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Are you impressed?

The people who impress me the most are not trying to impress me. What is it you find impresses you most about people or individuals?

Spag84 6 Apr 26

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I'm impressed by people who are kind and gracious when dealing with other people.


Intelligence and kindness. Im not sure which I like most but when I find them together in a person it’s powerful


How they treat others (people and animals). Respect and kindness goes a long way for me.


Good or bad? I'm pretty impressed by top notch stupidity.


I haven't really given it much thought. But I think kindness.


Vocabulary, I like a big vocabulary.

Have you seen this? I think you'll enjoy it.

@resserts Thank you for posting that, I have never seen it before, very cool!!


Honesty and kindness. And sadly, I don't get impressed much anymore.

For sure.


Not needing to be impressed or trying to impress anyone impresses me 🙂

Actually, I like people who are intelligent without even knowing it...intelligent in knowledge, in wit, in caring for others...I find most people have something that impresses me because it is genuine and not contrived


I’m mostly impressed by people’s fingers and their choice of salt.

Who ever thought, back when we were kids, there would be CHOICES of salt? Like besides rock salt for your sidewalks or plain white generic table salt for your food.




Trustworthiness. You have to trust some people, it's that or you get nothing out of life. It seems to be an incredibly rare commodity.


Honesty...Unfortunately, I'm rarely impressed these days...

Pretty sad, isn't it?


People that truly genuine.


Integrity, honesty, kindness. People who like who they are and don't need to impress.


Friendliness, compassion, intelligent and fun loving.


Humble ones.


Not so much impressed as pleased to admire excellence in any activity, be it art, music, drama, architecture, physical ability in sport or endurance, mental capacity to create new drugs, new engineering wonders, etc, oh - and physical beauty



lerlo Level 8 June 16, 2019

When they regard others as though they have inherent worth. When they know they don't know everything and admit mistakes and laugh at themselves. When they can ask for help and want to help. When they went to school because they cared about something or when they never went to school because they cared about something. When they are concerned with their own self regulation. When they are concerned about their own lack of concern. When they nap because naps are important. When they are curious and when they eat this delicious moment. When they are open to possibility. When they are honest. When they like me.


he combination of genuineness, astute perception, the ability to conceptualize complex issues, civility, and communication skills.


Curiosity (the foundation of intelligence)
Critical Thinking
Sense of Humor


Here are some things that impress me (not to be confused with things that I admire, though there's some overlap):

  • moral fiber, placing others' needs above one's own wants
  • strong will power
  • polyglotism (especially for several languages)
  • mechanical ability
  • huge dongs in porn
  • and the women who can take them with ease
  • highly artistic creativity
  • hilarious comedic ability
  • extreme athletic ability
  • musicality and dancing ability


I am impressed with your choice of of my favorites...yum

@thinktwice I like that in my mind

@thinktwice they did a small study on pie eating. Americans will almost always start from the front, even if they have to turn the plate while Europeans just start where ever the plate is aimed.

@Beowulfsfriend I am impressed with people who know these odd statistics that show insight into behavior that we might notice daily...ha ha ha what a fun thing to know! I eat pie from any angle...mmmm pie

@thinktwice I eat pie anyway possible, now, but honestly I think I used to start from the front.

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