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Would you as an agnostic or atheist marry a Christian?

I've met a very beautiful woman on line. She and I share many common likes and dislikes, but she is Christian.

Would you personally pursue such a relationship? Why or why not?

AstralSmoke 8 Aug 13

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103 comments (51 - 75)

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No. Hell no.


Relationships are tough anyway. I have yet to be with a woman, in any type of romantic relationship, that did not believe in a god. That being said, marriage is a big commitment and if children will be involved it could be a flashpoint for disagreements. I think that differences of thoughts and opinions are important. Never dated a atheist or agnostic woman before, but I certainly have had great connections and love with women who believed in their gods. Anything is possible if both parties are emotionally mature and have chemistry.


Keep her as a fuck buddy and make sure she is on birth control as well as using protection...


Check and make sure she is not militant Christian like the evangelical Christians

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 14, 2019

I personally would not have a huge problem with it as long as I was not pressured to practice. I don't mind and, in fact, enjoy discussing the stories offered up in the Bible. But that is as far as I go. All that said, I think a devout capital "C" Christian might have a problem since clearly we would not be "equally yoked" so says the Bible. 🙂

She says there's not a problem with me being atheist. I have the problem.


I always say if your faith in something makes you a better person, and you are happy with your beliefs,, by all means do what is best for you. I have no desire to command you to think like me or to order your submission to my ideas you are entitled to think what you wish.

i agree and that would be the end of that except for the habit of so many christians of NOT agreeing with that, and acting accordingly. i don't try to convert folks to atheism. christians are perpetually telling me i'm going to hell unless i take jesus into my heart or some such thing. people may think what they wish but some wish to think that they may control what i think!


@altschmerz yep, and i got a lot of shit growing up and even as an adult for being jewish. now it's a double whammy! if i'm not going to hell for one thing, it's another lol. these people don't care about being offensive; they're ON the offensive! i think they think they're in the crusades.


@altschmerz yes and it causes dizziness in intelligent observers/victims!


@altschmerz holy cow, i would have said something to that boss early on! one possibility: "i know what christmas is. i do not live under a rock. anyone with a tv, anyone who doesn't live in a cave, is inundated for a couple of months out of the year with christmas movies, christmas stories on tv series, christmas decorations at schools and in stores, christmas parades and christmas news. i do not refrain from celebrating it out of ignorance. i do not celebrate it because it celebrates something in which i do not believe; to celebrate it would be against my religion and my culture. please do not call this my first christmas; it is not my christmas and never will be. feel free to celebrate it as you please; that's your thing. it isn't mine. thank you for thinking of me."


@altschmerz i try to be diplomatic. people don't always respond to it. some people just get SO upset if anyone disagrees with them on any topic. i just had to block someone on fb (not, alas, an unusual occurrence) because... well two people actually. one was adamant that the public school system needed to be dismantled because it is brainwashing kids and they can learn on their own. my argument is that while a lot of education takes place outside the classroom, both the classroom's socialization effects and its presumed egalitarianism help kids and society, particularly the poor -- if you mom and dad are uneducated, how are they going to educate you at home? i said that the system needed to be fixed and i won't go into how here because this will become an even longer post but i think i was reasonable and i said not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. for my efforts i was called all sorts of mocking names, ending with "pathetic." that guy got blocked. then there was the woman who said that raw story was apparently a russian bot site because she read four stories from raw story dealing with racially motivated incidents (for example, white people calling the cops on black people who were minding their own business in public). many people explained to her that raw story was a reputable source of long standing and not in fact a russian bot site. she told one guy to break a bottle and shove it up his ass. i told her politely that her remark was uncalled for and got some vitriol thrown my way in response. she got -- can you guess? -- blocked. diplomacy only works with people who actually aren't hysterical to begin with, eh?


@altschmerz not to mention if we paid teachers enough and put enough money into public education instead of stealing it and giving it to christian schools, thank you bitch devos, we would HAVE better public education! it's like shooting someone in the heart and then saying "we can't give benefits to this person; she's DEAD!"


@altschmerz she fits in with uncle putie's scheme to put in people whose states goals are to dismantle their respective departments. sort of like putting hitler in charge of synagogue restoration. see how THAT goes!



No because there is a large ugly part of me that can't get over the feeling that people who delude themselves into believing in any religion are sad and pathetic.


It worked for me, but there are Christians and Christians. My wife identified as Anglican when we met. Her parents and siblings were quite devout; she much less so. She persuaded me to let our two children attend Sunday School, but that didn't last long: our son in particular couldn't stand it. So it ended without our having (much of) a fight over it. Now she doesn't even attend church herself. I think she is basically agnostic now, although she would probably hesitate to use the word to describe herself.


Only because there's too little non believers to chose from

Edu_0 Level 4 Aug 13, 2019

I wouldn't. I can't tolerate their ideas and conservative views on sexuality. Unless she belongs to a very liberal church.

She doesn't even want to sext! What kind of woman doesn't want to sext?


I don't believe in marriage


Have a lot of great sex with her but don't merry her.

zesty Level 7 Aug 13, 2019

Don't merry her? I leave 'em laughing.


Why would you not?


never again!


I think the bigger question is how we communicate. There always going to be differences in opinions and values. It’s how they are handled that makes the difference.

Too logical for me.


I have no issues with it
I’ve done it in the past and it’s been fine
I have many religious friends in every religion out there.
What’s the big deal?


Never. My three marriages were to: 1 & 2 indifferent, and 3 atheist. Still couldn’t make it work. Being at direct odds with beliefs is too much of a strike against from the get.


Been there, done that. There were issues in the marriage but religion wasn't one of them. One of my best friends of 30 years is a devout Xian. It's not a problem there either. If everyone just agrees to disagree and doesn't make an issue of it, it can be done.



No...! When the children come he/she will want them baptized, go to christian school, church. Their family will ostracize you and give the other half ill advice against you, the heretic monster


I don't want to die alone. There are some very attractive christains. In course of the relationship, you might get them to leave the dark side and begin a journey of enlightenment.


Nope. Nope. Nope. []

Ohub Level 7 Aug 13, 2019

Too late.

What's too late?


Maybe if not evangelical right wing nut job

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 13, 2019

And a goddess


I did. He was born again! We divorced, but not because of that. (He was a serial cheatet!)



i am already engaged and not to a christian, but if i were available -- i don't think i would ever be in a position to wonder whether to marry a christian. i mean, there are people who call themselves christian but all it means is that their families were somehow affiliated with a denomination and celebrated christmas, and then there are people who are actively christian. maybe the former, yeah? definitely not the latter -- but no such christian would ever fall in love with me. i'm too snarky.


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