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"Never ask a woman her age" and other stupid rules. Who comes up with this nonsense? It is a relevant point of data when you're trying to get to know someone, romantically or not.

What stupid gender rules irritate you?

ScienceBiker 8 Mar 3

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In this day and age I would have thought asking a young ladies age was emminently sensible.

By the same token if a lady asked me 'How old do you think I am?' I have a fairly good tried and trusted response. Give the question some serious thought, come up with a number and substract 10. Usually this will elicit a favourable smile and possibly a blush. If you're still over the required number you probably need an eye test! 🙂

Why not just say "legally old enough to f#ck. Do you want to do it now or after you've paid for your meal?"


Some women get uptight about their age. Not me, I freakin feel every year and I own it proudly. Of course my view is skewed a tad, my mom died at 45, and I am thrilled to have lived past that.

Now the rule of not asking a woman if she is pregnant unless you are seeing the baby exit her body is a good rule. Trust me on that one.

Stupid gender rules that annoy me. 1. Boys will be boys. No, any child will act like a little shit if they have not been raised right.
2. Men/boys should not show emotion. That is so hugely unhealthy for so many young men.
3. Men should man up or grow a pair. That goes with above. And really you want tough. Balls are delicate and tender. A vagina can take a pounding AND push a baby out. How totally tough and awesome is that!
4. Here is a tough one, insults to women are that they are bitches, witches, frigid, ugly, etc. Insults to men is that they are a son of a bitch which insults his mother, or that he is a bastard which again insults his mother.
5. That my clothing could 'distract' a male or makes a man want to rape/hurt me. Seriously, No. Again, we need to teach men/boys better.
6. I was told to dumb down to attract a boyfriend.
I could go on but I do have a life, or want to pretend so anyway.

You are soooooo right. 🙂

hippiechick... so you are saying that we should never ask a woman if she is pregnant? Why? Because we have to assume that she is extremely insecure about her weight? What if we reversed this and there was a man who was extremely insecure about his weight... you know what women say? ''confidence in a man is attractive'' in other words ''insecurity is unattractive''. So why would women be exempt from this? Think about it for a second... us men roll our eyes when we see women being infantile about their weight. Acting childish. You ask a man his weight or height, he tells you... he doesn't beat around the bush and start insulting you about how insensitive you are for asking an ''inappropriate question''. Get the point?

  1. Boys will be boys... I don't really use this. Yes, boys are little immature people, same way girls are little immature people. Men and women are mature. Boys and girls aren't. But what does this have to do with ''gender rules''?

  2. I agree but the ugly truth is that we are still not accepted anywhere as easily as women are. We can get pity but not empathy... huge difference. A man shows his emotions/insecurities to his girlfriend and she might give support but deep down inside her, without her realizing, she will lose respect for him... heck, she will not even realize it.

  3. Yep, we need to be mature, both men and women. Sometimes things are difficult and both men and women require support. It depends on each person but unfortunately men are given MUCH higher expectations and given much less support

  4. I don't really understand what you mean. It's just a random insult. Like calling someone a dick. I don't use such an insult because a male bodypart should not be an insult. Calling someone ''shit'' should be. That's also why I don't call someone a ''cunt''.. I don't hate female bodyparts... in fact I love them.

  5. Please don't be so condescending. First of all you wouldn't understand how men feel. Men are meant to be hunters who look for partners, that's why men hunt for women. It's not ''men'' who rape, it's horrible people who happen to be men. Because after all 99% of men do not rape so please do not say ''men'' rape because you're making it sound like all 100% men are rapist. Even more laughable to say boys. Come on... a 8 year old never raped anyone, okay? It's YOUR responsibility to protect yourself... wether it's from a storm and you need to fix the leak in your roof (you don't teach the rain to stop raining), YOUR responsibility to make your house secure.. you don't teach ''men'' to not steal from homes. It's your duty to try to avoid getting raped. Expecting criminals who rape/murder/steal to just be nice is just nonsense. Please think about what you're saying. This is like saying ''we need gun control to take away guns from criminals'' ummm criminals don't care what you think.

  6. That's one of the worst dating advice I ever heard in my life. And it's funny, lol. Who the hell gave you that golden piece of advice?

@Liviu and here, Ladies, we see a textbook case of mansplaining and incredibly dumb rationalizations. A beautiful example,really.

@Blindbird lol ''mansplaining''. Well if you don't want to have a conversation then you don't need to reply, I don't like to talk to a man-hater anyway.

You can call them dumb as much as you want but your comment holds zero weight if you're not willing to be an adult and have a proper conversation. All you did was come here and throw sexist insults.

@Liviu EX freaking CUSE ME! You wrote: "It's YOUR responsibility to protect yourself... wether it's from a storm and you need to fix the leak in your roof (you don't teach the rain to stop raining), YOUR responsibility to make your house secure.. you don't teach ''men'' to not steal from homes. It's your duty to try to avoid getting raped." No, NO, NO, NO!!! It is YOUR responsibilty to keep your damn pants zipped! Rape is assault, women NEVER ask for it by how they are dressed or how they act. ARE you serious, blaming the victim? Women would not be raped if men didn't rape them, that is wholly totally the fault of the man, the man is committing a crime. A crime just like any other assault. If you cannot see women as a person equal to you, then you are a huge part of the problem.

Now, I am going to take a deep breath and try to address your questions in order.

Asking a woman if she is pregnant can be understood as asking her if she has gained weight. It ain't none of your business. But if you want to be a neanderthal, forge on. And no, I am not going to ask any male I know if he has lost weight because it ain't my business.

#1. Often bad behavior in boys is overlooked because they are boys. That is BS. Boys can learn rules just like any other decent human being.

#2. I don't know who you've been hanging with but I am fine with deep emotions from men. I have never lost respect for a man who cried.

#3, that is your perspective, I disagree.

#4 My comment is that often insults are more derogatory to the female. And I don't care about your love of female body parts. Women are more than the sum of their different body parts, as are all humans. I would hope that you love the whole woman, but not my business.

#5. I am sorry you think I am condescending. But see above. Rape is a crime because a man chooses to rape. Nuns get raped, and you can't say they were dressed provocatively. Older women in bad health have been raped in nursing homes, that is not a crime of passion or a woman drunk, or a woman dressed provocatively. That is a man being an asshole. Rape is always, always, always the fault of the RAPIST.

#6, that advice came from my uncle who loved me dearly and I loved him more than my father. He was in fact my father's youngest brother. He gave the advice from the point of view of his generation, he was born in the early 30s. That was common advise you young women at the time. The male ego being such a fragile thing that men could not stand the competition.

@Blindbird Thank you for that! I'm having trouble getting my heart rate back to normal and that really helped. You see very clearly despite your user name.

@HippieChick58 and thank you for your reply. Well stated,my friend.

Yeah, I never QUITE understood the age thing. I always just sort of thought "get over yourself sheesh" but then again, I have never been there. Weight I do get, though I generally have little to no problem being open on that stat myself. I was a little more so when I was at my heaviest, though.
2. AND women!

@HippieChick58 I suggest you rethink before making a comment because I do not want you to reply if you're gonna think with your feelings rather than using logic and reason. And I definitely do not want you to reply if you're gonna be a man-hater like blindbird.

Maybe you misunderstood the first part. I am not blaming the victim, I am clearly using words like CRIMINAL so of course the rapist should go to jail. You're the one who tries to take 100% all responsibility off women and put 100% of the blame on 100% of men. No, It was not I who raped anyone, so I suggest you take your personal man-hating attacks somewhere else. I am saying that you cannot go around being foolish and irresponsible, then pretend it's not your fault. If you have your front door to the house wide open then you shouldn't be surprised when someone comes in and steals some of your items. The majority of people understand this very basic concept... which is why banks have very secure safes, they don't just let money sit wide open for any thief to steal. They don't say ''we should teach men how not to steal''. Again, read my comment and THINK first, don't be a man-hater.

''none of your business'' just shows what a sweet person you are. Offended by a very simple question and very insecure. Well I hope that from now on when you ask someone a very simple question like ''where are you from'' or ''do you have any sisters'' they reply with ''that's none of your business'' to see how it is. I get the impression that you will not understand what I mean.

  1. I've never seen that happening

  2. My experience tells me the opposite so I guess we'll agree to disagree

  3. So what do you disagree with then?

  4. What insults are you talking about? Most time I see people saying how they should treat ladies with respect. Do not insult them, do not hit them... whereas it widely is accepted to hit or insult a man.

  5. Yes, the rape is the fault of the rapist, did you assume I meant something else? You completely misunderstood and nearly had a heart attack, I suggest you relax. What I said was that women should be more responsible if they want to avoid getting raped. Whatever, I'm just repeating the same thing over and over again, if you're not gonna understand by now what I said then you're never gonna understand it because you seem 100% cought up to be a man-hater and 100% blame men, and insist that women should be allowed to be as irresponsible as they want. Yea sure in a fantasy world, there is zero rape, zero theft, zero crime, etc. and please tell me about how this world would exist... if only all men died, because women never commit any crimes.

  6. oh, why thank you for even more man-hate. Men must feel so lovely in your presence. Tell me more... what other flaws do us men have?

Anyway... you do realize that the 30s were about 90 years ago, right? Times have changed. I can assure you that the piece of advice that you gave there is not good, and I have a feeling that his advice was taken out of context.

@Gwendolyn2018 Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Your eloquence is breathtaking. I appreciate your support.

@Blindbird Thank you for hitting the nail on the head! *Gees,,,,

Well...I sat on this page for quite a while before actually replying so...jeez. Anyways, just wanna chime in @Liviu that I know someone who was 11 and raped their younger sibling. Don't tell me boys or girls can't rape lol.

@Gwendolyn2018 then if you women think that it's perfectly fine to be as irresponsible as you want then go ahead, unlock your front doors, give your bank details away, don't supervise your kids and wear whatever you want because we live in a world where we do not need to take precautions against criminal men/women. Oh I'm sorry apparently 100% of all criminals are men.

Delusional man-haters... I remember that there are a lot more females like that in america compared to europe.

Again, the blame is not 100% on the rape victims, the blame is both on the rapist and on the irresponsible women, learn how to read. I'm done with this chat, I see nothing but delusional man-hate. Do whatever you want.

@Liviu You're living in a dream. @Blindbird was respectful, you were mansplaining. Of course that we have to explain it is part of the problem. You don't see females as equal to you. She is not and was not being hateful.

For you to suggest that a woman deserves or asks to be raped is abhorrent. Please tell us if you understand what we are telling you. You seem resistant to our point of view. There are none so blind as those who will not see. And I didn't assume you said it, you wrote it. You said "It's your duty to try to avoid getting raped." No, it is man's duty to NOT RAPE WOMEN!! I don't give a shit is she is nude walking down the street, she is not asking to be raped.

I'm not a man hater either, but you do make it easy. However my experience is that not all men are like you. In my experience and likely that of most of the women on this site when a sexist man has met a woman he cannot intimidate she becomes a man hater. It's not that simple. We are intelligent and eloquent,

You said women should avoid getting raped, tell us how when women are raped every day just living their lives. There are patients in nursing homes and hospitals that cannot give consent that are raped, by men. There are young girls who are raped by men. There was an 87 year old nun raped in 2016. How the hell could she have been any less sexy, or demure, or covered The only way for a woman to avoid getting raped is to stay locked inside her house, that is no life. The penalties for rapes need to be harsher and we need to stop blaming the victims.

By the way, crime statistics available online with a simple google search:

2011 arrest data from the FBI: in the USA

Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape
Males constituted 87.9% of those arrested for robbery
Males constituted 85.0% of those arrested for burglary
Males constituted 83.0% of those arrested for arson.
Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for vandalism.
Males constituted 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.
Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children
Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault

With your current attitude you are sexist, patronizing and a decubitus ulcer on the butt of mankind. Please crack open your mind and listen to us.

@Liviu SMH.Thank you for telling us how it really is to be a woman. Maybe I should just read the bible?
Grateful that for the most part, people in this community are better educated and socialized.
@Blindbird, @Hippiechick, @Gwendolyn2018 and others, well said my new friends.

@Liviu You should just shut your dumb sexist pie hole. @HippieChick58 You tell him. ❤

@Indubitably OMG!! I love you! You said what I had been thinking but was trying to be nice and not say. Some of the women on this site, you and me included are just fierce awesome women!!

Love you back, @HippieChick58 ! I am accused of being too nice. Sometimes I come out of my shell and say what needs to be said. 🙂

@Blindbird thank you for pointing this out. I totally agree

Oh my. I've recently debated a similar case of an asshole in one of the other threads. Do you ladies see the common thing here? There is one dude who thinks he knows it all about how to be a man and a woman, ignoring so many wonderful insights and explanations and writing them off as man hating.smh.

@Kreig Thank you!!

@Liviu @Kreig and what of a child sexually molested by female nurses in a hospital at age seven. How are they supposed to cope with that? Then there is IMO the even more heinous crime of parents barbarically having their male children circumcised at a time when the infant is most vulnerable and should be protected? Isn't that worse than rape?

@HippieChick58 In Australia First Nations People comprise 2.3% of the total population but in gaol form nearly 30% of inmates [] So do we accept that truly reflects reality or is merely the product of genocidal laws and indoctrination? Similarly have you never stopped and taken the time to see the elephant in the room regarding your quoted statistics and how they have been skewed by the strident screams of "women can't do it!"?

@FrayedBear We have similar issues in the US with the blacks and indigenous populations (or anyone that isn't white) making up a disproportionate % of the population being incarcerated or otherwise sidelined. However you are not looking at the whole conversation that came before, we were told it was a woman's duty to avoid being raped.

@JaciBea Well said!!

@HippieChick58 like it was Vietnam's, Iraq's, Palestine's, Syria's, Lebanon's, Algeria's responsibilities not to be invaded because their assets were coveted or ideologies differed from USA's? Isn't that mass rape?

@FrayedBear you just morphed the conversation to a whole new level. Yes, it was mass rape perpetrated by arrogant aggressive privileged white males from the western world who see everyone else as inferior to them, who see people of color, non male, and people less affluent as inferior and therefore of no matter.

@Liviu I'm delighted to read that I'm not the only one who has problems with blindbird. Some weeks ago she blocked me. I do not know why and seriously do not care. I do have problem however with the fact that she is allowed to stalk me within the groups that I host. On pure arithmetic average 50% of the world will disagree with everything that I say if it is opinion that I express. Snowflakes love to believe theirs is the only acceptable opinion. You and I @Liviu have had some major disagreements in the past. I don't think however that either of us will cut off our noses to spite our faces or refuse to accept that the biggest hindrance to society advancing is failure to cooperatively work to achieve that goal. I never forget 25 years ago attending a local conference held in the police station to discuss ways and means of reducing the proselytised epidemic of domestic violence fueled by alcohol but mainly rabid women indoctrinated, like christians in their religious beliefs, that it is all the fault of men. When I suggested that a 24/7 centre be set up for distressed people to be advised and calmed down I was laughed at and told "No we just want to send men to gaol". Is that what blindbird thinks she has done to me?

@HippieChick58 Driven on by women who according to one politician I spoke with made up 52% of the voters. Did you never read of women in WWI giving civilian men white feathers and ask yourself what violence and rape of the mind is that being perpetrated against men?

@Kreig Ignorance is bliss @Kreig

@FrayedBear Truly I don't even know what you are talking about any more.

@HippieChick58 Elephants in the room.

Just read this whole exchange. Again, so glad we have a block option. There is simply no more room in my brain to ever read his misogynistic drivel again -- and the other one I blocked long ago - same reason. @hippiechick58, @jacibea, @archer, @indubitably, @blizzard, @Kreig, et al., a big hug of support and thanks to you all.

@BlueWave and others (sorry, don't know how to multiple tag yet). Wow, that went somewhere ugly fast. Perhaps those guys would be happier if a man mansplained how they should blow it out... Yeargh. I've never seen someone call someone a snowflake who wasn't being all freaking flaky themselves.


I have no problem sharing my age. I'm 192, in the prime of my life.

Yes,it's hard to be a vampire. But whatcha donna do?
At least you got Napoleon out of the way before you got born.


That males are viewed as inherently more dangerous, whether in babysitting, or room-sharing, or whatever. I've never understood it and I hear it so frequently from other women, that they'd never trust a guy to watch their children.

I had a neighbor boy babysit my oldest daughter when she was tiny. He was a good babysitter. Never even thought twice about it. I was just happy to find a sitter.

@ScienceBiker @Gravija I did have a male roommate, but I knew he was harmless when I took him in. He's a few years younger than I am, but with Diabetic peripheral retinopathy and diabetic neuropathy I had nothing to fear from him physically. I dated him a few years before his health nosedived, and we remained sort of friends. He has a passive aggressive thing which was offputting. He fell on really hard times and needed a place to stay until a more permanent place could be arranged. So I took him in. I live way out in the burbs, no busses, so not an ideal place for him. He really wanted a girlfriend, but he had more baggage than I wanted to deal with. He found a new girlfriend from POF or OKC and moved in with her. And yet I see him on dating sites from time to time.

@HippieChick58 Hmmm on that last sentence...then again, I'm occasionally active on some of the dating sites I'm registered on (and some of those times have been even when I was in a relationship) but I'm rarely ever there for anything other than friends, technically. If it develops into something more (which, judging from every relationship experience I've ever had, won't happen) then cool, maybe we can work on that. It can sometimes be an ok place to get some chatting buddies.


Man pays for date. (Which I admit, I've taken advantage of, if only because I genuinely didn't have much money and they insisted, but still it bothers me. If I am able to pay for myself, allow me)

Oh and that if women don't put out on the first date they're prudes.


it's all bullshit but if someone is a sucker your teaching them a valuable lesson

@LeighShelton I feel like trying to guilt me into sex just because you bought me dinner means you were looking for a prostitute not a relationship. Especially when I am always completely upfront about having very little interest in sex. On dating sites past, even though it headlined my profile, 98% of messages were from guys that just wanted in my pants.

I'm not a conquest I am a curse gentlemen. You can get in there but what you find you will not like. (Not a dick, though)

Yeah I generally never have much money, and if it's someone I haven't gotten to know more than a little bit, well I'm not gonna push it past his first insistence cuz it's just...awkward.


I don't know that they're so much "rules", but it drives me straight up a wall whenever I hear, "that's woman's work", or "that's a man's job". I'm quite capable of basic home
maintenance. I can clear a clogged drain, take out my own trash, kill the bugs, etc.
When I was still driving, I could change the tires, the oil, the fluids, and the filters.
Hell, I used to have a car that I sprayed ether into the carburetor to get it to start.
When I was office manager for a car repair shop, sometimes the mechanics
were short-handed, and they'd call me out to assist. I've changed brake pads, helped install hydraulics and shocks, and a bunch of other things. I think the thing that makes me the most insane is when someone thinks I "can't" do something just because I'm female.
Granted, there's a lot of stuff I can't do anymore because my vision is shot, but that
still doesn't mean I'm helpless. I've always taken a great deal of satisfaction out of being
able to do for myself.
Oh, and I never lie about my age. I think that's just pathetic. I'm 56. I'll be 57 in August, if I live that long.
I generally won't lie about much of anything else either.


That women should be passive and men should be aggressive. There's still that old-fashioned belief in some circles. Neither extreme is good for either person.


The man makes the decisions-wrong-how about sharing responsibilities?

Need to meet someone who can share decisionmaking.

Lol. Follow the #Kipling to read of his lines on the subject


Ask away.


All of them. I'm so over the gendered-expectations thing.

I don't get mad when other people are hung up on that kind of stuff. I get a little mad when they get mad at me for not being hung up on that stuff, as if I were wrong and causing some kind of problem. But not too mad, because I know that's how people are.

Guess I'm not people. Whatever. People suck anyway. I'm over it.


Yet, your profile says, "Age is just a number." If it's truly just a number, why do you give a shit? Just sayin'.

age is just a number just like the prison cell

@ScienceBiker You are correct, that is exactly how I read it. Glad I was wrong. 🙂


Well ... a lot of women do. Especially when they are older relative to you. They are brittle around certain things (men are, too ... equally silly things, just different ones).

In fairness to women, a lot of the stuff they are fragile about is the stuff they are unfairly burdened with ... Madison Avenue standards of subjective beauty, largely, and the notion that they are somewhere between cast-off and "well-preserved" beyond a certain age. I'd be hypersensitive about that stuff too if I were socialized to be committed to such arbitrary and superficial standards.


it's too bad our society has put such a stigma on age---most cultures it is something to be proud of. I am a crone and proud of it. There are many that weren't afforded this privledge.


When people assume you are no longer sexually active after a certain age and that goes for both genders.

Iffy Level 5 Mar 3, 2018

Or when people assume you are sexually active because you're young


I just hate being told that I need a man. The last time I needed a man was in 2013, maybe? And I needed him for a day. And I returned the favor.

As far as the age thing goes, though? I wish I could advertise mine. I tend to get hit on by children.

Acting like a child and being an overgrown one are two different things. And I thought we'd already determined you'd hate me, so... 😛


I would one that bothers me is that men aren't supposed to show any signs of weakness, especially in online relationships, because we come off as damaged goods. I'm honest about my shortcomings and I don't feel like I should have to pretend to be some perfect person.

The flip side of that is another thing that bothers me, which is that women are supposed to not be confident. As if guys are completely scared by a woman in control..but then maybe they a lot are.

Both feed into this whole idea that a strong man has to "save" a woman. Ugh, it has no place in society. I am perfectly okay with a woman saving me haha.

And driving.


I hate the social rules so most times I don't follow them. If I want to know, I ask. If people ask me my age, I tell them.

When I was on OKCupid, after my divorce, I gave my real age. I have been asked by several young men in their 20s if I had a lower age liimit to whom I would date and I had to tell them I felt weird about dating men under 30. The youngest I'd gone out with was a 34 year old. Just one date, but it was a lovely one.


Way too many to list here. Plenty of good feminist literature out there.


all of them really


Go ahead and tell me something I do is not "ladylike." Then back away slowly.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

I'd stay they should run if they did ?


I've been really irked when women are called females as a noun ( unless you are a cop at a crime scene, it sounds stupid). Excuse me, but I'm a female human, there is a word for that, it's"woman"

Wonderful @Blizzard! I will probably turn you winter arctic-like when I address you "Mad_am! 😀

@FrayedBear it's weird but wouldn't bother me actually. My age doesn't bother me. Children calling me ma'am is funny but I get where they are coming from. I think you missed my point, it happens

@Blizzard Projection? What is sarcasm? 😀


Oh this is a good post. Very antiquated traditions... holding the door for a lady, women and children first, do not ask a woman her weight or age, don't ask a person his salary, always tip at the restaurant and other such nonsense. I think we should question these objectively and critically rather than to just criticize with a frustrated attitude.

Personally? I think if a person gets offended if you ask her/him his age or weight, he is infantile and insecure, which makes him/her look bad, not the person asking it. Same as asking how many kids he/she has, what kind of job he/she has etc..

Rude inappropriate question!? The damn lettings agency wanted my bank details!!! Just ''for their records''... yeah I'm gonna let some random bunch of crooks have access to my money... NOT. Clearly inappropriate and clearly way too personal especially from an agency who, just like any other, is known to steal money from people's accounts!

Another inappropriate question is random sites or such asking you for your phone number/e-mail/address just so they can spam you with nonsense that you never said you want in the first place!!!

Liviu Level 4 Mar 3, 2018

A pleasure to encounter a sceptic who questions these questions. My bugbear is being asked date of birth to prove identity particularly when it's to authorise a company employee or contracted agency, aka overseas call centre, to access the company's records to correct their error. The latest nonsense encountered has been "we cannot supply your electricity smart meter closing balance before we turned the meter back to zero. We are honest and would not cheat you. Our meters are accurate to within 1%. No we don't know who certifies that our computer programmes do not manipulate the 1% accuracy to always be in our favour'' and of course the classic is "we have democracy. Everyone has to vote or be fined or gaoled. What do you mean the first entry on the ballot paper does not allow you to state that 'none of the presenting candidates are fit to represent me!'" 😀


NEVER, EVER ask how old a woman is, and NEVER, EVER guess their age if they ask. If the number is too low they think you are really sucking up to them. If you are on the money they will be disappointed you didn't go younger. If you go to high, and you will know by the look on their face, just turn and walk away. You have no shot. It doesn't matter where the rules come from, just FOLLOW THE RULES.

I actually just think it's hilarious when I make people guess my age. I get a really wide range and it's fun to see how others see me and how it varies. Some days I get 34 somedays I get 22.

Even on here many men were disappointed to learn I was not actually 38 as my profile claimed (glitchy) but 27. Man I look hella good for a 38 year old lmao

@ScienceBiker Well good for you

@Gwendolyn2018 Very smart. It is a no win situation.


I just ask when's their birthday not what year they started.


Nobody need be ashamed of their age ... or because their income is "too low" ... or because they don't have a spouse or partner ... or because they have a medical condition. Just behave decently and if people don't like you, move on.

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 17, 2018

Wow. This post is all over the map. Think I'll save it for future reference. Happily found some folk who think a lot like me! Yeeha! Nice to make your aquaintences! Post on!
Also plenty that see things differently and I can respect that as long as they aren't attempting to harm others. To each their own.
Sorry to read that several members continue to exist unenlightened and on their soap boxes. Stuck in sexism, classism, lookism, ageism, and ableism. (Racism often accompanies the others but I missed it, if it wasnt overtly there). Please feel free to add any I overlooked. Good luck to you who are judging others on purely physical characteristics.
I'm here hoping I can be myself without criticism. A safe place to be a humanist, athiest, and to honestly share myself and make new friends. I have loads of flaws but am working on the ones I can do something about.
Peace out.

@ScienceBiker move to Michigan for the winters. That should help!
PS. You're part of the yeeha folk!

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