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Have you ever been annoyed by just the sight or voice of a person?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 25

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only a few. there was a woman named kathy something selling cookware who had an extremely annoying voice, and there is currently a super-long commercial for some kind of wrinkle-remover that is narrated by a woman with a voice as irritating as can be. of course donald trump takes the cake, and then add content and he's impossible.



All the time..Anytime CNN has Sanitorium on it makes my skin crawl.


Yes, even in text only. Woman was a Gun loving, libertarian, radical vegan, animal rights activist who shouts down people for using the word soul in a non religious contex. She's dead to me now.


Yes. I suspect it's conditioning - much like Pavlov's dogs.

So if you are aware of it - you can help mitigate the response.

Except 45. I recommend Nerf bricks for the tv.


Yes I used to work for this woman who sounded like an old heavy set Fran Drescher and I could not stand her voice especially when she complained incessantly incidentally she was from Jersey


I have an example from long ago of someone whose voice I found extremely obnoxious. Mutual friends encouraged me to give her a chance and we became friends and are still friends today. I'm glad that I got over that one.


I am annoyed by self-pitying moaning.


Yes, and sometimes it was even by good people.


only about 80% of the ppl i come in contact with.


Every fucking day.

JimG Level 8 May 25, 2019

All the time.


Trump. Definitely


I get that way, at the sound of Trump's voice!


I don't know about sight. But the voice? most definitely! Especially women that have vocal fry or baby voices or end everything they say like a drawn out question??


Im annoyed by the sight and voice of most people.....


First semester of college, my roommate's girlfriend came to visit. She was really petite, but her voice had this low tone to it similar to how people sound when they have a cold or nasal congestion. I assumed she had a cold, so it was understandable that she sounded like that. However, it was still a little unsettling since that was my first impression of her.

A few weeks later, the GF comes to visit again but this time my roommate's sister comes too. The GF still sounds sick, so in private I mention to the sister how it sucks the GF is always sick when she comes to visit. Turns out that the GF is not sick. That's how she always sounds.

My roommate always thanked me for giving him and his GF privacy whenever she came to visit. In truth, it was because I hated the sound of her voice and did not want to listen to it.


My Ex was a narcissist. I’ve taken care of two kids by myself because of her addictions. I can’t stand the sight of her.


If you've never heard Jacob Rees-Mogg then I hope you never do.


Of course! The bulbous bastard is anathema to me!


Yes but the sight of them is only annoying after the nastiness has wafted out of their noise hole.

Btbd Level 7 May 25, 2019

Besides Trump

I am more bothered by voices than sight...I can't stand hearing Elizabeth Warren speak...I can read what she has to say, but her speech pattern and voice puts me on edge...and I like her but...

That little blonde woman in the Big Bang Theory...her voice annoys me but I like her as well...

Rick Santorum, Alex Jones, Sara Huckabee...their voices bug me as well...but I don't like them...


Yes, I cannot listen to or look at Twittler...reminds me of the dirty old men who tried to stick their hands in my shirt or pants when I was a very comely teenager. #FuckOldWhiteGuys


People who hijack a meeting or gathering by taking over the conversation because they implicitly believe they are the smartest person in the room, only to prove they are not by everything they say and do.


Yes I think that the fashion for wearing a collar back to front is really annoying.


All the time. The trick is not to show it. I think that's what a stable person does.

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