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My thoughts exactly! Thank you!


Guns is the most useless tool for teaching anything , I could imagine.


I used to work with a woman from Germany. She was horrified to find out how easy it is to get guns in USA. She told me about the process people have to go through to obtain and keep a firearm in Germany. Sounds like other countries have a better handle on this.

SKH78 Level 8 Apr 26, 2018

In other countries your at the mercy of the criminals. Here in the US you shoot back!@Lancer, @SpikeTalon, @DavidThinks

Haha Germany. The same country with unsustainable immigration, massive migrant gang rapes, no-go zones for citizens, regular terrorist attacks, etc. I'd rather we don't look to them for guidance as they're most likely going to experience even more problems in the future. The fact that terrorists can smuggle guns from the middle east or eastern block countries all the way into France and Germany just shows how little control the Germans have over illegal guns.

@Lancer Hell the Germans are going to need guns to fight off the Islamic extremist they’ve allowed into their country but since they can’t get them they will be at their mercy!


(Just watch the first few seconds)

Also yes, I think the Germans will experience a very violent uprising if they still have any fight left in them.

@Lancer You realise that Al Murray is taking the piss out of people like you don't you? His 'pub landlord' character is a parody of simple-minded racists.


Christ in a sidecar, I have never known anyone shot.

It must have been painful and traumatic.

I'm glad you pulled through. Oohra.


Of course, I defer to your greater experience. But as a layman with limited firearm experience, it seemed to be one of the most stupid ideas that I'd ever heard.


I'm as grateful for your informed opinion as I am for your service. Thank you for both!

I can't wrap my head around this, and I'm not convinced by the specious arguments supporting it. How can we get Congress off its collective rear with so much NRA and other big donor money weighing them down?

BTW, are phone calls to Congresspersons weighted more heavily than emails, tweets and texts? Newly woke doesn't mean I understand all this stuff, just that I'm trying to catch up.

@Crimson67 Sorry, newbie missed the link! ????


We need to not get caught up in this distraction of arming teachers or having armed guards....It is a ridiculous proposition. We need to pivot the conversation back to the real bills that congress can pass right now....banning assault weapons and closing the gun show loopholes concerning back ground checks.


I see all the reactions post massacre and it's incredible some of the stuff some people come up with because they're just fans. Guns in schools is simply nonsense. It's totally absurd. You don't need to be too smart to see that. Then gun lovers reactions are even worse because they think gun control attempt somehow against their right to have guns. Are you serious?? I'm all for defending your right to have a gun if you want but when it's easier to get a gun than a car then something is wrong. When NRA say back checking isn't necessary I understand them. They just care about the money and not at all about the people but when I see gun lovers taking that same stand that's being a sick fan. USA is the only country in the world that after mass shootings again and again has done nothing to regulate assault weapons. Where ever in the world like Australia, Great Britain, etc that a mass shooting has occurred they have changed the laws and it hasn't happened again. In the meantime in USA mentally ill people can easy get an AR15. Easily!!! Kids are supposed to go to school to learn and play and share with friends maybe have a fist fight but that's it.
Sad thing is that legislators are bought by the NRA already. They don't care about safety for the people. We'll see what happens.


One question: Do the teachers have to undergo a sanity test. After working with kids maybe the test should be administered on a regular basis. My late partner was an elementary teacher and I heard lots of stories.She would absolutely refuse to even touch a gun. She actually quit a sub job because of protest of having the kids say the pledge.


How many kids have to be killed before the liberal idiots realize that a gun free zone is an invitation for someone to come in and shoot up the place.

@ Crimson67 I’m sure a well qualified teacher with a good handgun would be more than a match for some kid with a AR15 rifle. Hell most of them are cowards anyway and probably wouldn’t even contemplate shooting up the school if they thought someone might be shooting back.

@Crimson67 I was all gung-ho to join the army and go kill some communist in Vietnam when I was a young man but unfortunately I’m deaf and the army wanted nothing to do with me. I get along just fine now with the help of 2 cochlear implants and I have a shooting range in my backyard here on the ranch. I’m pretty proficient with a gun and I have friends who often come over and shoot with me. One of them is a teacher in the local school and is very proficient with a gun and I’m sure he would be more than a match to any kid with a AR15 rifle if one decided to attack the School. And there are plenty of other teachers like him who would also be up to the job as well.

@Crimson67 I understand that and have high confidence that a teacher who is proficient with guns and some training could easily confront an untrained kid with a gun.

@Trajan61 Listen to the veterans and teachers! Deal with their points. It is painfully obvious that mere (stress on "mere" ) proficiency with handling and firing a gun is not nearly enough to be able to deal with actual combat situations.

@Trajan61 Sgt. Martin's argument's on this point make a lot of sense. To me, they just seem like common sense. There are all sorts of serious problems with this question, and Martin's arguments seem to fit with common sense ot me.

@MST3K Most of the liberals are sadly lacking when it comes to common sense.


How about less opiates, less violent video games, less porn, and stop the bullying. These people are a manifestation of a sick society. One that has removed pretty much any standards of decency. He killed 17 people because he saw nothing wrong with shooting seventeen people. When society owns up to the fact that they can produce someone like this you may get somewhere.

I agree on all the violent things these kids watch, including music they listen to. So much should be changed but this is Amerika and no one wants to give up anything. Yes, I'm aware of my spelling of this country.


I have many family members that are teachers and I cannot imagine any of them with a gun in the classroom, that is a ridiculous idea. I have doubt as to how more guns cures this problem. I spent four years in the Air Force and touched a gun once in basic training but yet I can get a concealed carry permit by just showing my DD214 in Wisconsin.

I know teachers who are very well qualified to carry a gun.

@Trajan61 and I know many that are not, tells a lot about a country that wants to arm a teacher but not supply the tools to do the job they are paid for


If it happens then at some time so will this. A teacher will draw their weapon walk up to an unruly child, putting muzzle next to his temple and say....
" I said open your book and quietly read page 42 or do feel lucky kid "


I think most good teachers think so too.


But Cadet Bone Spurs came up with the idea!

Do you think Cadet Bone Spurs came up with it on his own. I think someone whispered it in his ears.

@HippieChick58 NRA....


Since there's been a mass shooting in a mosque now I'm sure the Republicans will want to arm all Muslims.


That was very thought-provoking and interesting, thanks for sharing it! I am not a teacher, and no longer have children in school, but I want to believe that if I were in a situation with a gunman opening fire, that I would have the opportunity (I already have the right) to be armed and able to defend myself. My daughter was working at a mall (in uni at the time) when a gunman opened fire. I would like to think that one armed person there that day could've saved those killed by the unbalanced person. One problem is that, yes, not everyone responds properly to a stressful situation, but the one who CAN respond appropriately could save lives. That is definitely worth considering...


I agree. I can just envision some well intentioned John Wanye type decide he's going to solve the problem single-handed. He exits the classroom with his side arm, turns the corner, sees a body down the hall. It turns out to be retreating student, a first responder, or another teacher. In his panic they shoot the this person.

Or they turn the corner, is spotted by a first responder, ordered to put down his weapon, but in his panic is too slow and he becomes the victim.

Or while storing his sidearm in his breifcase, and in a hurry to get ready for class, he forgets to lock the sidearm away properly. Chances are he's mentioned in class, so students know he has one. He comes back later when he suddenly remembers he need to secure and its gone. Lifted by a student.

Now I admit that these are hypotheticals and probably exceptions. But they are scenarios not beyond the realm of believability, no matter how unlikely. If even a small chance for this to happen exists, it too much. There are way too many gung ho idiots (even in the teaching ranks) to make the chances acceptable. As A high school teacher I disapprove of side arms in the classroom.


I agree! My worry is that a TEACHER might decide to go postal!


What is your solution to the problem? As long as schools are full of innocent unarmed people they will always be a target for people who just want to shoot lots of people. The only solution is armed persons on site. It has happened twice that a shooter came upon a school with armed persons on site. The first time the shooter ended up dead and there were no other casualties. The last time the shooter did kill people but had to stop shooting people to shoot back at the people shooting at him so even then it saved many lives.

Here's an idea - keep guns away from angry, sick people.

There are many examples of armed guards not being a deterrent or actually stopping anything, but one major one I can point to is Parkland. 17 people killed, armed police officer on campus right there.

I am sick and tired of people who are not in education assuming they know what is going to work in a school, and the armed teachers thing just adds another layer.

What works for you when a shooter shows up on campus? Face the fact that they always will as long as the students are unprotected.

@Crimson67 Oh, well if you can change the world instead go ahead and do that. How many decades should we wait for that?

@Mannanimous1 how long have you worked in education? What kind of background do you have in schools and their security?

@PDF It doesn't take a whale to write Moby Dick and It doesn't take a professor to read the writing on the wall.

@Mannanimous1 that’s exactly the type of answer I assumed you’d give.

@PDF Too bad you can't assume where a would be assassin will strike next. Then you would have something.


Absolutely crazy idea!


Instead of going postal, the saying wil now be, Imma go achool marm on yo azz!

kuali Level 4 Mar 27, 2018

Ouch ! I can't even begin to imagine being shot ,and I totally agree with you - teachers teach schoolchildren should feel safe .


I thoroughly agree with you. Teachers went to school to learn to teach, not kill people. I am non violent and don't have a gun, but if attacked I would fight. I would expect the teachers to control, manage, calm, and do everything they could to save my child. Adding more guns to the situation does nothing but make a serious situation more chaotic. That is a senseless, stupid, idea 45 would try. It would keep him out of trouble with the NRA and be a more cost effective way to handle it. That is not my quote, but 45s. The NRA contributed like 30 million dollars to his campaign. Do you thin 45 wants to piss off the NRA. WE all need to boycott the NRA and anyone who offers bargains for flying, rental cars, credit cards, and the list goes on.

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