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What's your super power?

Nothing fictitious. What's a unique quality that stands out? I'm blessed with the ability to offend people without even saying a word! I have "The look", I think they call it in modern terms "resting bitch face". Still not sure ??

ownworstenemy 7 Apr 21

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I can sleep anytime, anywhere, in any position. When I was a kid I'd take short naps while walking my paper route.


Kindness, expressed in my volunteering with the Red Cross. My “cape” is a red and white vest. People stopped me in Walmart in Northern California saying “you’re awesome” or “thank you for all you do” when I was doing my job, buying office supplies and food stuffs for the shelters. That’s all


Spotting bullshit.


My super power is manipulating other's minds to make them think I'm a mean SOB that will hurt them before I even open my mouth. It's a gift and a curse. It's somewhat similar to "resting bitch face". I also have the super power of being able to sniff out bullshit most of the time.


the ability to stay calm and to tolerate stupidity from the masses.


I can recall the digits if pi to 6 decimal places.


I raise the ability to fart to a transcendent level. I can really scorch them.


That I know that I don't have one


Don't have one. I am just an ordinary person.


Don't have one but it brings to mind a young friend who in a job interview was asked if he had any weaknesses. He answered "kryptonite" Needless to say he didn't get the job.


Spotting a wanker at 20 paces


The ability to piss someone completely off in about five seconds.


Not giving a shit.

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