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Do you think touching money is gross?

I used to be grossed out with touching money. I've had to learn how to get over that. Sometimes I do do get grossed out when I'm handed wet pennies, wet dollar bills, boob money, and people licking their fingers and then handing me dollar bills. I don't carry cash much. I prefer my debit card. Perhaps it is because of my OCD? Idk? People have sneezed in their hands and then handed me their money. I'm surprised I'm not sick all the time. Do you think money is gross?

Sarahroo29 8 Mar 16

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Something which I find a tad annoying is our GERM PHOBIAS. People literally BATHE their kids (and themselves) in ''hand sanitizer." Consequently, we have weak immune systems and I'll bet we're sick more often than we once were. Children should play in dirt/eat dirt/eat leaves, bugs, whatever! Then, they actually have immune systems! Handling money is fine...just wash your hands!

I don't use hand sanitizer. It dries my skin out.


Yes !money is the filthiest stuff in the world. There's no telling how many thing strings that stuff has been shoved into. The average dollar bill is like a candy wrapper that's been Stepped On by the entire population of New York City



I do not.

Because it is related, I will share too much now. 🙂

My wife and I were making love as we'd done, I don't know HOW many times. I was going down on her. I suddenly thought about where my mouth was and the kinds of activities that she did there and... I almost got sick! Me, mentally: STOP! You've doen this how many times before and it's NEVER bothered you and with how many women? WHY is it a problem now? It isn't. So, get over it. EIther decide it's a problem and never have pleasure again (I like pleasing my lovers and if I stop giving, I'll stop receiving, it's who I am) or, again, get over it.

I decided to get over it, right then and there and... well, it opened me up to the thought that much of what 'grosses us out' is under our control to choose whether or not to let it gross us out.

You can choose to eat food and enjoy the flavor and texture or you can choose to think of other things this tastes/feels like and get grossed out. DON'T. If you do, you are CHOOSING to make your life miserable.

Is this the perfect solution for ALL of lifes OCD problems? Nope. However, I would point out that it can certainly help, if not eliminate, a couple of them. It did for me. I am not grossed out by pleasing my lover. 🙂

I didn't need to know some of this message.

Didn't mean to offend, if I did. However, I did think it was germane to your original thought. Was hoping that my realization that I had some control over my feelings might help you to realize that same epiphany. I did NOT mean to offend and you have my apology if I did.

@Gnarloc It's fine.


I use money to buy soap. I don't think about it past that.
If I did, I couldn't leave the house.



I feel for all you people that think that money is so gross. So as a favor if you msg me I will give you all an address to which you can send it.


This exactly.

I worked at a co-op. It was disgusting. Money is filthy.


I think the lady in the video has issues. Surely boobs are cleaner than hands. If anything, people dirty their boobs by stashing filthy lucre there, not vice-versa.


Nah. It's what our immune system is for.



Occasionally I like to take out all the money in my saving account, in like $5 bills... I spread it all out on my bed and then have sex on it. And then I deposit it back into the bank the next day.


I feel better now. I thought I was the only one who did that


I'm a guy. We will touch almost anything at least once. Hell, we will try to eat almost anything once. 🙂



On the contrary. I love money. The bigger the denominations, the better. Put it in a giant wad and I can pretend to fan myself.

Oh, cool.


Its no grosser than your phone or anything that comes into contact with you daily. Just wash my hands before eating, and im fine



Sometimes the best way to face one's fears is head on ... perhaps working as a toll collector on a bridge or turnpike (and not wearing gloves) would rid you of this phobia?

I'm a cashier. I'm used to it now.


Money is one of the nastiest things around. Kids putting change in their mouths after they get ahold of the it, after I stepped on it with my shoe that surely still has dog shit residue on it is just nasty. No telling who is going to get it after the kid.

Yep. Gross.


Yes but we are using debit cards more often now , in the future money will only be used for tips, strip clubs and bribes. lol

But where have all the debit cards been? The same places as paper currency and every one has been in the same machine. It's plastic porn!!

@farmboy2017 Lol.



I do actually, but I seem to be able to manage, My partner has huge OCD about money so he gives me all his poxy coins - i have a fear of spending money.

Me too. I hate spending it.


I haven't carried money for probably ten years. I can't remember the last time I actually had paper money or coins. Yes, I find paper money super gross.

It is.


The things I've seen people do with money should make most people want to get an rfid chip sadly.



One dollar bills scare me more than other denominations!


Baptists scare me the most of all denomonations


As an ex banker, YES! Girls I worked with would put antiseptic in the sponges they used to keep fingers moist while counting money. Paper cuts, they get infected, dermatitus and so on. Then there are the people who bring in large bottles and buckets of coins they have had lying around for years. Complete with short curly hairs. I kid you not.



around flu season



About 98% of money in note form has residue of cocaine on it. that somes up how dirty it is and anything else the public touch but lucky we have emune systems. money though is even more gross when you see rich arragent snobs with it.

Strippers put it in their ass cracks.

yes and worse or better lol

@Sarahroo29 Ewwwwww!

@Amy0825 Lol. Gross.

come on humans do some crazy stuff when they have sex and they do things while having colds that they don't realise or don't care about. we all shit and piss, pick our noses etc and some of it we don't even you know one of the dirtiest germ-filled things is your hair? and in the house, the toilet seat is cleaner than your dishcloth.


I do not think touching money is gross but I do offer good advice. Wash your hands often. We touch door knobs, gas pumps, money, books, and various other things daily. Wash your hands often to avoid things like the flu.
As for money in particular it could have been any place, even up someone's behind. Wash your hands often in flu season and often all year round if you handle money.

I do.


I was a cashier at Lowe’s. Money is gross as hell. I try to stick to my card most of the time.



I never touch the stuff.

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