I've met a very beautiful woman on line. She and I share many common likes and dislikes, but she is Christian.
Would you personally pursue such a relationship? Why or why not?
I don’t want to get married. But as far as having a meaningful relationship, yes, if we were very compatible in other ways and religion weren’t super important to them. I’m a liberal and have dated conservatives. I’m a vegetarian and date meat eaters. It’s all about respecting each other’s differences.
Now if the person were a religious fanatic who thought I was going to “hell” for the way I live, now that’s something else entirely.
>I don’t want to get married.
Rotating multiple affairs is an art form.
@WonderWartHog99 I’m not sure what that means? I’m 100% faithful and committed to my partner. Not wanting to get married doesn’t detract from the depth and meaning of our relationship. I don’t do “affairs,” let alone “multiple rotating” ones.
@Apunzelle I’m not sure what that means?
Between marriages, I had affairs. Took me a decade to establish the state of "If this is Thursday, this must be Susan." During that time, I didn't want to get married.
Big deal for me was the old song "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?" It took serious hunting before I married again. More than a decade of rotating multiple affairs. Who says research can't be fun?
>I don’t do “affairs,” let alone “multiple rotating” ones.
Until you mentioned it, I had no idea what your domestic situation was. I was making a general observation not directly connected to you.
He'd have to be very, very hot and do me on demand.
Oh yes, and he'd have to be mute.
No. I remember when my boyfriend of three years told his parents we were getting married. “But she’s not a Catholic!” I should have run away like a gazelle being chased by a cheetah. I was related to those assholes for over 30 years. I make it my policy to never have anything to do with the religious or the republican.
" Dump and lazy , I understand !"
A Jesus fish, do you have any fish sticks? Dumb and lazy!
Friends, yes. Marry, no. I need to be connected to someone who is in touch with reality as much as possible. I need to now that they will stand up and not just fall to their knees when times get hard. Not just hoping to get to a better afterlife but a better tomorrow and cherish each day on earth with the people you love. I need someone who feels that religious dogma is a waste of time, and focus on what’s most important, the here and now.
I married a christian and I love her to death. When the subject of religion comes up in discussion, we debate a little but it never gets heated. We get along great. We just disagree on that issue and respect each other.
That's really cool. You two must be very special people.
I spent 23 years with a Christian. My wife just passed on, but she was a REAL Christian - a good, compassionate person. She never pushed her faith on me and i never tried to convince her that she was wrong! Live and let live was our life.
As a survivor of a 27 year marriage at the end of which she divorced me and took everything I ain't marrying nobody again I don't give a damn what they believe
No I would not... only because I have bad experiences with religitards trying to convert me at every point... he or his religious family would try to convert me or manipulate me into converting and I am sick to death of that shit.... sorry not sorry
I would never marry a Christian. I'd never marry anyone else, for that matter. But in terms of pursuing a relationship, it would depend. Chances are good that any devoted Christian and I would have significant difference of opinion on major issues and that some of our core values would be in conflict. But if I met someone great in every other way and she were nominally Christian, perhaps only because she was brought up with it, that might work. Faith really couldn't be terribly important to her and it couldn't bother her that I'm a non-believer.
I have absolutely no intention of ever marrying again. Or having another
"romantic relationship".
That said, I would have no interest in pursuing anything with a believer.
You've been hurt.
We all have. Doesn't make me special.
@KKGator No, but empathy costs nothing so here's a (((hug.)))
@Sgt_Spanky Thank you. You're very kind.
Yes I would ,as long as they were not fanatics.My mother is a catholic and my father has always been agnostic for their 36 years of marriage with no problems except for a discussion about belief once in a while but this is not often
My wife of 44 years is a Christain and attends church almost every Sunday but she not a fanatic about it.
is she hot? I can put up with a lot of ignorant crap for smoking hotness. especially a hot redhead with green eyes.
She's hot, but no red hair. Maybe I should make that a condition.
@AstralSmoke no red hair? I don't know. That's a tough one. I may be a misogynistic pig, but I am a misogynistic pig with standards!
I understand you, but...would that relationship be for a long time commitment?
@Merseyman1 usetabe I could only guarantee 2 minutes. but I could probably get 5 now. just not a furious five.
I wouldn't pursue it. Even if it doesn't appear to be an issue now, the likelihood of it cropping up at some point is high.
Unless she is Christian in name only and not actively practicing her beliefs. I called myself Catholic long after I stopped believing, but before I openly identified myself as atheist.
No. And hell no. I ask right off. It's a deal breaker.
That’s one of my criteria as well.
Exactly, dealbreaker.