Theater of the Absurd!
Funny, except that that 2020 could be the end of American democracy. Seig heil!
"The Democrats in Congress yesterday were vicious and totally showed their cards for everyone to see," Trump tweeted Tuesday, referring to House Democrats' launching of a broad-scale investigation into him. "When the Republicans had the Majority they never acted with such hatred and scorn! The Dems are trying to win an election in 2020 that they know they cannot legitimately win!"
This is the Trump way. All he can and will do is cry "fowl." He was ready to do this before because he thought Hillary would win and this was his way out - cry fowl about the election. Somebody must have cheated. Many people suggest he will use similar tactics to try staying in office when his 8 years are up. They say he will refuse to leave.
Bill Maher has been saying that for a while.