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Would you deny someone a date if they were wearing something you didn't like?

To what extent does fashion matter?

For example, a person asks you on a date. They're wearing a t-shirt with something you hate on it.

Would you reject their offer on that premise? I might ask if it's laundry day or if they borrowed that shirt! hahaha.

silvereyes 8 Feb 19

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If I was on a blind date and the person showed up in GOP or Trump-themed clothing of any kind, I would say that something came up, apologize, and say I had to go. If they asked for an explanation I'd just say that, going by your clothes, I don't think things would work out for us.

Then I'd leave. And block their number.


Only if that person was wearing a Drumpf or MAGA t-shirt..if was just a t-shirt I just didn't like,probably not..


I would deny a date to a man wearing skinny jeans, baggy jeans that are below his butt showing off his boxers or if he was wearing shorts with knee high socks and sandals. lol

Sacha Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

Or Crocs! lol

@Crimson67 Yea Im with you there

Yep, those are my fashion pet peeves too.

@Balou you wound me! Wearing Cros without socks is a sin!

@balou Crocs at home are fine -- working in the yard, etc. Out in public -- on a date. 🙂

@Jack-of-scythes wearing any crocs at anytime is a croc of shit! lol


If it offended my moral sensibilities in some clear way, e.g., depicted an obvious racial slur or espoused a strong religious view or extremist political views, I'd probably decline. But if it were strictly a fashion issue, where I didn't like the design or the color or something, that's not a big deal to me.


What if they're in white robes with a good?
Or wearing a swastika necklace?

Yes, not only would I deny someone a date for wardrobe choices like those, but I couldn't even politely decline.

JimG Level 8 Feb 19, 2018

If it's a Trump shirt, you betcha.

Other than that, I'd have to see the shirt. I once dated a man that had a "Wanted slave. Experience preferred, references required" t-shirt (he was into BDSM). Funny thing, I was dumb enough to marry the idiot. I am hoping I'm more selective in my old age.


If I saw a confederate flag or a maga hat then that's a big no.


If the shirt bore something that stood against my morals, yes.


I could see it happening. Would have to be extreme in my opinion. But what's extreme to me isn't what's extreme to others.

Definitely on my list would be:
Anything supporting trump.
Something overtly religious in a repressive way (like a short about gay being a sin)
I'm sure there are others.


If they were wearing a clown outfit, I can pretty much guarantee that the date is over. But if it's jeans and a shirt... no biggie. If they stink... well, that's another problem.


Yes if I saw a date wearing something that was offensive to me I would end the date.

I'll go one step further than that. I have an old friend who I know is a Trump supporter showed up at my house wearing a MAGA hat. We were all supposed to go to a 2018 New Years Eve party together which was sponsored in a nearby city. I told him i'm not going anywhere that hat was going. He argued that there would be many MAGA hats at this party but he agreed if we did not see one he would take it off. Luckily no one else was wearing a MAGA hat so he took his off.


Not unless it's some crazy shit, like a god, or a Nazi t shirt


As long as the shirt didn’t real: “ wwjd.” Something like that would turn me off.

Mahatma Ghandi said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

If only more Christians would actually LIVE that wwjd philosophy rather than loudly trumpeting it and then doing something else, we might not be so biased against them. I would still let the date go on, being clear that our beliefs probably don't match, but let's have some good conversation. There might not be another date, but I wouldn't limit myself by saying that we couldn't be friends.

@Meep70 Yeah..I like that part in the Bible where Jesus allegedly tossed the cheating "bank "lenders out of the temple. That's something I wish the US had done in 2008.

@birdingnut Right! Full blown temper tantrum, with whips and everything!


if offensive I'd say no date and why.
if risky fashion risky?


Appropriate to the occasion makes sense to me. If she wears the same outfit for a ball game as for a ball or the same outfit to a funeral as to an outdoor rock concert... I would worry.

I have a minimalist wardrobe. All the clothes I own fit in 36 cubic feet with room to spare. I'd probably wear the exact same black trousers, black sweater and black shoes to a ball game, a ball, a funeral AND a rock concert LOL. I can understand why someone might not care for that but I really would like to know why it's something that would make you worry?

@VeraCruz lol... See, that's what I mean. You understand how to make it all work. If we had 4 dates in a row, to ball game, a ball, a funeral, and a rock concert, by the rock concert I might be gifting you a colorful scarf.


Well to see that, you'd already be out with them... To cut the date short, it would have to be something offensive (pro Trump, KKK, Nazi,..) or massively inappropriate to the situation.


Depends on how tasteless it is.


Wearing a gun is a big turn off.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

Well it might not be some article of clothing that was being worn, I am quite intolerant of fragrant washing and static aids such as Downy. And, of course, I can't stand the fragrances some douse themselves with. While it's true that I don't care for being around people who have not showered for days, especially during the hot summer months, fresh sweat isn't all that bad, unless many hours of ripeness have set in. I usually love the natural smell of recently scrubbed people. I would even admit that the sweaty aroma of perspiration and sex of certain individuals can and do excite me. In fact, personal body odor of certain persons are delectable, while that of others are offensive I would even claim that personal smells are better turn ons and offs - which, in turn, make them attractive or not. Instead of having pictures of individuals be the identifying characteristic of those on here, maybe we should invent a way to instead include their personal smells. This would actually make more sense for us who rely on this sense to like and/or dislike people. LOL

I saw (on TV) this experiment done where people just smelled on someones worn shirt, to say yes or no to possible dating, and they had pretty strong reactions, and not all to the same smells, ... they found we tend to like the smell of a not closely related person better. ( for dating purpose) And body smell probably plays more of a role in picking partners than usually given credit. This gives literal meaning to the saying: he gets up my nose! Or : in German: I hate his ( her) smell. It's said not as literally meaning that, but a general dislike. or the opposite too: I like to smell her (him) !


A MAGA hat is a deal breaker.


Only if it were something incredibly racist or offensive. Beyond that it might be fun.


If it is a "MAGA" hat. Yes.


You come up with some doozies (another one of those funny words?). First off it depends. Sometimes clothing reflects a persons personality. I think I would have more of a problem with tattoos and/or body piercings.

My late partner and I spent 2 months on the phone (sometimes hours a day). We established a strong base. She was in Dallas and I in Seattle. She worked part-time for Burberry's. The plan was I was to show up at the airport and she would turn her back. I was to come up and touch her on the shoulder (everything had to have a romantic bent). When I did this she turned around and looked at me. As she went down my body the smile turned into a frown. I was wearing an Indian Army jacket (from Neiman Marcus), flannel shirt, cords and hiking type shoes. Dallas is very fashion conscious and it was contagious especially when you work for Burberry's. The Burberry store closed in Seattle for want of clients. Her first words were "How long did you say you were staying"? It took a week and a half to work things out (now I have some Burberry clothing she got me on discount). Lopez is even worse than Seattle for being "casual" (most of my clothes are from our "Take it or Leave it" place. She ended up also getting clothes from the TIOLI and the thrift store.


As long as they are sitting on the side of the bed and ready to take everything off, I am good.


As long as they are siting on a motorcycle, they can wear what they want.


Not at all unless it said I hate men or something

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