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Could a Star Trek future happen?

If we discovered we were no longer alone and met a species of higher intelligence willing to make peace and assist us, would humanity ever put aside their major differences for the common goal of exploration and discovery?

Can we rise above our pettiness?

Vipyr82 7 Mar 12

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Nope. Humanity, as a whole, is incapable.


wouldn't that be great--at this point though, we seem to be going backwards


We would have to do a lot of evolving first. Maybe in another few thousand years if we last that long.


Possible but not probable.


The klingons have not evloved they would kill each other to say their ship is faster.


If we could develop the technology to explore beyond our solar system, we will be awed by what we find.

Is it possible that we could unite for real exploration and discovery? I would like to believe so.


I ain't counting on it.


I'm seeing, at best, a Babylon 5 kind of future. Maybe humans won't kill everyone, maybe we'll get some allies, but I think our species is too selfish and humanocentric to really do well out in the great wide universe.


I do believe so. That being said, Star Trek is set in post WWW 3 earth... 😣


Anything can happen but somethings very unlikely.


We cannot even live with ourselves as a single human race. We will not accept any other species. Some will claim that they were sent be the devil. Others will claim that they are wearing a costume and it is a conspiracy if they look different than us. Some will never give up the belief that we are god's chosen people, and that we are the center of the universe. We have to learn to live with ourselves first before we can even hope to accept another alien race.


We arnt going to be around that long.


It does not matter that we will never reach our ultimate goal. The effort yields its own rewards -Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Gohan Level 7 Mar 13, 2018

Can we rise above our pettiness? We must.

This may sound strange, coming from one who has no faith in faith, but it has been my experience that, what we might call 'self-fulfilling prophecies' are often little more than choosing what we dwell upon. Humankind faces seemingly insurmountable dilemmas, but we are, or at least can be, the engineers of our own future. We can, if we focus our attention and intention, overcome the pettiness you've highlighted.

We have only two choices, it seems to me. Succumb, or overcome. Is our glass half empty, or half full? Do we see a post-apocalyptic Mad Max version of our 'pale blue dot,' or do we envision a Gene Roddenberry 'united Earth' future?'

I think neither, the people in control like it just the way it is and therefore will keep it that way.

@smoyle The people in control are us ... We, the People.

@pnullifidian Sadly I disagree with you on that. If we were indeed in control, we wouldn't be working 5 days a week, 45 weeks a year. There would not be starving children, wars, homelessness etc. We would all be equal, no discrimination or harassment.

@smoyle I get it, believe me, I do. But we do live in a democracy, and can effect change if and when we choose to do so. And while we may at times appear like that frog that remains in the slowly warming pot, we have it within ourselves to snap out of it. And while I don't necessarily agree with your dot connecting, we hold the power to re-engineer our society.


When I was a kid growing up with ST Original Series I thought so. Not exactly like ST, even as a kid I knew it was TV fiction. But something like it. I wouldn't live to see it, the 23rd century. (Kinda of pissed me off then that I wouldn't live to see it. ) But we were going to the moon and it seemed like the right path. But now, I know I'm not going to miss anything, except seeing our species sink into oblivion. So, no, Star Trek is wonderful fantasy, like King Arthur. But it's not going to happen. What's so damn annoying is we could make it happen. We lack nothing to achieve it except the will to rise above our antiquated economic systems, our foolish prejudices, and our attachment to mysticism, supernaturalism and magic based thinking. Sad.


The day we make “contact” will be a seminal moment for humanity to come together for a common goal. I believe some people will remain religious, unfortunately. I dream about a Star Trek-like existence. I think we could get close but our propensity for violence and greed will always keep us from this utopia.

As soon as we find an alien race the missions would be there like a rat up a f---ing drain pipe.


Star Trek is not science fiction. It's outerspace fantasy. Sometimes even outerspace opera without the singing.


It seems to me that we are useing the planets resources at such a rate that we don't have time to develop the technology for light speed travel before those resources are exhausted.
What happens when fossil fuels run out? Flying machines cannot use battery power and I don't think we can grow enough oil bearing plants to fill the fuel gap.
Any aliens out there are probably as grounded as we are!


I'd love to think we could and would boldly go but I fear the human species, once known across the cosmos, would set off alarm bells wherever we went and the pan galactic authoroites would have us with L plates on for eons because, quite frankly, we're lunatics.

0 go with an earlier post, it may a 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' (The original) sort of future where space plod tell us to sort our shit our first before we go galavanting off 🙂


Humans? Affraid not

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