34 22

My points are 166,666. Does this mean I'm the Antichrist?

I looked up "666." Scary stuff if you're a believer!

*"According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea." (Revelation bullshit.)

"This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” (More Revelation bullshit.)


Good thing I've been an atheist since age 13. I'm safe.

(checks to make sure I'm not growing a tail)

LiterateHiker 9 July 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Funny, but religious bullshit is a waste of time.


668: the neighbour of the Beast.


Well, gee whiz,, we all knew that anyway but were cutting you some slack because .... well I don't want to get banned from here.

It's about that dime


Are you referring to my tight jeans photo caption?

"You can see a dime in the back pocket" was a joke. There's no dime.

@LiterateHiker I know there is no dime but I can imagine one can't I?


I once read that the 666 was a mistranslation and the number was actually 616 (sounds more like a phone area code). I'm no expert, so who knows?

My queztion, however, does 666 represent good luck in Confucianism, or you're in for a tranquil day in Buddhism?

Pennsylvania has a local phone exchange 666. Anywhere else?

I heard that too. I also heard a story that in Moscow, Russia, all the streets have numbers. So the people who lived no street 666 did not like what they thought was bad luck and all the jokes. Therefore they asked the city council if they could change the name. The council said yes they could, because there were a few numbers spare due to some streets being demolished, and so they gave them another number. Yep you guessed it, they got 616. ( Sadly it could be an urban myth.)



Fellow Anti-Christs, sleep with an Anti-Christ today/tonight, we need far more of them....LOL.


Hey, that means that I'm no as alone as I've always been told that I am.
I've been labeled as the Anti-Christ, a Heathen, Devils Pawn, Pagan and everything in between since I was about 8 years old, nice to know I'm no longer alone in the world.


That's a lot of freakin points !

Buddha Level 8 July 29, 2019

Now you tell us!


You're safe, the bible is just a collection of stories from a time long ago, unfortunately its used as a way of control by narcissists.


Looks to me like you're one ahead of him 🙂

I think I'm having an existential Christis


Ahead of who?

@LiterateHiker Sorry.. I was referring to the "1" ahead of Satan's number


maybe... 🤔..😱..😈...🤯 cheers! 🥂


Revelations is a Messianic book, probably as a result of mushroom consuming and too much cheese before bedtime.

Take it out of its biblical context and read it as literature it is a marvellous romp that I’m sure Timothy Leary would have been proud of!

Certainly no veiled references, just good old allegory and metaphor.

You can also place it in any political world since the Bronze Age. Tropes of ‘the end is coming ‘only the good guys win’, ‘always the bad guys lose’.

Marvellous stuff!


Kate tried really hard to get our phone number to be 6666, we got 6066. Good try.


Check back when you get to 169696.


Only if you have Social Security.


670 - the approximate number of the beast-ish.


You have a way to go. 666,666


On this site, we're all the anti-Christ.


Only if you don't exist.




A lot of bullshit the bible, and of course you are an antichrist, we all are, and proud of it!


Congratulations 😈


AN Antichrist


Yes! You sinner!


Of course, but you can hike it off!!

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