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What are some double standards that bother you?

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When people have ideas about how they want other people to behave, but get butthurt and block people who push back against having someone dictate their behavior.


Scientists who take THEORIES as some kind of truth. Until a theory has empirical evidence, it is still a fucking THEORY.

Goat Level 5 Mar 1, 2018

Did you mean a hypothesis because a scientific theory has to be backed up by evidence in the natural world. Scientific Theories are substantiated by evidence whereas the standard use of the word theory is different. []

@AustinSkepticus A person's assumptions or beliefs about the relationship between observations and a hypothesis will affect whether that person takes the observations as evidence.
Longino, Helen (March 1979). Philosophy of Science, Vol. 46. pp. 37–42.


That I am immoral for not believing yet they are still going to heaven despite cheating on their spouse. Repeatedly.


All of them


The assumption that men are better than women at anything except muscular strength.
People often take even the most idiotic ideas of men seriously, while ignoring more intelligent women who don't feel motivated to fight for attention.

I see this constantly, even while watching the British SkyNews news channel on TV. They have this show where several people sit around a table and make comments on newspaper headlines. There's almost always some moronic man who "mansplains," talks over the ladies, interrupts, acts superior, and in general makes me want to change channels.

There's a highly intelligent black woman who keeps trying to talk, but she's so polite, besides already being British, that the men seldom let her speak for long before talking over her, drowning her out, though the camera valiantly lingers on her face and I can see her lips moving.


When men take charge they are called confident when women take charge they are called" bossy", " feisty" etc
Many already mentioned double standards in clothing, attitudes towards sex etc


I try to avoid people with double standards. It's hard to do. I work with white supremacists (not everyone) and just found out yesterday that a man I know favors the KKK. I know all these people but have to watch my tongue So many think that because I am white I should "be proud that I am white." What does that mean? Racial prejudice. I have none, but I am an activist. I was married 12 years to a woman from Kenya.

What do you do or say when you hear the racist comments? If they knew who your wife was what do you think they would do or say? I would not want to be in your position.

@MaryApplin I'm divorced now but while we were married very few people said anything against us racially. At least I didn't hear it. Now that Trump is in the racists think I should be like one of them. If I hear bad words I say openly that I do not use those words, but you have to be careful in order to keep your job. Trump doing away with everything since FDR. We don't need hate. We need good leaders again.


"The universe can't exist without a creator!"

"Oh, God doesn't need a creator, he's just always existed."

Yeah...its always existed...but nobody will find its sorry ass near any human catastrophe to lend a hand, now will it?


When christians ask for evidence

Marz Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

I can't like this enough.


It is easier to buy an AR-15 assault rifle then it is to get a driver's license.

cava Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

You can get a driver's license while having a criminal record...a NICS background check that showed a criminal record would stop the sale of an AR-15 or any other gun. Also, note that there is no Constitutional Amendment that gives anyone the right to drive.

@dahermit It is still easier to buy a military grade weapon than to get a license to drive. It is a double standard based on what ought to be the case not what is the case,

You seem to be confused with what a "military grade" weapon is. The weapon is semi-automatic whereas the original Stoner Armalite Rifles were full-auto. The Current U.S. Army Stoner Rifle has a three-shot burst capability. Also, what difference is there between A semi-auto AR-15 and a Remington 742 deer rifle? They are both semi-automatic and use a detachable magazine.

@cava describe "military grade weapon", and the actual process for obtaining each please?

@dahermit AR-15 is close enough

@Taijiguy AR 15 is close enough as far as I am concerned,

@cava aaaaaaaaand what distinguishes an AR from say, an sks, or even a 22 lr?

@Taijiguy I really don't care what distinguishes I said they are close enough to military grade as far as I am concerned. What are you an NRA troll?

@cava not at all. But don't you think if you're going to call for a ban on a weapon type, you should at least know a little about it? Or the laws already around it? This is why gun advocates disregard your arguments. People calling for gun bans and legislation don't generally have any idea what they're talking about. Listen, the media isn't a good reference. A local TV station where I live did a story on the damage caused by an "ar15" and what they were really testing was a fucking shotgun. If you want to be taken seriously, you should probably enter the conversation at least a little bit informed and ready to talk intelligently.

@Taijiguy []

@dahermit There is a caliber difference and 20 round mag difference between the AR and the 742 Rem.

@Highway-Starr So what? 30-06 vs. .223/5.56 both are adequate killers. Both have detachable magazines that can be swapped for a higher round count. Note that I bought a AR-15 DURING the Brady "Ban" with a five round magazine that I replace with a 20 round magazine.

"I really don't care what distinguishes I said they are close enough to military grade as far as I am concerned. What are you an NRA troll?" No, he is not an NRA troll...he is someone who expected an intellectual debate, not a tantrum from a person who lacks the capacity to make an intelligent argument, but rants instead.


Hair. It is taboo for a man to have long hair in certain circles, and to be accepted, he must wear it short. A woman can wear her hair how she likes.

Not quite true where I come from its frowned upon to have hair that makes you look young or long hair if youre old.

People get the modern hair thing out of scripture. Even so, hair length was longer in men in biblical times and in the time of Lincoln.

@orange_girl Fair enough. I see what you mean. My viewpoint came about when I was in my mid twenties, surrounded by people that were mostly within a few years of my age, and a manager suggested that I might want to cut my hair. You have lent a broader perspective.

@orange_girl I don't do the "man bun" thing, but my hair almost reaches my buns.

@orange_girl Occasionally. It feels nice to have someone do that for me, from time to time.


Shaming people for having casual sex, while also shaming people who never do because they're holding out for a romantic partner. Who made anyone the screw police.

If someone wanted to have sex, I am pretty sure I'd be nervous as hell!

I know what it means really, though.


The massive difference in attitudes towards male and female homosexuality and bisexuality...

Female? Wow! That's hot! Bring it on!

Male? Backs to the wall, lads!

Same thing with attitudes towards anal sex. A guy doing it with a guy is disgusting. A guy doing it with a woman is the holy grail. Exactly the same guys who think that 'sodomy' (between two men) is fundamentally wrong, trying to talk their girlfriends into having anal sex because they've seen it in porn.

Transmedicalists (people who think powerful gender dysphoria is an essential element of identifying as transgender.) The first to say "You're not dysphoric, therefore you're not trans." Also, generally, the first to complain if anyone says "You're not a woman, because you were born male." If you're not willing to respect other people's sincerely held identities, then you have no cause for complaint when people disrespect yours.

I've actually noticed this double standard in my own attitude, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why it's there. I haven't even been raised to have any opinions regarding homosexuality, so when and how did I pick up these opinions? It's somewhat worrying, to be honest.

I have no interest in the second one. Don't have any understanding of it, the whole thing confuses me, so I just don't care if someone identifies as a man, woman, eggplant or small village in Lincolnshire.

If you're referring to guy's attitudes, it doesn't really seem all that odd to me, certainly not a "double standard". Why would a heterosexual guy not have a different opinion about it? Two women? Absolutely, I like looking at women. Two guys? I don't oppose it, but it's not something I want to see, because I don't like looking at men. Put it another way, as a heterosexual man, I can understand why a woman would be attracted to another woman, because I'm attracted to women. I don't understand why men would be attracted to each other because I'm not attracted to men in any way. It's a matter of being able to relate, versus not being able to relate. I've known women who had the same opinions, just flipped around.

@Taijiguy - So basically lesbians get a free pass (from guys) because the thought of lesbian sex gives guys a boner? A good reason for deciding which porn film to rent. Not such a good one for deciding who's allowed to have sex with who, when it's really nobody's business but theirs as long as they're both consenting adults.

Therein lies the double standard.

@NicoleCadmium that seems a little dramatic. Especially if you're directing that at me. Maybe read my comment again. I don't really care what two guys do, just because I don't find it appealing doesn't mean I give a shit what they do.

@Taijiguy I thought I was rather careful not to direct it at you personally, and to keep it general. If you're not actively hostile towards gay men (but not to gay women) then this isn't aimed at you personally. I just don't think we should be giving a free pass to the kind of man who does have a problem with two men having sex, but doesn't have a problem with two women doing it because "that's hot."

Porn has a lot to answer for. It's normalised lesbian sex as an interest for straight males. It's also normalised anal sex between a male and a female. On top of that, men are more aggressive, and don't like having their sexual mastery threatened. They're used to having a predator/prey relationship with women, and the idea that another man might consider them as prey makes them uncomfortable.

Though the worst homophobes are usually repressing their own same sex urges. Look at the number of US politicians who are vociferously anti-gay right up to the point where they're caught in the toilets with a male aide. (Mike Pence - we know you're next.) I don't know whether it's that they get off on the 'wrongness' of what they're doing, whether they're envious of others openly leading a life that they have to keep hidden, or perhaps a combination of the two. But it tends to come with dollops of self-loathing (I know from personal experience - been there, done that in the past. I was never homophobic towards others, but I was thoroughly homophobic, to the point of denial, to myself for years.)

@NicoleCadmium sorry, I misunderstood your intent. And no, I don't really care what people do in their bedroom or who they do it with. And yes, I agree with you about the porn industry on all counts. What little I've seen of present day porn I find pretty distasteful. What I will say is, I really don't know anyone who openly opposes homosexuality of only one gender.


I don't deal with people that have double standards.


Skateboarding: males do it, no one bats an eye. I do it, eyes pop out of heads, pictures are snapped, gossip whispered by strangers follows me around town--even when I don't have my board with me.

Yoga: fine for TV and print advertisements or the "studio", but if I do it in a public park or my own back yard, I'm "doing it for attention".

Clothing: women are supposed to wear whatever they want, whatever they feel comfortable in, right? You're supposed to express yourself, do you, enjoy life, be who you want to be, right? And not let anyone put you off of your thing? Then how come when I wear clothing that fits and flatters and permits the skin of my legs and arms to drink in the air and sunlight, I get the withering death-glares, and the "look at this bitch"??

Words and manner of speech: it's okay for CNN anchors and New York Times writers, but if I talk like that, I'm "trying to make people feel bad"??

I can't even.

Maybe they just can't stand your innate awesome aura!

Just change your internal script... Say to your self, "They are jealous, I am awesome."

Then you can just feel sorry for them instead of annoyed.


Politicians, no matter what party always approve an increase in the salaries of politicians, and here always approve waiving of debts for politicians who have been overpaid no matter which party.
Looking at YOU Barnaby!


I nhavnt got that many years left and I don't want to spend them writing.


One I can think of is christian privilege. When they say they want religious freedom they mean they want the freedom to enforce christianity and only christianity. They wanted to deny LGBT folks wedding cakes and service at one point. Imagine if an atheist service provider wanted to deny people service because they were christian. I bet outrage would be significantly higher.

Yes that makes me really angry.

And it's going backwards.

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