimed that "no diety exists" because that would require evidence showing such, which is impossible.
I'm currently convinced that there are no supernatural gods, etc. but I'm certainly not going to claim that I KNOW that there are none.

Personally I feel that the majority of the population is actually agnostic atheist, even though very few will admit to it. I feel that if someone actually believed in whatever god they claim to, there would be NO question about following the rules of that religion.
If I actually was a christian, not an agnostic atheist claiming to be a christian, there is NO WAY I would be doing anything to jeopardize my immortal soul for the blink of an eye that this life on earth would then be.
I would also be scared to death of messing up. I'd go out of my way to make sure to do everything right and by the rules.
But that's not how religious people are for the most part. In fact, I don't know if I've ever met anyone , no matter how religious they claim to be, that hasn't done plenty in their life to warrant eternal hellfire and damnation. So to those people I say that they don't actually believe, but aren't sure, so they're agnostic atheist.

On the other hand, (I'll probably piss some people off here) I think that anyone that claims that they KNOW there are no supernatural entities of any kind, well I think they're idiots. That's just something you can't know. It defies all logic to claim that you KNOW something that by definition can make itself unknowable.

Then there's the gnostic theists, those that claim that they KNOW god exists. They are either 1. liars, or 2. delusional, in my opinion of course. If you claim that you KNOW there is a god, and don't even entertain the possibility that you could be mistaken, well....

So basically, I feel that anyone that is honest and of sound mind is in fact agnostic, although they are surely leaning towards the theistic or atheistic side in varying degrees.

I do not believe Zeus exists. I actually don't believe that any of the gods, whose ideas I've been presented with, exist. I don't believe in Jesus, or Allah, or Ra or any other god.

I'm agnostic because I'm not going to claim that I "know" that there is NO god that exists or has existed, or is yet to exist.


You're last question doesn't make much sense but I'll try...

I don't believe Zeus exists.
I don't currently believe any god exists because I have no evidence that supports the idea.
I don't claim to KNOW that there is no "god" of any type or form, anywhere in the universe, or ever has been, etc.

If you still don't understand, then I can't help you and will assume you're trolling, or just incapable of understanding this simple concept.


You wrote 'there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not.'

Saying there isn't enough evidence appears to imply the existence of SOME evidence that god exists.

Feel free to post the evidence, I really want to see it.

There is no evidence for or against, just human logic, logic that leads me to believe that there isn't a god. Here's my take on why not:I believe that we are intelligent animals ( well most of us) ones with a sense of self, a thinking animal with the largest brain pan and brain, given our size. The chimps and great apes come close, but we humanoids have the ability to anticipate and foresee the future and know that we will like all humans, die at some future date. It might be argued that chimps and the great apes may have the same ability, and perhaps they do. But here is the difference, we have gods, and as far as I, or the scientists know, at least for the time being, we don’t think chimps do. So it begs the question, why us? Is there a god or is this a construct we create? I think the answer is straightforward; it is within our nature to imagine a god or gods, because It is a coping mechanism. We know we will die, and because it is hard to accept the fact that we too will go back to nothingness as will our loved ones, so in order to keep our sanity and as a means of coping with this horror, we create a god and afterlife. In other words, there is no god without man, god didn’t create us, we created him/her. This makes life bearable, especially so in man’s early going, during those dark hard days, when life was short and brutal. As we advanced over time, become educated, understood thru science how the universe works, developed labour saving devices and found free time to learn and grown intellectually, many of us have evolved to the point where we see religion, with all its contradictions and hypocrisy for what it really is, an imagined construct to get us thru the night, a night light if you will, to scare off the devil or the boogey man under your bed. My contention is supported by the fact that religion especially prospers in those poor parts of the world or the country where education is lacking, superstitious runs rapid, and life is hard and brutal. For the poor and the oppressed god and an afterlife makes life bearable, just like it did in the dark past. For the better educated and more free minded, those not held back by religion teachings and traditions, they are equipped to study the genesis of beliefs and religions, to see their fault lines, their lack of logic and hypocrisy, and are better able to form their own beliefs about the nature of man and his need for god, or not.

To some, the beauty we see and perceive is evidence. And the love humanity is capable to show one another. And the miracle of life, and evolution, and water, and ... that. But looking for a proof for God is a bit like a fish looking for the evidence of water. Only more so. Is this omnipresent God is indeed omnipresent, how can we step outside it to observe it?

@billins I would contend that the "problem of evil" (Cf the video of Mr Fry posted earlier) constitutes evidence of god's absence.


So far, all known gods are made by egocentric males. It is just common sense that no such gods exist.

Religious people use the "common sense" argument too. That's not a real argument.

I have always been deeply mistrustful of 'common sense' as a justification for anything. It's frequently misused, and often wrong.


I think this question ties back to the human construct of "god". "God" is a word that is used to control and give power to a supernatural entity. People interpret different emotional states, senses, even physical forces as "god". Its a voyeuristic construct than looms over conscious beings to create an insecurity that leads to behavioral intervention. It absolves people of their responsibility in their decisions and offers "forgiveness" when they harm other human beings. I was raised in a strict religious group, often referred to as a cult by southern baptists and other christians born many times over, in the state of Utah. I was immersed in religious ideals and pressed to the point of fear when bathing or changing clothing as a child... I held shame for being human as child, as I believe most children do in religious households. There are definitely forces that we as humans cannot explain, there are worlds beyond our understanding and we are a miniature dot on the scope of infinity... whether it be inter-species or inter-personal, an energy is there that we cannot explain... but I believe it is natural and scientific.. it makes no sense why it would be governed by some "godlike" entity. Throughout our human history and currently throughout the earth, the "god" we interpret to answer these questions is very different and is based on our geographical histories. Basic energy theory - high energy theory, string theory, quantum theory and gravity models, and the etcentera all help to define many of the phenomena that we as humans experince as far as physical phenomena... I firmly believe that in our lifetime we will better understand the human "soul" from a physical/energy perspective and there are forces that impress upon us for emotional result, as well as continue from our "soul" prior to and after life... "god" is the theory to help define these phenomena. I "think" it is something else - I also "believe" it is something else, therefore agreeing that I am an atheist - without god. It should not be assumed that an atheist lacks belief - many people try and remove this word from the atheists vocabulary. Atheists are human and no human actually knows anything beyond their experience... and everyone sees the world through a very different perspective and set of eyes. We are fortunate beings to be conscious and critical and to be able to understand the concept of belief... I can say I am a firm believer that there is no "god" as I think it is a product of human imagination and desire for control.

Thank you, you have tried but I am still far from convinced by your explanation, that is why I am an agnostic. Here is my take on why I can't believe in a god. I believe that we are intelligent animals ( well most of us) ones with a sense of self, a thinking animal with the largest brain pan and brain, given our size. The chimps and great apes come close, but we humanoids have the ability to anticipate and foresee the future and know that we will like all humans, die at some future date. It might be argued that chimps and the great apes may have the same ability, and perhaps they do. But here is the difference, we have gods, and as far as I, or the scientists know, at least for the time being, we don’t think chimps do. So it begs the question, why us? Is there a god or is this a construct we create? I think the answer is straightforward; it is within our nature to imagine a god or gods, because It is a coping mechanism. We know we will die, and because it is hard to accept the fact that we too will go back to nothingness as will our loved ones, so in order to keep our sanity and as a means of coping with this horror, we create a god and afterlife. In other words, there is no god without man, god didn’t create us, we created him/her. This makes life bearable, especially so in man’s early going, during those dark hard days, when life was short and brutal. As we advanced over time, become educated, understood thru science how the universe works, developed labour saving devices and found free time to learn and grown intellectually, many of us have evolved to the point where we see religion, with all its contradictions and hypocrisy for what it really is, an imagined construct to get us thru the night, a night light if you will, to scare off the devil or the boogey man under your bed. My contention is supported by the fact that religion especially prospers in those poor parts of the world or the country where education is lacking, superstitious runs rapid, and life is hard and brutal. For the poor and the oppressed god and an afterlife makes life bearable, just like it did in the dark past. For the better educated and more free minded, those not held back by religion teachings and traditions, they are equipped to study the genesis of beliefs and religions, to see their fault lines, their lack of logic and hypocrisy, and are better able to form their own beliefs about the nature of man and his need for god, or not.

amen to that


Science can't tell us but I would like to know what caused nothing to explode and create everything........because if there is nothing it can't explode !!!!! So what makes more sense.....nothing created everything or some supreme being created everything ????

There's never been any evidence of a "supreme being" there is evidence of an expanding universe, so to me the Big Bang wins hands down.

Honestlyspeaking stop spewing that nonsense that "Science can't tell us". Just because you haven't bothered investigating beyond your own understanding, doesn't mean Science hasn't delivered plausible explanations beyond your god.

Our universe was born from the Big Bang. Prior to the Big Bang, our Universe existed as a point of spacetime singularity. A singularity is a location in spacetime where the gravitational field of a body in space becomes infinite. Objects in space with sufficient gravity do in fact bend space-time. The more the gravity a celestial body has, the more significant the "bend". Think of it like a tennis ball on a piece of fabric represents our sun. But a bowling ball on the same fabric represents a black hole. The more gravity, the greater the bend in the fabric, in this case of space-time. The "bottom" of the black hole reduces all matter to a point of singularity which is infinite. Eventually, the density and thermal energy inside the point of singularity grows beyond the gravity of the black hole itself. And then boom.
Centuries ago it was considered ridiculous that there was another world beyond the planet Earth. 200 years ago we just began catching glimpses of other planets and predicting their orbital patterns. It seemed arrogant to think that we were the only kids on the block. Then in 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered Andromeda which forever changed out understanding of the Cosmos. The idea that the Milky Way Galaxy was the Universe was shattered. Now, 89 years later it is becoming ridiculous to think that ours is the only Universe. Read below on evolving ideas of Black Holes, Singularity, and the Big Bang.
Yes, it is a highly technical, scientific article that many may struggle to understand. But just because one can't understand something doesn't mean it's not true. Your original claim that "Science can't tell us" is bunk. Science is telling us, just because you a) don't want to hear it, or b) can't understand it doesn't mean god did it. The "Science can't tell us" introduction to a statement or question is code for, "I don't bother investigating this myself because I lack the education, and understanding to be able to do so. Therefore, magical Sky daddy did it, or I'm going to make a claim about which I have little scientific understanding."

God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance



Its all so silly until the believers use their conviction to enact real world change and effects. You can mock the religious as much as you want until they have a bomb or a gun. Or they elect one of their own to a position of power. Then the veracity of their God has no meaning in the face of their real power to enact the change they want. So the question of God or not is pointless, the real question is what is the real world effect of their conviction given form through action.

Quarm Level 6 Aug 24, 2018

A fair point. The effect of believers when we acquire political power within a society can have very adverse effects on that Society. Consider the modern Muslim countries laws that are based religious and then consider how oppressive those governments are.

@LibrePenseur What gets me is the combination of religion and culture within stunted cultures like those in the Middle East were outside influence in this case western powers have prevented what I think is healthy growth within the culture. You see it in Africa, South America and even in the US in the South primarily.

Exactly....just one reason.why I think religion is the evil, and if it happens, will be the end of man.


Atheism is not based on a belief - It is the default position and makes no claims
It is simply a rejection of the belief in god/gods.
Belief is arrived at through Knowledge
Knowledge are those beliefs that meet the scientific standard of evidence - True beliefs.
Therefore beliefs can be considered false if not based on proper evidence.

True and your logic is spot on, however, the answer still begs the question is there or isn't there a god and an afterlife? Your statement puts the onus on those who believe to come up with empirical evidence. And we both know that isn't possible unless there really is a god who could show up one day, then if that is the case you can ignore what comes next: In the past man believed the sun revolved around the earth, there wasn't any proof that the opposite was true, that the earth rotated around the sun, so according to men's logic then, it wasn't true because this was a crazy notion and no proof. It wasn't until Copernicus in the 1500's proved that the Earth rotates around the Sun, and then it became true. Here’s what I think, for what it’s worth;I believe that we are intelligent animals ( well most of us) ones with a sense of self, a thinking animal with the largest brain pan and brain, given our size. The chimps and great apes come close, but we humanoids have the ability to anticipate and foresee the future and know that we will like all humans, die at some future date. It might be argued that chimps and the great apes may have the same ability, and perhaps they do. But here is the difference, we have gods, and as far as I, or the scientists know, at least for the time being, we don’t think chimps do. So it begs the question, why us? Is there a god or is this a construct we create? I think the answer is straightforward; it is within our nature to imagine a god or gods, because It is a coping mechanism. We know we will die, and because it is hard to accept the fact that we too will go back to nothingness as will our loved ones, so in order to keep our sanity and as a means of coping with this horror, we create a god and afterlife. In other words, there is no god without man, god didn’t create us, we created him/her. This makes life bearable, especially so in man’s early going, during those dark hard days, when life was short and brutal. As we advanced over time, became educated, understood thru science how things, nature and the universe works, developed labour saving devices and found free time to learn and grown intellectually, many of us have evolved to the point where we see religion, with all its contradictions and hypocrisy for what it really is, an imagined construct to get us thru the night, a night light if you will, to scare off the devil or the boogey man under your bed. My contention is supported by the fact that religion especially prospers in those poor parts of the world or the country where education is lacking, superstitious runs rapid, and life is hard and brutal. For the poor and the oppressed god and an afterlife makes life bearable, just like it did in the dark past. For the better educated and more free minded, those not held back by religion teachings and traditions, they are equipped to study the genesis of beliefs and religions, to see their fault lines, their lack of logic and hypocrisy, and are better able to form their own beliefs about the nature of man and his need for god, or not.


Again, the assertion of the positive has the burden of proof.

True, but lack of proof is not a logical answer to the question of whether or not there is a god. In the past man believed the sun revolved around the earth, there wasn't any proof that the opposite was true, that the earth rotated around the sun, so according to men's logic then, it wasn't true. It wasn't until Copernicus in the 1500's proved that the Earth rotates around the Sun, and then it became true. Here’s what I think, for what it’s worth; I think god is a creation of man as a means of coping with a hard and cruel life. It makes life bearable knowing that a much better place awaits you in an afterlife. You will find god alive and well among the poor, uneducated, and most superstitious of peoples, but not so much among the better educated and well-off who see the lies, hypocrisy and hate on which religion thrives. Religion is like a night light for scaring off the bogey man under your bed, and it’s a promise of a better, happier afterlife once this horrible one comes to an end.


I spent the first 21 years of my life trying to convince myself I believed. I realized in my last semester of college that I didn't and never had. I was going to a religious college, so I had to stay in the closet until I graduated.

I was in the same situation, but search God and discover His great love. Don't search in wrong places, the answers is in your heart. God loves you so much.

@rickarto How would you know for absolute certainty that you were not under a delusion? (example: millions of Japanese that believed their emperor was divine, or Hindus or Muslims that both you and I can agree are deluded and are pretending to know things they can't know)


My position is not that no gods exist. My position is that the claim of Gods existence should be rejected until such time as there is evidemce to support the claim.

You're right, but I think you're in for a long wait.

Which is why I think atheists do not "not believe in god(s)." They KNOW there are no deities in the same way we know there are no fairies, great pumpkins or Santa Claus. All evidence to the contrary is enough sometimes to know the continued search for such evidence will be futile. I am an atheist because I KNOW there are no supernatural deities.


Atheism is not believing no god exists, it's the lack of belief in any god.


Let's start with this: God makes Adam out of dirt. Then he makes Eve out of a rib. But he has to rape a virgin to make jesus?

Then let's look at the reality of the story. God gave man sin, the punished him to death and hell for the sin he gave them, then raped a girl himself to make himself inside the raped girl so he could sacrifice himself to himself to absolve you of the sin he gave you, then didn't absolve the sin he gave you.

Of course there was the Zombie King jesus himself who was premeditated murdered by himself, then rotted for 3 days before waking back up to go hang out at a bar with his buddies and laugh it up before disappearing for good. This zombie king tells you that all you have to do is telepathically promise to be besties with him and you can have a permanent sleep-over.

All this because ancient Arab goat herders wrote a book about themselves calling themselves the chosen people and the special ones in their own book, then made up a big story about how hundreds of thousands of them were slaves that fled oppressive Egypt and it didn't hurt the Egyptian economy in the slightest. (They're also the people who cried victim because of the holocaust, then proceeded to do the exact same thing that was done to them to the Palestinians because 6,000 years ago the Palestinians, formerly known as the Philistines, had a giant who beat them up).

Add to that the bible has dragons, unicorns, demons, satyrs, talking snakes, behemoths, cockatrice, 7-headed sea monsters wearing crowns...none of which has any proof of actually existing. It DOESN'T have any dinosaurs, which has millions of fossils to prove they existed.

If, after all that, you believe the story of god that you are told, you've not just drank the koolaid, you've drown in it.

Oh, not to mention there are over 3000 active religions on the planet, and all but YOURS is a lie. If they ask how I know theirs is a lie, I'll just tell them I used the same method they used to determine every other religion was a lie.

The drkening in Kook-aide started in my mother’s womb. If you haven’t survived the incessant indoctrination such information as you noted above is difficult to grasp yet wonderful when comprehension breaks through at last!


I like this subject a lot. This is why I joined the group. I don't mind whether people call me an athiest or an agnostic, this doesn't matter to me. I would say that it is not possible to disprove something which is unfalsifyable (infact the very definition of 'unfalsifyable' is something which can not be disproven). I would argue that anything which is unfalsifyable is extremely unlikely to be true and in no way should be taken seriously (I am talking about the spagetthi monster, the flying teapot etc). When you have a theory which is not testable, or falsifyable, then you have nothing which can be proved to be true. The only way I could except that god exists is if there was some actual evidence that stood up to ridicule. This does not exist.

I don't say that god definately doesn't exist, instaed I would say that there is absolutely no evidence what so ever to support the god theory. If you think this makes me agnostic then fine you are welcome to that opinion. But if this is the case then I would say I am just as agnostic about the tooth fairy, the spagetthi monster, invisible unicorns living on the rings of saturn and any other silly unfalsifyable thing you want to think of.

I also think that Billins makes some good points about belief in god. Jerry Coyne does a lecture which you can watch on youtube

He shows a graph which on one axis shows the religousness of a country vs the disfunctionality of the society within that country on the other axis. It shows a perfect line of correlation showing that the more religious the country, the more disfunctional their society, showing that when you have a fairer society, with better equality, good economy, health care, life expectancy etc. Then there is less need to believe in a god


There are things we take as read which are unprovable. This is what creationists thrive on but misunderstand science. Evolution is one but Ohms law or rather Ohms theorem is another. Similarly Copernicus vs Ptolemy in terms of relativity are equally viable. It`s just one is "better"


I question the reasoning of "beliefe" and "proof" to begin with! Secondly, the evidence is always somewhat biased. Here is a thought, what about culture is that also a belief system?

what is there to believe about Yogurt ?

Sorry, I couldn't resist

@dave1120 You can lead a whore to culture but you cannot make her think (Dorothy Parker) Couldn`t resist that one either


It doesn't make sense that any deity exists. There is no way a made-up god could ever exist.

There is a short poem written by Ian Anderson on the back side of Jethro Tull's Aqualung album that I think is an apt description of who and what god is,in short man invented god so we would have someone to blame his mistakes and shortcomings on.

@slinkie59 The fault lies not in our stars dear Brutus but in ourselves , that we are underlings


You’re right that non-existence cannot be proven. Most atheists don’t say that we’re sure there isn’t a god. We choose not to accept the available evidence and don’t live our lives based on a religion. We also tend to not believe in Sasquatch or the tooth fairy, but we’re less well known for that.

What available evidence? There is none

I didn’t say it was good evidence ?


Just because there is no proof of a god does not mean that their is no proof that we were created! The fact that we exist is actually proof that humanity had a beginning. We may have been created by aliens or another form of species that mated with monkeys. I think that evolution has actually been dis-proven quite well. I also believe the fictional story of creation through Adam believed by many religions has been completely dis-proven. Everything has a beginning, as does the human race! So, what is a higher power? A more advanced civilization from far away? Maybe a spirit like LOVE that regenerates itself through humanity? Atheism does not believe in a god, but everyones definition of god is different. If god is nothing more then the one who controls your life or makes your decisions for you then we become our own gods when we follow ourselves. If god is anything that you worship then their are many gods and we change them in everything and every action we do. I myself prefer to be called an atheist because I reject the idea of anyone making decisions for me except myself, therefore I am guilty of calling myself god because I make my own decisions and admit when I am wrong instead of blaming Satan for tempting me into sins.

Evolution has NOT been disproven. Quite the contrary.


The agnostic vs atheist debate. I considered myself an agnostic for years and even have an old blog on a site where I was really angry because an atheist said agnostics were lazy. Infuriated me at the time. It irks me some when I see videos or comments saying "If you are an agnostic you are an atheist" Labels can be tricky.
theist refers to a god. Gnostic refers to knowledge.

I a agnostic because I have no knowledge of god.
I am atheist because I have no proof of god.

Actually, atheists have no belief in god, not proof


You have it a little backwards. The idea of something, like a deity, needs to be proven.
Also, in order for there to be data to experiment against to test an idea, there has to be some kind of foundation. Can't prove liquitheriumoson (made up element for example) doesn't exist if there are no data to even give rise to the idea that it might.

Well said, Hitch!

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