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What do you think of parody or mock religions? Have you or would you join one?


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Invisible Pink Unicorn

What do you think of these "religions?" Do they serve a purpose? Are they funny? Would you ever join?

Here is a list of them on Wiki:


silvereyes 8 Mar 14

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I did dudeism and fsm. It was just a joke.

Would I ever? I am always up to conversing religious fundamentals with others. I think most of them come from the same source anyway - man, not myth. I am up to hearing new notions if any exist. Ive heard some good stuff.


I think they do provide some comic relief. Some like to use them to mock the religious but I don't think that's particularly useful or necessary.


Well, the parody religions are often founded for the purpose of pointing out the flaws in the mainstream religions. Making a different claim, but using the exact same arguments to back it. So, in that regard, I see them as being potentially a positive influence; but let's face it, theists remain stubbornly impervious to these arguments when other "legitimate" religions present them. A Christian won't be convinced by a Muslim, despite them both using the same arguments to back up their respective positions. They're more likely to just mock and deride the parodies, without seeing their point. So in practice... they're pretty irrelevant, other than being funny for us lot.

If you really want to piss off a Christian - reason with them Muslims are clearly God's chosen people because of the greater devotion and more frequent practice. 🙂


Do they have holidays? That is the only thing that i really miss from religion.


I am an ordained dudeist priest, but not becasue I subscribe to dudeism in the least (I honesty have never explored it in depth). It was free to do online:[] , so I got ordained for laughs and posted my certificate on fb. Who knows, maybe one day I could perform a wedding in a bathrobe while sipping on a white



Proud member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. we must obey our noodley master.

@irascible absolutely! we pastafarians must stick together and help one another. we are always being watched by his meatball eyes.

@Kojaksmom Hey don't forget about us Flying Teapotters. Aren't we all members of the same Counter-Toptic family of religions?

@Rossy92 well okay ,I think the noodley one would approve


Personally I'm a devout Foaminian and it's fun. It doesnt really serve a purpose except for the fact that I can tell people that I worship an angry cartoon squirrel. Foamy be with you.

Oh my God! it has been so long since I watched any Foamy the Squirrel videos I'm going to do that now!


I think of Satanism (well, LaVeyan Satanism, anyway) as not really a mock religion or parody. It's nontheistic, but it has a fairly comprehensive moral code and it seems that members are rather serious about it in general. They do occasionally troll the more overtly religious, though, so in that way I suppose they use their religious status in a somewhat unserious way. With that said, I have no interest in joining a mock/parody religion or Satanism, etc. I'm not looking to replace the dogma of my Catholic upbringing with another formal affiliation. That's one of the perks to being nonreligious. 🙂


These parody religions were started, I believe, to try to make people think about just how absurd their beliefs are. But they seem to only anger believers, as they feel that their sacred beliefs are being disrespected. Believers fail to see the accurate portrayal of the abject foolishness in what they believe.


Some are comical but I’m not really much of a joiner.


I joined the satanic temple a while back, just a good set of values to have. Satanism is more like a philosophy and doesnt worship anything.


Last year I became a card-carrying Ordained Dudeist Priest, Church of the Latter Day Dude.
I'm also an Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church, but I can't find my certificate.
And I've been My Own Personal Savior, Church of the SubGenius, for nigh on thirty years.

But those Pastafarians man, those fuckers are nuts.


I did the Dudeism thing, I forget my actual title. I think they are fine, They are as real as the other ones, so let them enjoy whatever they call 'faith' too


i am into nadaism (my chosen name being Nada); but no, really, i consider any ism as limiting to the natural human potential to advance, grow, be mobile & get over our selves into the one thing that works: oneness.


I seriously considered Satanism, but the Satanic Bible says when you worship a god created by man, you are actually worshipping the man who invented your god. I suppose then that joining a religion has the same result.

If I ever again feel an urge to join a mock religion to mock religion, I'll just write my own damn holy book.

JimG Level 8 Mar 14, 2018

some of those names are comical. But as for purpose, I don't see anything different from what they do to agnostic or atheist. The only real difference seems to be they organize under a name for satirical purposes mostly. I'm perfectly happy being disorganized.


Jediism us no longet a parody religion it's taken very serious. Think I signed up for dudeism for a laugh


I was notified by the First United Church of Cthulhu that I was eligible to be ordained as a priestess. I'm holding out for Hasturianism.


I just happened to be ordained as a Dudist Priest!


It can be funny, depending on how they do it.

I really love Landover Baptist Church

And aint no better Christian than Mrs. Betty Bowers

That's weird. But if you look up Mrs. Betty Bowers, you'll find some of the funniest parody you've ever seen.


Nah, that would be giving in.


No i have to much comedy with the trumper administration now.


It would be the coolest beings if one of these went on TV in competition for Pat Robertson's audience somehow.

jeffy Level 7 Mar 14, 2018

They serve a great deal to force secularity/separation of church and state (Satanism), allow for nonreligious marriages (dudeism), and freedom of religious checks for officers in the military (FSM) but I do wish they weren’t needed and just comical.


I think I was a large part of dueism. I have been married for 44 years, and I think I might be almost cured of that part of my personality😉


This is a web page that I used to often read
I found some of the articles interesting and inspired me to almost write a hymn (lol)

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