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Are you more calculating or spontaneous?

Personally, I could use more spontaneity. I enjoy planning. I try to be strategic in what I do. But, sometimes it's nice to just go with the flow. I'm practicing.

Where do you fit on the spectrum of calculating to spontaneous?

silvereyes 8 Feb 28

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I can be both depending on the situation.


I'm spontaneous on the even hours and calculating whenever the mood strikes me!

@HoracioM All the time!


I don't know. I'll have to think about it.


Im spontaneous only if I get pissed LOL


About 50-50. I plan ahead, but am very spontaneous within the known plans. I always google everything before leaving on trips, and once I understand what's available then I'm spontaneous with how I use the information.


I am somewhere in the middle, things like vacations get planned where as on weekends I wing it, of course there are exceptions.


So Briggs Myers is more supposition but I am consistantly ANTJ (A for Ambivert, though typically I self identify as introverted.) That said, I am TOTALLY a planner type, J all the way.

Not per the test, but when you fall in the midrange, people use an X or other abbr. @silvereyes


I am borrowing here, but I calculate spontaneously. My stepdad says it is my biggest downfall. However you look at it I'm a good cop although not employed in that field. I'm currently into a local rape in my area that all happened because of drug activity and the cops cannot tell you that much already because they are still investigating it. I also did a secret investigation into my own grandson's murder. Many things were hidden there perhaps because he was a drug dealer. In turn he was betrayed by friends. Law enforcement never did anything about it and helped perpetuate a lie to shut it all down. Why? The killer was their own man playing both sides as a narc. To this day (2 years later) the killer walks free and claims he did not want to kill him. The big question is "then why did he?" The best answer is drugs and confusion.
Regardless of early theistic training I can claim that my inner calculating mind brought me to logic in such a way that I "woke up" and stopped following Christianity. Are there any claims of deity that are valid in this world? Not that I have found.
Did anyone fly to heaven on a winged horse? Do cats fly?


I think of myself as an opportunist, not knowing where it falls on the spectrum here. I'll make plans spontaneously, and then try to calculate from there. "I should talk to that person." "Need food. Should leave house to eat." Turns into, "Long nonsensical ramble that borders the line of madness." And "It can wait til tomorrow, when I have other errands, because outside is peopley and I'm not fond of them."


a bit of both


I tend to calculateon the fly


Spontaneous, go with the flow...

Zster Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

Let me work that



While I continuously and always have long term plans and projects in motion, and am equally likely to decide on a big road trip at 6:30 pm on a Friday.


I am very uncomfortable with poeple who act spontaneously. I wish I wasn't.


I spontaneously calculate.

All stupid jokes aside, I calculate way too much. Or not. Let me think about it...




For me, there's a big difference between "not doing anything" and "doing nothing." If I'm not doing anything, it means I'm down for whatever anyone else wants to do. If I'm doing nothing, that means I've specifically set aside time to relax so I don't push myself too hard.


I'm neither but that is because of my job sort of spells everything out for you. That's why I've been trying to get out of the military so I can have the freedom to have those choices .


Yes, definitely yes.

Heheh... situation dictates. When I am in a relaxed environment, I can be very 'off the hip' and chaotic. However, my mind is usually awake and aware.

At work, or in a serious environment, I am serious and like to think that I am calculating... that said, I am more of a gut instinct person than a cold and calculating person. By that I mean too often I have spoken too quickly and not as wisely as I'd wish.


I plan everything usually weeks in advance


I am both spontaneously calculating and calculatingly spontaneous, so somewhere in the middle, most of the time.


Both. Depends on my mood.


Often I will go to San Francisco with the only goal of doing something new that I had never done before or seen before. I take public tranist, arrive in the city and find something and learn and enjoy something new. A different part of the city, a different kind of activity, sometimes different company.


I'd be lynched very soon if I allowed myself to be spontaneous more than 1/3 of the time

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