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What is love

I’ve bonded with people and it’s brought me joy but I’ve never loved someone. I feel that humans have put their own fairy-tale definition on what love is. Love to me is a healed cut. I need someone to help further my thoughts.

Destinyanne 4 Jan 17

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My little philosophy...
Love is the interconnectedness of sentient beings. It's just a human construct like time. But constructs like time and love are important to make us human. It's how we see ourselves and define ourselves and others. To me, communication is a form of love. There is good and bad forms of communication: You can kiss or punch someone in the mouth, but everything we do as a form of connection, intentional or reactional, is a form of love. Love is life itself, playing istelf out in the cosmos. Love gives a veil of meaning to the meaningless energy. Love allows life to procreate and devour our tiny little worlds.

Genius and beautifully written thank you!

Well said

You and I seem to be kindred spirits of the mind. The type of love you describe, in my opinion, is human love, from the perspective of the absolute. However, we consciously exist and communicate in the relative. In the relative, all expressions of humanness are expressions of love, if it is understood that every expression of humanness is a teaching lesson. Your post was excellent.

That's a very Hindu/Buddhist way of thinking about love. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar would agree.


Baby, don't hurt me.

♪♫ don't hurt me♫♪


@KKGator another reason to hate Jim Carrey....but I love the movie MAJESTIC EVERY SCENE


Love is never having to say your sore

I actually find healing in exposure.

That's actually hilarious! Reminds me of Frank on "Shameless".

"Love is never having to say you're sore!"

@Kintaro love Shameless, Frank is hilarious


I hear that it's a second hand emotion

Might that include singular devotion?

@astralmax indeed


I am not sure whether or not I love. When I was younger I used to think the infatuation I experienced was love. As I've gotten older, that has mostly gone away. I feel a little bit of affection for family, but I'm not sure how strong that bond actually is. I would like to think it is strong but it's never been tested. Now, when I like someone it is this pleasant sensation of completeness in my heart with a dash of longing thrown in. I can break down what I'm feeling but when I am trying to relay my feelings to someone, they almost always seem paltry compared to what others express. Am I broken or not normal because of this? I still don't know. At least as far as love goes.

Atecc Level 4 Jan 17, 2019

I know the feeling


Love is unavoidable for me. There are so many people throughout my life I love deeply and always. When I lament I might not meet someone to love as a partner and friend again,someone shows up.

I am so grateful for your inspiring words....proof our species is nurturing loving without bounds

@GreenAtheist Thank you. It is just so much easier. Fear and hate feels way to icky to hold on to it, at least to me.


Hmmmm. What do you mean by "a healed cut"?

I am not sure that I believe in fairy tale love, but there is someone that I constantly think about when I am not with her, and feel happy and warm when I am with her. I think that might be a good operational definition of love...

Like if you’re injured your body rushes to heal the area. Universal conscious love that exist in every living being. Idk if I have the words lol


The maximum enjoyment of another...

And interdependence.



Yep.... and that alligator brain stem response.


Its an action. Its unconditional. Its unlike anything else

Brevity spot on....good job K...each gift of love is unique and timeless ... we are all free to follow up acting in response to the love we received from our moms parents siblings families neighbors classmates healers and teachers....if it's not love it's cliche it's opinion it's platitudes


♫♪ baby don't hurt me ♪♫

That's funny!!!


Love is the concentrated desire to see another the perfect expression of beingness, uncorrupted by false appearances of the ugly, ignorant, and intolerant expressions of human depravity.

Tomm Level 5 Jan 18, 2019

One need not Express global boundaries outside of human started out close to is giving to others what they need to become the best version of their genuine selves....depravity began with the first shaman first invented religion and first rapist betraying human love


Love is subjective. Whatever your definition, As an exceptionally attractive woman, I think that love will be something that will come to you when you decide you want it. You can travel all over the world as you have done. See all that it has to offer. And when you are ready to have love, the men will line up for you. And you will simply pick the most desirable specimen.

Thank you for your sincere response. It brought me peace in many ways ?


I know what you mean... I'm not sure that I know what love is either.


I'm sure someone else has said this but.....

What is love is a song by Haddaway

baby don't hurt me..


I think it's a completely personal experience. I got the same question along time ago. Then I went through some of the definitions set by many philosophers, and it seemed to me like nothing objective about all of them. It's like they're just trying yo generalize their own experiences that actually have nothing to do with others'. So I think you just need to get your own stories and try to comp up with a definition of love that puts them together in a meaningful context.

To much thinking and analyzing, has never worked for me when it comes to love. it's a beingness together, whether friend , family or lover. This is of course my experience, not saying its true.


That is how I love my daughter HEALING HER CUTS furthering her thoughts

Kissed her ouchies washed gently cuts and put on band aids with flowers


I stumbled upon this from the similar posts column and was naturally intrigued.

Younger people still seem to confuse love with lust. Since my husband of 38 years died, I have done that twice so I cannot condemn anyone else for doing it because lust is a powerful emotion.

I had a wonderful love with my husband even though it started with lust so hopefully I can describe it. Love for us was always wanting to make the other person happy whenever possible. Love was always believing the other person had the best of intentions not only toward each other but also toward other human beings. Love was accepting the other persons goals without overt or internal criticism. Love was internally acknowledging the other person's failings and not complaining or talking about them. Love was complete trust in the other person's faithfulness. Love was the JOY of both sex and companionship. Love was easy.

Love is the gift of self. Lovers give each other their essence in action....what the world needs now is love not just for some but for everyone


Okay, I'll relate this is a way that Atheists should understand; love is what we do. My father told me when I was a little kid that we show love with what we do, not what we say. We tend to romanticize the abstract concept, but it is real. Think for a minute of the personal sacrifices you'd make for someone you love versus someone you don't. Are you beginning to see it?

Think about what you'd do for your mother, father, sibling versus a friend, see it? Now, think about what you'd do for someone you both romantically love and feel partnered with, what would you be willing to do for them? Love varies by degree of what we are willing to sacrifice for someone else. Romantic love gets confused often because the initial lust fades and we are left with just pait-bonding love. It is natural, but takes quite a bit of work. Most people aren't willing to stay much long after the romantic/lust love fades, hence the reason you might feel like love is a healed cut, but with this understanding of love as actions you should better be able to tell who is worth investing this kind of love in.

I think this is a very eloquent way of putting it. Well said. 🙂


"An intense feeling of deep affection" is the basic dictionary definition. Seems fine to me.

Everyone of course comes to the term with their own expectations, often informed by pop culture and other, um ... unreliable sources of inspiration.

It is a mistake to expect love with a significant other to solve all your personal problems. Indeed, it's apt to just magnify them, so it's a good idea to get your personal shit together as much as possible before indulging in it.


There is a difference in "loving" someone and being "in love" with someone. I have been "in love" (or at least I thought I was) more than once and it is a two edged sword that can cut you to pieces with both sides. Loving someone can bring you joy and/or disappointment, but it does not cut you to the quick and hurt, harm or damage you.


It's when you value someone else more than yourself in every way and want them to be happy moreso than your own acquisition of happiness. In other words, someone who means so much to you that you would sacrifice your own happiness to ensure theirs. And it often tends to last when they feel the same about you.


Baby don’t hurt me
Don’t hurt me
No more




Love is a brain state with all the attending chemicals and side effects.

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