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Professionals near me advertise their religious beliefs. To what extent would you find this annoying?

Dentist websites in Oklahoma...

They like to include in their bio about their religious beliefs. The missions they go on. Some even have prior degrees in theology... or went to Christian Universities. They wear it like a badge of honor.

I just want to know they have proper and extensive dental training! But, so many of them do it. Even my vet has crosses on their walls.

Would this irritate you? Or, would you shrug it off?

silvereyes 8 Mar 1

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55 comments (26 - 50)

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Welcome to Oklahoma my dear. Imagine how I feel at the courthouse when the attorneys and judges wear their religious beliefs on their chests basically as a badge of acceptance. I feel your pain daily.


I see this alot with dentists. On some level it annoys me but my dentist does not push it tho in his office you are aware of his beliefs.


I would find it irritating unless was hiring for a religious organizing. Also if I was an applicant I would be concerned that I could be discriminated against for said belief's.


Well, in my case I was referred to a doctor, whose website was very Christian centric. I probably shouldn’t say this, but it was a psychiatrist that I was seeing. Long story short, the referring doctor thinks my memory is going because of depression. In any case the website gave me the impression that they use Christian beliefs to help heal depression. After reading that I went back to the referring doctor and asked her to refer me to someone else.

I don’t have a problem with anyone who is religious until they insist on pushing it on me. If a doctor or his/her website gives me the impression that they are Christian or any other religion, that’s an immediate red flag for me. You don’t need to advertise your religion for your business.

@silvereyes I would think that she could be reported for that.


THey did that in Alabama too. As we recently saw calling oneself Christion is often more important than other attributes. I just want a good dentist


It their biggest qualification is "I'm a christian" then I'd advise staying far away from them 😀. If I was a dentist and boasted about my non belief in god rather than my actual qualifications, then you probably question my ability too.


I personally believe that if they have to advertise their religion, they have something to hide. I will not buy/use a company that has any advertisement of religion as part of their publicity unless they're a thrift store/charity.


It irritates me, but it is a business strategy. I work in the insurance and Health and retirement planning industry. I work for commissions and the agents in my office that are the top producers are the one that hold seminars at their church and network with the doctors and lawyers and professionals at their church. We have to find the clients and that is how they find their clients and they are very successful. I do not belong to any church group.


It’s Oklahoma.. so it probably works out great for their bottom line.

Marz Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

It isn't as common here, but it's still annoying. I went to a shop not long ago that had a lot of religious BS posted. I'll shop elsewhere now.

JimG Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

It irritates me because I feel like everyone just assumes everyone else is Christian and it frustrates me. Yeah, have pride in your faith, but this feels more like it's being forced down my throat.

Imagine how much business I'd get if I had upside down crosses, pentagrams, and rams skulls on my walls at work, and hail Satan at the end of my mission statement

Or just "Your friendly Atheist professional" on your sign.

Perhaps they are just unfamiliar with what you believe.


It's up to them I guess


I like it. tells me where not to go.


If at all possible, I'd be taking my business elsewhere.
I do find it incredibly irritating, and wholly unnecessary.
Believe whatever you please, as is your right, but keep it to yourself, and definitely
out of your business.


My first impulse is that they are doing that for social signaling / marketing purposes. In your area, which I believe is part of the Bible Belt, or at least a concentration of fundamentalist organizations, they probably have to attract clients who want a "good Christian dentist" or whatever. Those clients think such a provider will be more competent, or more plugged into god's guidance / grace / leadership, plus, they are more likely to trust a member of their own tribe.

I would tend to ignore it, sometimes with an internal eye-roll, so long as they don't try to proselytize you or in some other way disrespect you.

As a long-time consultant, one of our Prime Dictums in getting an understanding of some new situation we're in, is: "things are the way they are because they got that way". Meaning in this case, they are including their religious beliefs in their CV because there's a demand for it, and it does them more good than harm. You can bet they would NOT be doing that up here in the Northeast, apart maybe from some rural areas.


When people try and get you to believe in what they believe regardless of how they do it it's always annoying

Not sure this constitutes trying to get patients to believe, though now and then that could be the case. Mostly it's to set the majority of patients at ease. Otherwise it'd be business suicide to show such impertinence.

@mordant religion is a business.

@GaryDoherty Non-sequitur to my point. Dentistry is a business, a business that will fail if you offend many of your patients. If there's a widespread practice of religiously-mediated social signaling then it's because a majority of patients are looking for it and it's good for the business of dentistry. That this is because the (business of) religion has created that demand in its "customers" is true enough but what I'm doing is explaining the rational self-interest of dentists who mention their "spiritual bona fides" and how it is not, in itself, proselytization or an indication that most of them would actually proselytize unbelieving patients or even try to figure out who is unbelieving. After all, an atheist's money is as good as anyone else's.

@mordant this whole planet is one huge business and homosapians fall for the lies all the time


When ever I look into hiring someone like a contractor I wait to hear them express their strong Christian values. Those our the first people to try to rip you off.


Always annoying when people wrap themselves in the flag or use religion as a marketing ploy.

@irascible For sure. Disingenuous, shallow, playing on people's emotions, and pushing a false sense of moral superiority based on being part of a certain group.


Yes it would irritate me ... for a few seconds and then I would simply continue looking for a new dentist.

@silvereyes I live in the SF Bay Area so the odds of that are not good and the VA takes care of me so they don't have that kind of presentation to the patients.


It is irritating but I find I have to shrug it off to some degree. This is their way of saying "trust me because I am a good Christian and no, I am not going to hide behind my religion while I rip you off!"


So not jealous! Here in Scotland you'd probably get laughed at, it would be seen as silly and irrelevant (appropriate for religion 🙂 ) because it has nothing to do with dentistry. Sometimes I feel like I just wanna rescue all of you stateside folks when I hear these sorts of stories

@silvereyes haha! Would love to, i'll be right there 😉


I hate that shit. I will find someone else.

I hear ya. I JUST left Texas for New Jersey.

I know you're in OK, but not specifically where. But there are atheist meetups and hangouts in Oklahoma. And dentists and doctors show up at those things. That's how I found my physician in Fort Worth.

But getting out of Oklahoma is a great idea. Besides the excess religious nut-baggery in your state government and education system, frequently even more embarrassing than the shit we pulled in Texas, you have way too fucking many large flying insects. I have long speculated that Oklahoma means "land of giant flying bugs" in some native tongue.

I grew up in Indiana. My wife grew up on Long Island.

Living in a place where the FIRST question your neighbors ask when you move in is "what Church do you attend?" really need to end. We've been seeking our escape for years. Her job offered a paid relocation work at their HQ in East Hanover. We leapt at it.

We've been here since New Years. We have five greyhounds in a small apartment. At the same time, we are super happy to be here, but the journey so far has been tough and exhausting. The weather has been pretty harsh since we've arrived, but we've mostly enjoyed it. And it is wonderful to have real trees again.

We are excited, it seems like it's going to be great, but really... I just don't know yet.

How's that for a lot of words without answering?

@ScottAHurst I was the one already here and the new neighbors came over asking if I was a Christian. I was very offended she would show up and ask that, so rude in my book.

"was the religious climate part of the reason you moved?"

Yes. But not just that they were religious, but they were so fucking busy-body and nosy about it. Always in your business.


Very irritating! Ugh!


What they are doing is playing to their crowd. You always give your business to one of 'your kind'. It's an unwritten law. In essence, it amounts to a completely legitimate unethical practice in advertising at the least and a gross religious promotional practice at the extreme.

Let's be honest here, if I knew that one bakery was a fundamentalist fish supporter and another some three blocks away was run by an in the shadows baby eater, I would probably go the extra three blocks to give them my business. The difference is in the percentage and visual identification between the two. If 75% of the community ride dinosaurs in their off time, then dinosaur riders are going to get 75% (or close to it -- probably more) of the business in town. By the same token, if someone puts a recognizable symbol of godlessness in their window, they've automatically limited their business.

So, does it irritate me? Hell yes. Sometimes it goes as far as to piss me off. Do I let them know? That depends on how heinous the presentation. Normally, it doesn't warrant any harangue from me and I simply do what I can to avoid giving them my business and to the extent I'm able, steer it to those of similar rational thought.

@silvereyes -- We severely limit our own choices by having made the decision we made. They are not responsible for our problems. They have been there all along and though their program has changed a little from time to time, they are doing what they have always done.

It is therefor our responsibility to produce the societal change we wish to see and to push that agenda for however long it takes. We must also be cautious to not step too far into the confrontational mode because more often than not it comes at too great a cost. We've been witness to that lately. The trick is to keep on keepin' on.

It isnt just the business but the jobs as well and if you are not one of them you had better have something they really want bad before they will buy from you before one of their Church buddies.


Put me on edge just makes me think that if anything went wrong they would blame it on god and not take responsibility to make it right .

@SimonMorgan1 -- and rest assured if anything goes right, the blame will go to the same place.

@evidentialist who do I make the cheque to ?

God the scapegoat, makes a lot of sense.

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