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POLL What's the Difference Between Agnosticism and Atheism? | HowStuffWorks

FTA: People choose to identify as religiously agnostic for a variety of personal reasons — philosophical, psychological, theological or even political. But it's wrong to think of all agnostics as "spiritual fence-sitters," unwilling to state whether they believe or don't believe in God. True agnosticism, it turns out, has nothing to do with belief at all.

You might think that agnosticism is nothing more than a handy way to dodge the question of whether you believe in God. Instead of saying yes or no, the agnostic chooses a third position: neither.

But this is where things can get hairy, explains Draper, who wrote the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Atheism and Agnosticism. "People get so angry about this," he says, referring to testy exchanges between atheists and agnostics online. "The atheists will say, 'You call yourself an agnostic but you're really an atheist!'"

And you can see the atheists' point. At face value, it seems like there's a razor thin line between saying "I don't see any evidence that God exists" and "I don't believe that God exists." But the truth is that you can be an agnostic and an atheist, just as you can be an agnostic and a believing Christian (or Buddhist or Muslim). That's because agnosticism, as its core, is separate and unrelated to questions of faith.

Poll Question: What do you consider yourself to be?

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zblaze 7 Apr 22

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You didn't include the option of Ignostic.

That would fit under the 4th option.


I am really not too crazy about the choices in this poll. Here is my positioning statement: I am an atheist. I think that gods do not exist. I do not unequivocally state that "gods do not exist", but state that I think gods do not exist with the same confidence that I think vampires, werewolves, ghosts, poltergeists, Bigfoot, and other things that go 'bump in the night', do not exist. Why? Because there is zero evidence that points me to the conclusion that these things exist. So, until/unless this evidence is forthcoming, gods do not exist.

Gotta agree with your assessment.

@Heidi68 Thank you. I think it is a solid atheist position.

@GuyKeith Sure, it is an Atheist statement, but is no position on Agnosticism.

Have you not decided yet? If you think that knowledge of the existence of gods or nonexistence of gods is knowable, you are Gnostic if you think they are both unknowable, you are Agnostic.

How does being an Agnostic Atheist 'weaken' or make your position on Atheism any less solid/substantial?

@zblaze I never use the term agnostic with the term atheism or without it to determine my position. Agnostic means you don't know or don't care. I know, but I do care, because theism has wreaked havor on the world ever since humans invented it. I still don't like your choices and like even less your insistence that I must fit one of your choices.

@GuyKeith I didn't make a choice for Gnostic Atheist....I really don't want to hear from them because they claim to know something they actually don't.

I don't know where the "insistence" is coming from, the poll is for fun.....


I don't believe in any supernatural gods, but I will concede that it is not knowable whether any gods exist. I also don't really care whether gods exist or not. The answer wouldn't change the way I treat people or conduct my life.

Well said.

It is also not knowable if Fairies, Unicorns of Cthulhu exist too but I'm pretty damn sure they don't, why single out the Christian god as exceptional and worthy of your concession?

@LenHazell53 Um... what? Because the question was about belief in gods, not fairies, etc. I'm an agnostic atheist, explaining my position. I don't believe in god/s, but I also don't believe it is knowable whether they exist or not. I super highly doubt it, but I'm just as sure as believers are. Nothing is 100% true or untrue without evidence.

@Julie808 You serious are contending that things have to be proven to NOT exist?



Well, firstly it IS an Agnostic, by definition, who is 'unsure' as to whether or not a Supreme Deity exists or not.
Whereas, an ATHEIST, from the Greek A-Theist, meaning without God or Gods, etc, like myself for example, has read, understood and even study religion/s and is at least 99.999% or 100% certain that NO Supreme God-like Being or Beings have EVER existed.
Ergo, your 'poll' options/questions are, in my opinion, somewhat one-sided and biased as well as being incorrectly worded, etc.

You have got messed up definition of Agnostic my friend. Here is the correct one IMO; 'noun'
"a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience."
Perhaps you are thinking of the adjective usage of the term; "not taking a stand on something, especially not holding either of two usually strongly opposed positions (often used in combination): "
The poll was biased to receiving 'honest' replies. One sided to encourage honesty. That is why I didn't include Gnostic Theists or Gnostic Atheists. I think that a Gnostic is the the least likely person to be honest. Whether it's in a poll or in their comments.


Labels. Pffftt!


Atheist: I have no reason or evidence to suggest there are any gods
Agnostic: I have no reason or evidence to suggest there are any gods, BUT I don't want to upset people so won't call myself an atheist and will pretend there might be the remote possibility of evidence as yet unfound for a sky daddy.
Apatheist: It's all bollocks and I'm not going to waste my time on discussing it.
Theist : I do believe in spooks I do believe in spooks I do I do I do believe in spooks!

These overly simplistic definitions are funny, but they ignore the Agnostic Atheist, The Ignostic, and the Dawkins Atheist/Agnostic continuum, etc.

@Heraclitus In my opinion and any are free to disagree with it, there is no need to over complicate any of this.
Dualistic thinking may be old fashioned but You believe or you don't, all the subtle shades of grey are reasons for Why you believe or you don't, a completely different question.

@LenHazell53 Well, in that case, there are only atheists and theists. And this website is misnamed.

exactly an Agnostics are a subsection of atheists

@LenHazell53 I think I get your point with that last comment, especially since I often think of myself of an agnostic atheist, as agnosticism is about knowledge and atheism is about belief. But, if that is the case, do you really think that all people who call themselves agnostics are just cowardly pretenders who don't want to upset people? Isn't it possible to have doubts? To doubt is human. Do you really think that the owners of this website are cowardly pretenders who are simply afraid to use the title Einstein who believed in the Spinoza god denounced the theistic personal God but called himself an agnostic. Do you really believe that Einstein was nothing but a cowardly pretender?

@Heraclitus I Always considered Einstein from his own expressed opinions to be a deist if only for expediency, also English was not his first language most of his works and writings were translated from german.
But I take you point.


I'm with Penn Jillette on this:
Agnostic and atheist answer two different questions:
We cannot know fur shur how our universe started: agnostic (without knowledge)
There ain't no all-powerful invisible critters fucking with humans on the earth: atheist (there is no reliable proof of such beings)

And I agree with Sam, and Christopher,... I am an anti-theist because I oppose religionists imposing their mental illness on all us good folks.


Atheist...because I just don't believe in god or gods. Your choices are out of whack.

How are they out of whack Ms Cat? Haven't decided whether the existence of a god is knowable or not. If you think it is knowable you are Gnostic, if not, you are Agnostic.


Poll missed me completely, I'm an atheist, don't care if there is a god, his followers have cured me of that!

BillF Level 7 Apr 22, 2019

That wouldn't stop you from being agnostic, would it?


In an almost infinite universe, an Atheist arbitrarily ruling out the possibility of the existence of sentient beings who potentially in the inexperienced eyes of a Homo Sapiens would appear to be akin to god-like, displays a level of arrogance similar to that of a theist who, on a haphazard leap of faith, claim that their god is superior to all others. To all those fence-sitting Agnostics out there, get more committed to get all of your friends and acquaintances and eventually the whole of humanity to admit that we actually don't know all the answers. Science, a well developed sense of good will and our natural curiosity will be our tools to secure the final separation of church (and mosque and temple) and state.

Philanthropy and Altruism will rule our new world, free from religious persecution. All this while defending and protecting those who insist on hanging onto primitive, theist beliefs... we can but only only encourage (but not enforce the) moving away from their parochialism and strive to motivate those closed minds to really explore our amazing world and all that is beyond. Even those imprisoned by the most narrow interpretation of theist and archaic beliefs can potentially see the light..


Atheist here. I feel just as comfortable saying there is no god/higher power as I do saying that Santa and the tooth fairy are fake.

Would you also feel comfortable saying that the existence or non existence of a god is unknowable?

Of course I believe it’s knowable. If there was a god, there would be some proof of its existence. It falls under the ‘possible, but highly improbable ‘ category.

I’ve never seen a hurricane or tornado, but have experienced the results of their existence.

@PhoebeCat I wouldn't feel comfortable saying that the existence or non existence of a god is knowable, mostly because I've never had any evidence or been given an argument that demonstrates that anyone 'knows' of the existence or non existence of a god. That is why I am an Agnostic Atheist.
"If there was a god, there would be some proof of its existence" does not demonstrate knowledge. It is 'an appeal to ignorance' argument'. It is best answered by "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

That is why I didn't include Gnostic Agnostic, because that person will always be asked to go ahead and prove that something doesn't exist, just like believers are asked to prove that something/a god exists.


It is highly more probable humans invented the idea of gods than for gods to really exist.


Atheist: I have no belief in any gods. Has nothing to do with a decision about God's but the information source. I didn't decide there was no God, I realized the source of the information was flawed.

It was more like someone telling me to step into a closet and I'd find magical world of Narnia. Then I step inside and find a dark empty closet. I'm not going to decide that Narnia doesn't exist, as it not being in the closet doesn't prove that. Nor does it not being there affect my life.

But I will realize the person was wrong based on the lack of evidence. There might be a Narnia, there's just no evidence to support its existence and while I'm open to any such evidence, I'm not going to accept "belief" or "faith" as a determining factors.

I don't know where that fits in the poll.

You misunderstood, it wasn't a decision "about God's" or that there was no god, it is a decision about 'knowledge'. "whether the existence of a god is knowable or not."

@zblaze Not sure how that's a difference that matters.


Just Atheist - I Have decided that the existence of a god is knowable and there isn't one. Just like I've decided that there are stars in the sky and we have a good idea what they are made of. You may decide that that is unknowable but I have decided otherwise.

@TheMiddleWay Nope, no knowledge, I've just made a personal decision. I believe that I'm entitled to that one small individual allowance. You are free to decide for yourself as well. If it is, in fact, unknowable then I'm just wrong and I live in my own unlearned ignorant space and suffer the corresponding consequences. If it is otherwise then I still don't know and am in exactly the same position. I've decided this based on nothing more substantial than a coin toss. The difference in the results are exactly the same as far as personal impact is concerned. There, I've shared.

I can at least do that.

@TheMiddleWay Like I said earlier, the poll was kind of biased toward honest answers. The Gnostics among us crack me up.


As a philosopher, if I were speaking to a purely philosophic audience I should say that I ought to describe myself as an Agnostic, because I do not think that there is a conclusive argument by which one prove that there is not a God. On the other hand, if I am to convey the right impression to the ordinary man in the street I think that I ought to say that I am an Atheist, because, when I say that I cannot prove that there is not a God, I ought to add equally that I cannot prove that there are not the Homeric gods.

(Bertrand Russel)

NR92 Level 6 Apr 24, 2019

This One! ??


Hum. After six years of catholic school, experiences with crazy if not unproductive conversations about god, the death of family and friends, racist and cruel attitudes of some religious folks, yadayadayada, I am just a little worn out by bothering with the question. I want to have nice days of some peace and nothing to interfer with my remaining kindness and compassion. So you could just consider me a "just want to have a nice day atheist". The constant mental masturbation over the 'problem' has gotten old and seems to create more heat than light. So I have just moved on to other things. Sadly too many want to still beat each up over it.


I really hate all religions.
I think god is a construct.
Can’t stand religious people.
But I want to go where my pets have gone. I have this glimmer of hope that they’re at peace and happy.
If you don’t agree with this, don’t shit on my glimmer of fantasy.

"I want to go where my pets have gone."
Don't worry you will.

@LenHazell53 Thank you!

I like to imagine that non existence will be great, just like it was before being delivered onto this planet.

@zblaze Hmm, how can non-existence be great if you don't exist to experience the greatness?? 😮

@Heraclitus that's exactly why I can imagine it will be great, while I still exist.


From my perspective as an agnostic, I feel like some athiests are similar to theists. Theists often insist that God is there and that you can discover the evidence if you work at it. Alternatively, athiests will often insist that you can find a natural explanation to anything if you search hard enough. In both cases, anything that doesn't support the desired conclusion is simply discarded on the basis that you simply haven't worked hard enough to find the true explanation. I'm more comfortable looking into things to find answers but also admitting I don't know when things don't add up.

I do believe that many people lump together agnostics and athiests, hence the mixture of us both here. There is something to say about the lack of a set religion in both groups. But to me there is still enough of a distinction to separate the two groups.

You have a point, but there is an important epistemological distinction between theists and atheists. Theists will accept as evidence things that atheists won't accept as evidence such as "spiritual" feelings and supposed answer to prayers, and will often reject scientific data as incomplete and uncertain.


Atheist, as in there are NO GODS.


Gods don't exist. Might even be a fact. But I can't explain how the universe started our how quantum entanglement works so call me an agnostic atheist. I don't care.


there are no gods, i don't care whether there are any gods, you can't prove there are any gods, i don't care enough to try to prove a negative, and i'm too busy to go disproving all the gazillions of nonexistent gods, one by one, and when i was done with that i'd have to start in on the tooth fairy and every mythological creature ever imagined. life is too short. call me what you want. i'll correct you if i disagree (and care).



Express it however you like. I'm an agnostic atheist. Faith has nothing to do with it and neither side can prove yea or nay.

Faith has something to do with it, if a person is an Agnostic Theist.

Why does the side that makes no positive assertion have to prove anything?

@redbai They don't!


This is an unusually informative poll because the questions, for once, are well-formed and comprehensive and unambiguous, and the participation is relatively high.

It appears that as I write this, 54 of 86 respondents are either agnostic atheists or what you might term provisionally agnostic atheists, and that's about 2/3 of non-theist respondents.

The final, "apatheist" answer drew more adherents than I'd have guessed.

The percentage of "agnostic = unsure whether to believe" is the minority I suspected it would be.

If there are only two agnostic theists I'm guessing adding omitting "gnostic theist" for the sake of completeness, wouldn't have made significant, or probably any, difference. Those kinds of folks wouldn't hang around here.

Thank you mordant.

About the only addition/omission, for the sake of completeness, of Gnostic Atheist probably would have made some I think the Apatheist choice was inflated because of that omission.

Great summary though!


I'm an Atheist, because i disbelieve

@DangerDave IMO there is no uncertainty, or being "unsure" in the position of Agnostic Atheist. I am 100% certain that the existence or non existence of a god is unknowable.

Apatheism (/?æp???i??z?m/; a portmanteau of apathy and theism) is the attitude of apathy towards the existence or non-existence of god(s). ... An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist.

I'll bet you choose the last I had no idea it would fit an Apatheist so well.


Richard Dawkins talks about this. There is always a chance that a god might exist somewhere, no matter how remote the chance. Anyone with any education must leave the door over a bit at least. There is a possibility. So actually the Agnostic /Atheist dichotomy is a continuum. Accordingly, I consider myself a "strong atheist", admitting that there is a minute possibility at best.

"There is always a chance that a god might exist somewhere, no matter how remote the chance. Anyone with any education must leave the door over a bit at least."

I disagree. I don't have to leave the door open, at all.
There is no "there" there.
If any gods exist, they're going to have to show me.
I won't believe in them otherwise.
As a matter of fact, I will say I know they don't exist.

I hate the whole wishy-washy nature of agnosticism.
I'm not playing that game.

@KKGator []

I'm not asking you to believe, only that there is the tiniest possibility. Reminds me of the great JBS Haldane's quote: "The universe is not only queer, but queerer than we are capable of imagining.". He was the first person to have a radio show devoted to science. He's considered the Carl Sagan of his day and will go down in the history of science even further than Carl.

@Aristopus You've asked, and my answer is NO.
I'm not going to acquiesce to even the possibility.

If there are any gods anywhere, I'm going to need to see them to
accept that they do, in fact, exist.
Unless and until that happens, I will continue to say I KNOW that they do
not exist.
I will not entertain the possibility. I think that's dumb and a waste of my time.

@KKGator Suppose I say I know a place where the laws of physics break down. An object can appear, disappear and then reappear somewhere else. This is called a singularity and they do exist: no time, no gravity, only uncertainty. This happens constantly inside the atom. I think this is what Haldane was referring to. The Big Bang is a singularity and also a black hole. Anything goes.

@Aristopus LOL
It's not god, though, is it?

@KKGator I'm with you all the way on this. I've had plenty of time to think about this subject, getting ready to turn 70.

Mom never encouraged us to join any religion. She let us decide for ourselves. I first began to lean away for Christian religions at 15. I read the bible twice only found violence, hatred and false declarations of love and hope.

Looked into other Christian religions for a few more years then onto Wiccan, Pagan before I realized that there was no God or goddesses.

I am a physics/chemistry believer.

@KKGator I was just making the point that in science it's not good to think in terms of 100% certainly. Always leave the door open a little bit. In Saving Gaia I make the point that even Sir Isaac Newton, who brought on the Age of Reason, was dead wrong. He was very religious having been educated in Trinity College in the 1640s and depicted the universe as being very orderly and guided by God. The concept fucked up humanity in that it led to extreme religiosity and religious wars. Just last week, eight young suicide bombers in Sri Lanka, gave up their lives. They were so sure of Allah.

But the universe is anything but orderly. Galaxies collide, meteors and asteroids bang into each other constantly. If you don't believe me, go outside some clear night and look at the pot marks, craters, on the moon. Our pale blue dot even took a lot of shots.


@Aristopus You've made a whole bunch of assumptions. I said nothing about believing in science with 100% certainty.
I said I will not ever believe in the existence of gods without proof.
You brought up science and the universe. Not me.
I don't have to "allow" for anything in that respect. I KNOW there are no gods.

@KKGator To claim that you absolutely know what you cannot possibly know makes you as bad as the theist who claims the same absolute knowledge that God exists. You have become what you hate.

@Heraclitus Horseshit.
There is absolutely NO evidence that proves the existence of any gods. It's stupid to continue to say "maybe".
Show me evidence that there are gods, and I'll change my mind.
Otherwise, it's perfectly reasonable for me to say that I KNOW there are no gods.

@KKGator Neither is there any evidence that proves the non-existence of god/gods. Hence one cannot know that god does not exist, one can only not believe it for lack of proof. Hence the agnostic atheist.

@Heraclitus That "argument" is such a total cop-out.
I don't accept it, and I won't be subjected to it.
You can do whatever the hell you please. Just don't try to drag me into that nonsense.
I'm fine with my position. You know, since there are NO gods.
If there were, those assholes would have made themselves known by now.
Their egos wouldn't permit them to keep themselves a secret.

@KKGator BS. The egotistical claim of absolute knowledge is an arrogant cop-out. It is insincere, I don't accept it, and I won't be dragged into it or be subjected to it. You have become what you hate.


Humans just seem to require something to argue about. Where all of this becomes important is the struggle for control or who has power in any given relationship. That can be a fluid situation or a deal breaker.
Whether it's an intimate relationship, good friends or family as long as each person can respect the other members I really don't care what someone believes. That said, I may love you anyway just not like you all that much.
Don't force your beliefs on me and I won't force mine on you, no need to get pissy.

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