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In the Bible where Jesus says "He who is without sin the first stone" Two questions come to mind:Why did she cheat and why didn't the man whom she cheated with get punished?

PatrickKerr 6 Feb 7

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51 comments (26 - 50)

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Because men in that holy text are not held to any responsiblilty. They can rape women and its the womens fault if she doesnt scream loud enough during the raping.


What if Harry Potter had grown too big to fit in the cupboard under the stairs? Would he have gotten a bedroom?


Any 'Jesus says' question is a non-sequitur


That’s a cultural and not a Christianity question. Jesus here is questioning that cultural norm. You’ll probably find that the roots go into security of paternal lineage and social stability.


There is a third question. Who gives a shit?


how might the answer to those make the point any clearer, do you think?


Given the excessive misogyny found in almost all religions and Christianity in particular, for the life of me I never understood why any women would go along with it

@DarrelScot It just blows my mind that there are fewer women atheist than men in spite of this.

@Trajan61 totally agree and thus my comment. in my circle of friends its mostly women who continue to be the church goers despite all the evidence of why it often works against their interests

@bookofmoron Just goes to prove women aren’t as smart as they think they are. ?????

@Trajan61 or maybe less cynical

@Trajan61 women generally underestimate themselves; whereas men are over confident. But ho hum.


The story is a very late addition to the bible, possibly only added in the middle ages, and even if the bible is not total fiction, this story almost certainly is. And in any case the woman is not the point of the story but only exists to show up the falsehood of her accusers, it would work just as well if she were a man or a thief or a murderer the details are trivial.

There is a very common hypothesis among historians that most of the more liberal of the Jesus teachings are the later additions, and that the hard line old testament preachings were the only ones in the earliest lost copies.

Excellent response!

As I see it, mostly fantasy books, written by who knows who, then interpreted to meet the wants and needs of evangelical assholes.


I think that the quote is "he who is without sin cast the first stone ". Like a similar quote "If a man lies with another man he should be stoned" Just a misinterpretation, Good grass in the desert back then.


It's a book that is supposed to be filed in the fiction aisle. The writers could make the story go any way they wanted it to go.
Asking why something in the bible happened is the same as asking why something happened in Game Of Thrones.
A ridiculous question.


Why did she cheat? Who knows? The man she cheated with is not considered wrong in any way because it is a man's world both then and now. If this was a real situation at all maybe Jesus found her attractive and wanted her for himself. Who knows?


Always liked that story. It's one of those that really illustrates the fairy tale quality of the bible, even without the magic parts.
An angry mob of self-righteous religious men, and not one of them believed he was without sin?

To answer your second question: Some men hate women and will take any chance to "legitimately" punish one.


And after the first three rocks were thrown, Jesus said, "Let me rephrase that"!


The mythical Jesus figure cheated when he, as an immortal god, offered to sacrifice his life for whatever. The basic premise of the religion is a lie.


I think you are on the wrong website to be quoting he bible ?

I don't think that at all. Its interesting and worth it to discuss these things

@Amisja what is there to disus Amisja? Most people on this planet will not be convinced that black is black and white is white.

@Gregory2 my name is Jayne. We should open to discusding anything here.

@Amisja You're right, Jane! We should be able to rationally discuss any and all topics that people are comfortable with talking about.


@Logician Its JaYne with a y

@Amisja I'm sorry about that, Doll! I'm always used to seeing no Y in that name.

Rand (hehe!)

@Gregory2 You sound a little like Bill Maher. I agree with most of what he says. Most people in this country are stupid and I might be one of them. He is definitely right about religion and Islam.
This comment was meant for Gregory2., sorry.

@Grecio I don't think that believers are necessarily stupid. Many of them are not that interested in learning and science. They are intersted more in relationships, communities of us rather than putting it all together by by analyzing the parts while trying to understand the whole. We humans are irrational by nature and it's a good thing. If we weren't we wouldn't be human. It would make perfect sense to kill grandma when she becomes a drain on our resources that we could otherwise use towards the future generations but we don't that. We are not robots. Beliefs are a part of that human irrationality. Unfortunately, on a global scale, religious beliefs do more harm than good but that is the best evolution could do. I guess. Tribal instincts in the age of weapons of mass destruction are a bad thing.

@Grecio, @Amisja Some things are not up for discussion. Earth is not flat. Vaccines don't cause illness, they prevent it. Those things behind airplains are just water. Yes, we landed on the moon. Things like that.

@Gregory2 True to a certain extent but the question has to be asked ‘Why would people hold a position against those ideas?’ Far more important than the content


Why would you punish the man? Was he in another relationship and cheating as well? Did he know she was in a relationship? Not enough info. I don’t get it.

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighboors Wife"


That pericope to which you refer is not found in many of the manuscripts and, when it does appears in wildly different places. So there's a lot of textual doubt about it.
Putting that to 1 side, no one knows why she cheated. There is no information provided to tell us, for it's not germane to the author's aim.
The man under Torah would have been punished. He may not have been married. However, this pericope focusses on her so as to make the point that those doing the stoning are hypocrites.

The whole pericope is a moral tale about hypocrisy but it's probably a fictitious tale

I am always amazed at how the God of the universe is so interested in the sex lives of humans.

@Grecio Or what they eat. God, you didn't want your creation eat pigs or cows, why did you create them? Why? Why not ctreating just tofu since it is not a taboo? Or best yet, why didn't you make us get our energy directly from the sun? You know, the only source of energy in our corner of the universe.


For the same reason that Hermey the Elf is practicing dentistry instead of building Santa's toys... both are fiction.

In other news, the Bible was written and edited by men who were a wee bit misogynistic.

Actually Santa was a real guy.

But Hermey the Elf was not.

@AndrewInVail True

@AndrewInVail Ah, the fatal flaw in the argument is that unless we have a full lineage of the Elven race we can only speculate. Hermey could well still exist in a land far, far away, we just don’t have evidence yet.

No, the Bible was written by men who were a whole lot misogynistic. 😉

The men were also dyslexic they kept mean to write Dog but it came out backwards. And unlike their god — dogs are real and have been around a long long time


In many countries, women are still punished for adultery even if they are raped.
I have read one version of the story that the woman had a forced marriage and had been 'unfaithful' with her original lover.


Why did she cheat? Do you seriously want us to speculate on something we can't possibly know? There are a million different scenarios that could have been the case if this even really happened. It could have been justified or not but is this even relevant?
Why didn't the man get punished? Maybe he did. The old testament says that both should get killed. But maybe there is also some sexism involved in this scenario, it's not like bible has a shortage of that.

Dietl Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

One note on that saying.
That was not in the older versions of the NT, it was added in the first King James Bible.
Actually, so were a lot of other quotes. and stories.


I think you may have conflated a few different verses into a single incident. Besides, what does it matter? Religious stuff doesn't have to make sense, right?


He was a republican so was the judge


Society progresses; Religion doesn't.


I thought it was a prostitute they were going after.
And if that’s the case, why not not the Toms.
Still stands to this day.


@Amisja Ohhhh ok. Don’t know my Bible stories very well fortunately.

@Sydland What I recall reading was that she was a harlot/prostitute. And when Jesus said "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone", a little old lady came up to the front of the mob, threw a perfect pitch that landed right in the middle of her face and she went down for the count. Jesus spun around and shouted "Mom!! You know what?,Sometimes you really piss me off, damn it!"


@Logician You know, that’s my memory of it too.

@Sydland Which part, harlot, or Mary throwing the first stone?


@Logician I think both.
If that had been told to us in Sunday school I would’ve paid attention.

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